What was your happiest moment today?

My 74th birthday and still on the preferred side of the grass. Enough money, good health, two great kids, and two very special women who, for reasons incomprehensible to me, seem to like me an awful lot.

Happy Birthday!
My 74th birthday and still on the preferred side of the grass. Enough money, good health, two great kids, and two very special women who, for reasons incomprehensible to me, seem to like me an awful lot.

Happy Birthday.

Congratulations on a happy life!
Heh, heh, hope it's okay to mention my happiest moment from yesterday (it was a long day and I was too tired to report yesterday.)

We had our 2nd annual (I hope) family reunion. Our kids, their kids, my sister and her kids and kids' kids were mostly there. We had quite a group. We rented a shelter and picked up pizza and salads and baked sammiches from our favorite place. There was bingo and food and memories and little kids running around and geese (Say what?)

First time I'd seen eldest daughter in a year. What a great day. Hope I live to see many more annual gatherings.
My daughter-in-law sent me an e-mail. Youngest grandchild, a boy who just turned 4 last week, is ALMOST potty-trained. They had to resort to bribing him with time playing MegaMan but hey, nothing else worked. I know he's smart but I think he's got a stubborn streak- and the acceptability of Pullups-type wear emblazoned with superheroes probably makes using the bathroom low priority.

It's about time!
My daughter-in-law sent me an e-mail. Youngest grandchild, a boy who just turned 4 last week, is ALMOST potty-trained. They had to resort to bribing him with time playing MegaMan but hey, nothing else worked. I know he's smart but I think he's got a stubborn streak- and the acceptability of Pullups-type wear emblazoned with superheroes probably makes using the bathroom low priority.

It's about time!

Friends bribed with candy. Guess what. He could go 10 times a day!
My daughter-in-law sent me an e-mail. Youngest grandchild, a boy who just turned 4 last week, is ALMOST potty-trained. They had to resort to bribing him with time playing MegaMan but hey, nothing else worked. I know he's smart but I think he's got a stubborn streak- and the acceptability of Pullups-type wear emblazoned with superheroes probably makes using the bathroom low priority.

It's about time!

My younger sister didn't mutter a word until she was 2 years old. Now when she calls me she won't shut up! It all works out in the end.:D
Three years ago, we planted Salvia (Mystic Spires Blue Salvia) in our front yard. By the end of summer, we would have 2-3 bumblebees at any one time visiting those Salvia. It was the first time I ever saw bumblebees up close. Fascinating pollinators.

In February 2021, the "Storm of the Century" hit Texas, and that season we saw ZERO bumblebees. I wondered if they would ever return. Last summer, 1-2 showed up in August, so at least some had come back.

Last week, a bumblebee was in the Salvia, much earlier than last year. A couple of days ago, I saw two. This morning before my appointment I saw three (two large and one a bit smaller).

I just went outside to talk to our next door neighbor, and I noticed (and so did our neighbor, who is a huge bee & butterfly fan) at least SIX bumblebees in the Salvia (there are 10 total Salvia plants). I have no idea who is supporting the bumblebee population, but it makes me very happy to see them again.
Three years ago, we planted Salvia (Mystic Spires Blue Salvia) in our front yard. By the end of summer, we would have 2-3 bumblebees at any one time visiting those Salvia. It was the first time I ever saw bumblebees up close. Fascinating pollinators.

In February 2021, the "Storm of the Century" hit Texas, and that season we saw ZERO bumblebees. I wondered if they would ever return. Last summer, 1-2 showed up in August, so at least some had come back.

Last week, a bumblebee was in the Salvia, much earlier than last year. A couple of days ago, I saw two. This morning before my appointment I saw three (two large and one a bit smaller).

I just went outside to talk to our next door neighbor, and I noticed (and so did our neighbor, who is a huge bee & butterfly fan) at least SIX bumblebees in the Salvia (there are 10 total Salvia plants). I have no idea who is supporting the bumblebee population, but it makes me very happy to see them again.

