What was your happiest moment today?

Well that's good news. I like bees of all sorts, especially when they buzz around me while I am out in the garden, because I know they are hard at work helping me have a good harvest.

Sorry, I've been stung once too many times to enjoy bees. I avoid them as much as possible. And, of course, DW is allergic to their stings, so there's that.

By the way, I rarely see a bee in Hawaii. BUT DW found the only bee on Sugar Beach in Maui and stepped on it. This was the day we were flying home (we were still tourists back then.) So we found the closest ER and got her a shot. They recommended not flying, but we did and DW was okay.

Enjoy your bees - I'll watch from the window if you don't mind.:cool:
That's a benefit of having perennials and annuals that bees like: The flowers are off the ground, usually concentrated in a landscape bed. The bees tend to not be under foot in those locations. The same goes for food gardens the bees will visit.

Now, have clover intermixed with lawn grass, and you have a different situation. My family had clover in their lawns when I was a kid, and on more than one occasion, I would step on a bee because I was barefoot. I vowed never to have clover in my lawn as a homeowner.
That's a benefit of having perennials and annuals that bees like: The flowers are off the ground, usually concentrated in a landscape bed. The bees tend to not be under foot in those locations. The same goes for food gardens the bees will visit.

Now, have clover intermixed with lawn grass, and you have a different situation. My family had clover in their lawns when I was a kid, and on more than one occasion, I would step on a bee because I was barefoot. I vowed never to have clover in my lawn as a homeowner.

Back when I was the family "mower" I always put heavy rubber bands around my pants legs when I mowed. One bee up your pant leg and you learn these little things.
Key engineer on my team at work had bypass surgery on Friday. His wife told me today it went very well and although he is still in ICU the nurses and therapist had him up and walking in the halls on Saturday. Best news I've heard in awhile. He is scheduled to be discharged on Thursday and sent home. That's quick. 3 month rehab at home. He's old like me so the time off from work will do him some good. He's like me, handcuffed to the job he really enjoys so it is all mixed feelings regarding the 3 months off. I told him last week before the surgery to enjoy it and come back recharged and ready to get back to work. I'll visit him this week if he is up to having visitors.
Back when I was the family "mower" I always put heavy rubber bands around my pants legs when I mowed. One bee up your pant leg and you learn these little things.

For several years, a local beekeeper had one of his hives in our back yard. We enjoyed that a lot and we were never stung, even when he would come open up the hive and I would look over his shoulder to see what our small guests were up to. The only care I had to take was to not hit the hive with the lawnmower when I was mowing back there. The beekeeper got too old to keep it up, so we no longer have the hive.

There are hives out at the community garden where we have our plot, as well as two different kinds of bumblebees and some other very small ground dwelling bee. I don't know the name, but it's not a regular honey bee. They all just ignore me and go about their business.
Beautiful sunny day, expect low 80s today, but not until late afternoon.
Plan a Costco run tonight, we go about 30 minutes before closing, dash through with my list and out the door! Avoid bigger crowds that way, usually.
Trimmed my flowers this morning, more bees in the yard and garden, so that is good.
Fidelity changed up their look on the website. Lot of folks over at the Fidelity forum are up in arms over it. I personally find it clean, easy to use and refreshing. I see no value in complaining about something that isn’t going to change anyway. I mean, I could be at work LOL.
Beautiful sunny day, expect low 80s today, but not until late afternoon.
Plan a Costco run tonight, we go about 30 minutes before closing, dash through with my list and out the door! Avoid bigger crowds that way, usually.
Trimmed my flowers this morning, more bees in the yard and garden, so that is good.

So are bees making a comeback? I had heard that a mite was decimating them.
Well, the day's not over yet, but - I really enjoyed walking a little over three miles this morning with a friend. Almost all my walking/running is done alone, but today I had my good friend's company. We walked along a path close to the shoreline of a river here in Michigan, and we kept a 3.5 MPH pace and jogged the last half mile so we were done well within an hour. It was scenic and nice with some good conversation - great time.
I left my very favorite pair of gym shoes—with custom orthotics—in the locker room Wednesday. People there often take stuff instead of turning it into lost and found, so I was worried they'd be gone for good. And Dr. Scholl's doesn't make that style anymore, so there'd be no replacing them.

