What was your happiest moment today?

Hugs and kisses from my grand children. I am so blessed!!
So happy to hear your great news, Gumby!!
DW recovering well from "brain surgery" back in November and tumor being declared noncancerous.

Talk about being thankful!

2021 the lowest lows and the highest highs emotionally over here.

Christmas evening a really good frind who lives about 150 mi.away phoned and said what are your plans for tomorrow? He wanted to know if we would like to meet for lunch. I agreed to meet 1/2 way and it was set. This couple was in my online motorcycle club that we would meet with a few times a year in the past. In 2019 we had met and ridden with them and 10 other couples for a Memorial day ride. After we all split up and headed home they were hit by a guy who turned into them in a truck. They were both hurt really bad and have not returned to work with lots of surgery's and therapy. I said all that for background of why I was so happy to be able to meet them and have a time of fellowship again with our friends. Never take for granted the time we have above ground.
DW recovering well from "brain surgery" back in November and tumor being declared noncancerous.

Talk about being thankful!

2021 the lowest lows and the highest highs emotionally over here.


Great news that the tumor is non-cancerous! I am glad that your wife is recovering well. Best wishes to you both.
DW recovering well from "brain surgery" back in November and tumor being declared noncancerous.

Talk about being thankful!

2021 the lowest lows and the highest highs emotionally over here.


Oh, wow. So glad for a positive outcome. Many blessings to you and your wife.

We had a wonderful day yesterday with kids/grandkids. Such a blessing to be together, all healthy. We are so thankful.
DW recovering well from "brain surgery" back in November and tumor being declared noncancerous.

Talk about being thankful!

2021 the lowest lows and the highest highs emotionally over here.


That's GREAT, Gauss! I still have my DW with me after her brutal 11-year fight with brain cancer; she's now been cancer-free for over five years. I know EXACTLY how you felt and now feel - I'm so happy for you!

p.s. See you live in GR, we are moving to Holland as soon as our house is built (it is still a soybean field). Looking forward to heading west and a future happiest moment.

Wow - nice! You'll love it out here, and Holland is a gem! Let me know when you get out here and perhaps we could do a meal together sometime. :)
My first granddaughter came home from the hospital today.

Wonderful! Isn't it amazing how you heart just melts when you hold your grandchild?
Time with family is my most happiest time.
My happiest moment today was tucking DW into bed tonight. It was an exhausting day for her. She had to endure a very tough and painful medical procedure today. I ordered out for some chili and we had supper in tonight. We then watched a little TV together and now she's resting. Altogether, a tough day for us. It's nice to know that she's now getting the rest she needs, and I now have some time to relax with the house to myself.
While I was babysitting my 14 mo. old GD, she laid her head on my chest as we watched preschool counting videos.
DD was fussing in the bassinet, more than just a little. I went in to rescue her and she was nothing but smiles, like "glad you came, a fussing baby us keeping me awake "[emoji3059] Kisses and to the swing she went.
My happiest moment today was tucking DW into bed tonight. It was an exhausting day for her. She had to endure a very tough and painful medical procedure today. I ordered out for some chili and we had supper in tonight. We then watched a little TV together and now she's resting. Altogether, a tough day for us. It's nice to know that she's now getting the rest she needs, and I now have some time to relax with the house to myself.

This is so beautiful...thank you for sharing...
I have to have an overnight sleep study at a sleep lab tonight, and DW and I were trying to remember the last time we spent a night apart. We're thinking it was in 2013. We're very blessed.
Hugging the kiddos after getting back home via a redeye from Vegas. I had a lot of fun celebrating friends birthdays but missed the kids (6, 4 & 2) and they missed me. It always feels good to be home! I came out $20 ahead with my gambling winnings, but down quite a bit if you consider the cost of travel lol. Ate like a king this weekend. What is everyone's favorite draw in Vegas, I really enjoyed the cirque O and Beatles shows. Went to freemont st. it's always crazy to step back into the "Old" vegas and then see how much growth has happened.
This is so beautiful...thank you for sharing...

Awwww - thanks so much. Yep, we're trying to squeeze in some fun amidst the medical stuff. DW has some tough and sensitive surgery scheduled a few weeks from now, so on a whim this morning I jumped over to the Royal Caribbean site and started searching for Caribbean cruises. I found a 10-night cruise there leaving next January - I may well book it! :) I can't imagine how nice it'll be leaving the tough Michigan winter to relax on an outdoor roomside terrace sipping a cool drink and watching the islands go by. :)
Awwww - thanks so much. Yep, we're trying to squeeze in some fun amidst the medical stuff. DW has some tough and sensitive surgery scheduled a few weeks from now, so on a whim this morning I jumped over to the Royal Caribbean site and started searching for Caribbean cruises. I found a 10-night cruise there leaving next January - I may well book it! :) I can't imagine how nice it'll be leaving the tough Michigan winter to relax on an outdoor roomside terrace sipping a cool drink and watching the islands go by. :)

You are such a good partner, taking care of, and caring so much for, your DW. I can feel the love in every word you write...
This made me so happy - I've been waiting for the chance to share this!

I was having a dream - an AWFUL dream! Over two hundred employees from Megacorp were waiting for me. I was getting ready in a back room - combing my hair, straightening my tie and such. A presentation was being made of my over six years of work overseeing national and international employee surveys examining productive activity, theft and counterproductive behavior in the workplace. I was going to have to speak, but my fairly toxic VP was going to scrutinize me first and I had no idea what he was going to say. I was wound up and very anxious, dreading the moment. Just before I had to walk out on stage, I woke up and remembered - I don't have to endure ANY of that - I'M RETIRED! A flood of joy washed over me, and I jumped out of bed to start my day!

Now c'mon - does it GET any better than that? :)

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