I have also noticed the severe decline in bees this year. I have lots of pollinator plants in my front yards...the deer will leave them alone and the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds love them :dance:. Where in past years, I had hundreds upon hundreds of bees this time of year, this year, maybe only dozens. It saddens me when I go out mid morning and I don't hear the angry buzz when I work too close to them!
My happy moment today was my $18.37 lawn mower repair. The handle is hinged so it can be folded over to stow it in a car trunk. The knob/bolt pair on one side fell off and is probably somewhere in the lawn. I'd wired it together but of course that wasn't very secure. Finally I went on-line and found the replacement pieces. I don't consider myself terribly handy but that wasn't much of a challenge.:D
My happy moment today was my $18.37 lawn mower repair. The handle is hinged so it can be folded over to stow it in a car trunk. The knob/bolt pair on one side fell off and is probably somewhere in the lawn. I'd wired it together but of course that wasn't very secure. Finally I went on-line and found the replacement pieces. I don't consider myself terribly handy but that wasn't much of a challenge.:D

Nice! Great job, Athena!
Cheering on wife as she won a bronze medal in her National Senior Games event this afternoon.
The bulk of the kitchen remodel is done. Got some odds and ends left and we aren't in any hurry to get them done so to make sure it is what we want.

I now can get back to retirement!! Thank God.
I have also noticed the severe decline in bees this year. I have lots of pollinator plants in my front yards...the deer will leave them alone and the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds love them :dance:. Where in past years, I had hundreds upon hundreds of bees this time of year, this year, maybe only dozens. It saddens me when I go out mid morning and I don't hear the angry buzz when I work too close to them!

Same here! We have several lavender plants that have always been full of multiple kinds of bees. I love going out and seeing them covered with nice yellow pollen.
Not so many this year, and they just showed up about a week ago.
It's the little things.

I always get books out of the library when I'm visiting the grandchildren or they come here. I got the entire collection of George and Martha stories by James Marshall, which DS had enjoyed when he was little, and they LOVED it. 6-year old DGD asked if I could get it for her birthday in November. First, I'm really glad they ask for what they want (and take it gracefully 99% of the time if the answer is No)- it's something encouraging. I didn't always do that.

Then I realized- why postpone happiness? I just ordered it on-line since local stores don't have it in stock, and saved $7 shipping because a friend with an Amazon Prime membership is getting it and I'll reimburse him. I can't wait to give it to them (it will be for the family so the middle child will still get a birthday present in November) when they visit next month!
I believe that Books are the best gifts for kids!

DH just completed the last coat of finish on the border of the new front door. Happy the it is all done and looks wonderful. Love the wood door--other one was steel.
The bulk of the kitchen remodel is done. Got some odds and ends left and we aren't in any hurry to get them done so to make sure it is what we want.

I now can get back to retirement!! Thank God.

+1 - sounds great, Street! The inspector just signed off a couple weeks ago on our finished home improvement work. We filled in our breezeway with a brand new room, changed a storage area into an office from which I'm writing this right now, remodeled our bathroom, and painted and touched up our laundry room. *Whew!* We started this work last November - SO glad it's all done!

And - just booked a soon upcoming eastern & southern Caribbean cruise. Now I can get back to retirement! :LOL:
DS and DGS came for dinner and spent the night. They just left to take DGS to art camp for the day. I asked him what he was making this week at camp (thinking he would say painting, clay, etc)
His answer; "Art":LOL:
7 year old smarty pants
Three years ago, we planted Salvia (Mystic Spires Blue Salvia) in our front yard. By the end of summer, we would have 2-3 bumblebees at any one time visiting those Salvia. It was the first time I ever saw bumblebees up close. Fascinating pollinators.

In February 2021, the "Storm of the Century" hit Texas, and that season we saw ZERO bumblebees. I wondered if they would ever return. Last summer, 1-2 showed up in August, so at least some had come back.

Last week, a bumblebee was in the Salvia, much earlier than last year. A couple of days ago, I saw two. This morning before my appointment I saw three (two large and one a bit smaller).

I just went outside to talk to our next door neighbor, and I noticed (and so did our neighbor, who is a huge bee & butterfly fan) at least SIX bumblebees in the Salvia (there are 10 total Salvia plants). I have no idea who is supporting the bumblebee population, but it makes me very happy to see them again.
Three weeks later, and I was able to count 11 bumblebees in our bed of Salvia this morning. There might have been more, but they are such busy workers and are moving around the plants a lot, it's sometimes difficult to count them all. This is more than we saw three years ago in 2020 when we first planted the Mystic Spires, and certainly something I didn't expect after February 2021. :)
Three weeks later, and I was able to count 11 bumblebees in our bed of Salvia this morning. There might have been more, but they are such busy workers and are moving around the plants a lot, it's sometimes difficult to count them all. This is more than we saw three years ago in 2020 when we first planted the Mystic Spires, and certainly something I didn't expect after February 2021. :)

Well that's good news. I like bees of all sorts, especially when they buzz around me while I am out in the garden, because I know they are hard at work helping me have a good harvest.
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