But I was so happy today to find out that our dear custodian set them aside for me. She'll get a little extra in her Christmas card this year!
I left my very favorite pair of gym shoes—with custom orthotics—in the locker room Wednesday. People there often take stuff instead of turning it into lost and found, so I was worried they'd be gone for good. And Dr. Scholl's doesn't make that style anymore, so there'd be no replacing them.

But I was so happy today to find out that our dear custodian set them aside for me. She'll get a little extra in her Christmas card this year!
Happy Hour! Tito's and soda $4.50. Domestic drafts $2.00.
Received two emails today. I thought the first one was a scam. It was about receiving a settlement from Megacorp, and these folks claim they're going to be working with us to receive our settlements. I assumed they were fraudulent looking for easy marks. Shortly after, I got one from the attorneys who represented us, and these guys are legitimate!
I still don't know what amount I'll receive. Our attorneys say we're going to be made whole by this award. I did receive almost 10k a few years ago, and another 80-90k would be whole in my mind.
Received two emails today. I thought the first one was a scam. It was about receiving a settlement from Megacorp, and these folks claim they're going to be working with us to receive our settlements. I assumed they were fraudulent looking for easy marks. Shortly after, I got one from the attorneys who represented us, and these guys are legitimate!
I still don't know what amount I'll receive. Our attorneys say we're going to be made whole by this award. I did receive almost 10k a few years ago, and another 80-90k would be whole in my mind.

If I may ask, what was the loss you suffered at the hands of megacorp? Just curious. Never heard of a megacorp making empl*yees whole.
Happiest moment so far today was chowing down on a plate of Fried Clams and crisp fries for late lunch. It's been over a month since last I had them...
If I may ask, what was the loss you suffered at the hands of megacorp? Just curious. Never heard of a megacorp making empl*yees whole.
The Megacorp profit sharing plan for breach of fiduciary duties.

The new shiny CEO put our retirement funds into a company that did what pharma-bro did. They allowed 50% of our funds to be in that one stock, despite warnings from the fund company of concentration risk. When the feds shut it down, we had big losses. I joined the suit only because I learned the prior C-suite was involved in it.

I had pulled a different set of retirement assets(401k) and was just letting this money ride as it had a great history of beating the market with the prior C-suite. The really messed up part is that many of my former coworkers didn't contribute to the 401k as they weren't financially able to or lacked financial knowledge to see why they should. Megacorp continued to contribute to the profit sharing, too. They've been jacked around for years in the courts. Many of their heirs will be collecting.
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The Megacorp profit sharing plan for breach of fiduciary duties.

The new shiny CEO put our retirement funds into a company that did what pharma-bro did. They allowed 50% of our funds to be in that one stock, despite warnings from the fund company of concentration risk. When the feds shut it down, we had big losses. I joined the suit only because I learned the prior C-suite was involved in it.

I had pulled a different set of retirement assets(401k) and was just letting this money ride as it had a great history of beating the market with the prior C-suite. The really messed up part is that many of my former coworkers didn't contribute to the 401k as they weren't financially able to or lacked financial knowledge to see why they should. Megacorp continued to contribute to the profit sharing, too. They've been jacked around for years in the courts. Many of their heirs will be collecting.

Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like you have it coming. Best luck!
Well, just got a call from the kids they will stop within the hour for a little while then go out to her folk's ranch for a swimming party. We will get to see the two Granddaughters which will make it a very happy day. The 6month old just learned to roll over it was so exciting watching on video.
Resigned from my HOA board. We finally have enough people on the board that my presence is no longer needed for a quorum. Eight years is enough. :dance:
Resigned from my HOA board. We finally have enough people on the board that my presence is no longer needed for a quorum. Eight years is enough. :dance:

Yeah that's what all the folks in the room said.:LOL:
Resigned from my HOA board. We finally have enough people on the board that my presence is no longer needed for a quorum. Eight years is enough.

Thank you for your Board service. It is a necessary but often thankless job. I want to ensure you hear a "Thank You" from at least one person.
Had the crown installed on my implant today ending 10 months of chewing on one side of my mouth. Got a bonus cleaning at the end as when I mentioned I would be back next week for my scheduled 6 month cleaning, they offered to do it today as soon as the crown was done. Two birds with one stone as they say.

No more dental visits until my next cleaning in Feb.
The little brown bunnies came out from under the deck and nibbled on the grass while I was having morning coffee.
We only ever see the same two, never any babies. (at least I think they are the same ones!)
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