What Podcasts do you listen to?

I like Mike Rowe’s The Way I Heard It, BBC, Witness History and Ted Talks when I’m taking my walk.

My favorite podcast is WorkLife, by Adam Grant. He's an organizational psychologist, author, and professor at Wharton. In Grant's words, it's about "How to make work not suck."

I listen to some other podcasts on occasion, but I'll always listen to his as soon as a new one is available.
Moth Radio Hour, Snap Judgment, This American Life.
For the most part I switch back and forth between health podcasts and financial podcasts. Once in a while I listen to a beauty podcast.

I will probably fall asleep tonight listening to one of these: John Campbell, Dave Ramsey, Andrew Huberman (with Peter Attia to whom I also listen).
moth radio hour
car talk ( i know they are all old repeats because one of the brothers passed away. i still love listening to them.)
I listen to a lot of podcasts. Mostly Money, BBQ, and IT. Here is my list.


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I listen to a lot of Old Time Radio, Gunsmoke, Dragnet, Let George do it, Philo Vance, The Adventures of Phillip Marlo, Broadway is my Beat, Richard Diamond private detective. I have an app called 'Old Time Radio'. It has a list of about 100 radio shows that you pick from and create your own playlist
and it continues to cycle through them. You can even have many playlists and pick the one you want. There are comedies, Abbott and Costello, Burns and Allen, my favorite, Our Miss Brooks, Action Shows, Crime Shows, Dramas, Future shows, Horror shows, Suspense and Westerns. I fall asleep to them every night.
In Our Time on BBC Radio

Covers a very diverse array of topics (history, culture, the arts, religion, science), almost always interesting with refreshingly no political slant or preachiness.
car talk ( i know they are all old repeats because one of the brothers passed away. i still love listening to them.)

A interesting and fun replacement for Car Talk would be a real winner for whoever could pull it off.
Clark Howard
Hacks on Tap
Security Now (especially for the Gibson's tips on new SciFi books and shows and the photo of the week)
The World and Everything in It - weekday newscast from a Christian perspective
The Babylon Bee - Satire
Honestly with Bari Wise
The Money with Katie Show - Money and personal finance
Young Heretics - the Classical Education you didn't know you needed.
The Tim Hawkins Podcast - Tim is a comedian and his weekly podcast includes his hilarious family
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - detailed history podcast
This Podcast Will Kill You - two (young female) epidemiologists talking about one disease per episode. Sounds weird but very enjoyable and informative.

Pantsuit Politics - two women discussing politics and the news constructively

The Ezra Klein Show - don't listen to all episodes but some guests are excellent and they have a good description to preview

Clear and Vivid - Alan Alda is a great interviewer and his guests are interesting

Moontower Soccer - only of interest to Austin FC fans, but they do a great job

Recently I discovered that there are a bunch of podcasts on knitting, and I'm going through back episodes of several to listen as I knit. My favorites are Very Pink, Make Good, and Yarniacs.

Agree with Chuckanut that a quality replacement for Car Talk would be great.
Not a podcast, but I enjoy listening to the original series of “The Shadow”. About 200 shows ran from 1937 to 1951. The advertisements back then are interesting too. “Blue Coal”, America’s Finest Anthracite.
Money Planet--Interesting stories and factoids about every day economics explained in an easy-to-understand manner.

Built to Sell--Interviews with entrepreneurs about how they sold their company.

Skeptics Guide to the Universe--Podcast that debunks scientific claims found on the internet, conspiracies, bad science, and controversies.
Money Related
- Death, Sex & Money
- The Phil Ferguson Show
- Freakonomics

- Science Friday
- Naked Scientist
- The Thinking Atheist
- Stuff You Should Know
- RV Navigator
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Not a podcast, but I enjoy listening to the original series of “The Shadow”. About 200 shows ran from 1937 to 1951. The advertisements back then are interesting too. “Blue Coal”, America’s Finest Anthracite.
The Old Time Radio I listen to runs all the cigarette ads. They have many where the Doctors are telling us how there is no irritation after 30 days of smoking their brand, nothing about no cancer. One of them advertises Fatima cigarettes, I never heard of them in the mid West, I thing they were a West coast item. Chesterfield is another brand advertised.
I listen regularly to:

Car Talk
Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me

Conversations with Tyler
Macro Musings
Odd Lots

Edit to add - I have dropped some podcasts because of the advertising and have cut back on Odd Lots for that reason. It’s not having ads so much as it is the specific ads.
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Freakonomics, The Chicken Chess CLub, No Stupid Questions, People I mostly Admire, The Axe Files, The Drive (Peter Attia), Ladies Knight (chess), Perpetual Chess, This American Life
Agree 100%! Will be hard for anyone to pull off

Realistically, it would be too difficult and very foolish to try and duplicate Click and Clack. But, a light hearted show with similar information and public call-in would still be great.

I can imagine the first call "I'm NNNNN from the Early Retirement forum, should my next car be and EV, a Hybrid, or an ICE vehicle?"
I listen to:

The Secret History of Hollywood
You Must Remember This
Against the Odds
They Walk Among Us
The Sunshine Place
Your Own Backyard
The Plot Thickens
99% Invisible - design National Public Radio (NPR)
Against the Rules
Aloud at Los Angeles Library - lectures NPR
Apartment Investment Show
Artcurious - art history
Beat Your Genes
Cambridge Forums - lectures with discussion Cambridge.edu
City Arts & Lectures - San Francisco
Commonwealth Club of California - lectures - San Francisco
Dave Ramsey - get out of debt, stay out of debt
Deep Cover
Design Matters - writers, architects, artists, etc
Directed IRA
The Earful Tower - an Aussie in Paris
Encyclopedia Womannica
The Feed - cooking, restaurants, chefs
The Fifth Edition - Infinite Banking
Global Business - BBC news section BBC.com
Gravy - Southern history and cooking
Great Women of Business - business biographies
The Happiness Lab - psychology, happiness
HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review
Hidden Brain - psychology and sociology
Hidden Forces - commentary
How I Built This - entrepreneurs and their stories NPR
Ideas - Canadian, CBC program
Main Street Business - mostly legal stuff
Design Matters - Interviews with artists & designers
Milk Street radio - cooking, restaurants, chefs
Moth Radio Hour - true stories. Nat’l Public Radio
Modern Love - NY Times, stories read by famous actors NPR
Nomad Capitalist- international escape plans
Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell RevisionistHistory.com
Rich Dad Radio Show YouTube.com and RichDad.com
RN design - British design
Sewing with Threads - magazine, clothing sewing
Stuff the British Stole - from ABC - Australia Broadcasting
The Splendid Table - cooking, restaurants, chefs
Stephen Fry’s Great Leap Years
To the Best of Our Knowledge - NPR Wisconsin
TED radio hour - Excerpts of TED talks with commentary NPR
Under the Influence - marketing, Canadian CBC radio
You’re Wrong About
Your Wealth (Australia)
Wharton Business Daily
Wharton Business Radio Highlights
What’s Your Problem
World Update BBC - news
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