What was your happiest moment today?

Getting things done makes me happy. Got 180 mortises bored out on pieces for a bed I'm building for DS. Maybe I should have posted it in "Blow that dough," as the walnut ran almost $700!
Ran 3 miles. I'm a runner, but this run was special because I ran the entire thing. Due to injuries and illnesses I've had to take periodic walk breaks for the last 20 months.

Congratulations. I'm also a runner. That's excellent you are getting back to it.
Ran 3 miles. I'm a runner, but this run was special because I ran the entire thing. Due to injuries and illnesses I've had to take periodic walk breaks for the last 20 months.

Congrats! As a fellow runner, I appreciate what you have been going through.
My happiest moment of the day?

Well, it takes a lot to surpass the joy of awakening very, very slowly in my own bed this morning, in my Dream Home with everything just the way I want it. This while knowing, of course, that I do not have to go to work and yet still have enough income. By the time all that sank in, I was stumbling out to get my coffee and that first sip of good, strong coffee is heavenly!

But that moment was rivaled by the moment when I stepped outside, in my shorts and sandals, to see a lovely, sunny day awaiting us, with perfect temperatures and a little breeze.
I woke up. My life has not been very pleasant lately but it's still a good thing to wake up in the morning. That's usually as good as it gets.

Be careful, Aaron! Don't let yourself get depressed. Depression is awful and you have already been through enough. Life has a lot of good moments in store for you.
See "Sexual Frequency Poll" recently posted :dance:
waking up to my Golden Retriever licking my face? Or walking with him at the park
Buying Christmas presents for my 18-month old granddaughter. Target has lots of cute clothes for little girls. Brought back pleasant memories of doing the same shopping for my daughter when she was little.
OP you beat me to it. Thank you for starting this thread! :dance:

I went golfing this afternoon. A beautiful course, with spectacular views. I walked the course with a good friend. The temperature was in the low 40s, but it was sunny, and I felt great and refreshed. We encountered just a couple of other golfers out, also walking, also enjoying the day. My game may not have been that good, but just being out and feeling very healthy and mobile was a joy.
Black garlic ramen for lunch.
A quiet house early with the anticipation of the first drink of caffeine. Possibilities are endless, the day is so young, and the reassuring noise of the pool robot vacuuming so I don't have to do it. All is well.
Thank you text from a friend who was eating the home made holiday cookies I sent her for breakfast.
However - one poster, interestingly enough, pointed out, "Then why do we have a 'pet peeve of the day' page in here but not a 'happy moments' page?"......So with that in mind, what was your happiest moment today?

Thank you for starting this thread. It is a great idea.

I didn't have any one happy event that stood out today. Just some small moments that added up to a nice day. It just felt good catching up, doing some meal prep and housework. I actually like running the Roombas. I never had those until recently so I feel like it is something from the Jetson's, me watching TV while robots do the vacuuming and mopping. One of our kids and SO stopped by today, and took a couple of boxes of stuff when they left, so that made it a doubly nice visit, since I'm trying to declutter. A contractor called and moved up some work we needed done to this week instead of the end of the month. And I got around 50 upvotes on some of my recent Reddit comments today.
Great thread, thanks OP!

We just moved into a new neighborhood and went to a social function here today. While new friends can’t replace 30+ year friends, it made me happy to meet many nice people, some of whom will hopefully become good friends.
Took 2 year old grandson to a huge Christmas display with lots of lights, music, trains, etc. The look of wonder, joy and amazement in his eyes was priceless!
Love the idea for this thread. Thanks for starting it.

I went out to dinner with 4 friends and then we went to a Christmas concert at my former church. The music was wonderful and seeing people who have attended this church for many years was great. It is making me think about starting to attend again.
Sitting here watching a hummingbird feed from our winter camelia that blooms from Nov - Feb, drinking coffee, and enjoying life without the Monday Morning Madness!

Love this thread, hope it keeps going.......
Went to St. Armand Circle in Sarasota today. Splurged a little at Tommy Bahamas and had a great dinner at L'Europe.
Oh and it was 81 degrees....
I am not retired. I serve as a Guardian Ad Litem for kids in ugly custody battles. Today I visited a boy at his school. Second time I met with him. I like to ask the kids “who would you talk to if you had a problem or needed something”. This boys heartfelt answer, “well, I could talk to you”. Gotta tell you some days I don’t like this job, but days like today keep me in the game!
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