When did you feel old?

When you're not quite 'over the hill', but you know the brakes aren't going to hold.

I guess DW will enlighten me about the brakes.
Off our rockers, actin' crazy
With the right medication we won't be lazy
Doin' the old folks boogie
Down on the farm
Wheelchairs, they was locked arm in arm
Paired off pacemakers with matchin' alarms
Gives us jus' one more chance
To spin one more yarn

And you know that you're over the hill
When your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill
Doin' the old folks boogie
And boogie we will
'Cause to us the thought's as good as a thrill

Back at the home,
No time is your own,
Facillities there, they're all out on loan
The bank forclose, and your bankruptcy shows
And your credit creeps to an all-time low

So you know, that you're over the hill
When your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill
Try and get a rise from an atrophied muscle,
And the nerves in your thigh just quivers and fizzles

So you know, that you're over the hill
When your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill.....

Little Feat
When I was very young, in the '70s, I knew an elderly couple who lived across the street from Grace Slick. They were so funny pretending they didn't quite know who she is and describing the people who come and go at her house.

And she is still going strong

Grace Slick on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

She passed through Denver a couple of years (less than 2) ago and was interviewed by one of the local Entertainment TV folks. Yeah, she STILL has it goin' on.
When in our early thirties, DW and I were held up at gunpoint.

The worst part was that the newspaper reported that "a middle-aged couple" was robbed.

I generally feel younger now (age 55) than I did at at age 49, thanks to Younger Next Year.
When I kicked those kids off my front lawn, finishing with," ... and stay off."

The moment caught on digital image:

Can't say I felt old at 23, but that's when I realized how quickly life passes by - and wasn't happy about it anymore. Think about it. You can't wait to be 16 so you can get your driver's license. You can't wait until you turn 18 'cause you are "free" of your parents rule. You can't wait 'til 21 because, well, you know... But at 23, and in my case a year of my "career" under my belt, it occurred to me that the next major milestone was someplace off in the 60s (age, not the decade).

I've heard it said that every doubling of age is perceived as the same length of time. That seems about right. So, if at 61 I'm not old, I'm getting there.

The other expression I have to agree with is "I always knew I'd get old. I just didn't think it would happen so fast!" But, of course, YMMV
I thought 30 to 50 to be the 'awkward ages': too old for young stuff, too young for old stuff.
I thought 30 to 50 to be the 'awkward ages': too old for young stuff, too young for old stuff.

Many people fill those years with a whirlwind called child rearing. No better years.

Sometimes I feel old and sometimes I don't. I think the first time I felt old was seeing how my then teenage daughter and her boyfriend acted and how in love they were. I am 55 yrs old and this was only a couple of years ago. They seemed so lighthearted and so much in love and so very young. I remembered when my DH used to look at me like that and thought that I the most important person in the world also. Life does get in the way sometimes. They are now married and have 1 child. They still seem so young though. I guess that I need to get the book Younger Next Year and read it and put it into practice.
When I had to scroll my mouse wheel more than 2 times to enter my birth year on websites that require birth date registration:)
30 - piece of cake
40 - 2nd helping of cake
50 - pass the ice cream cake (just turned 4 months ago)
55 - wedding cake planned
60 - 5 yr anniversary cake planned
70 - low fat cake planned
80 - let them eat cake!
90 - what cake? :D

I actually felt MATURE, but not old, when I married at age 25 and bought a house in the same year. It was a coming of age and a sign of adult success.
Life has pitched many a screaming curve ball at me, and I had to hit each one clean over the fence.
We all have, in our own way. We must keep stepping up to the plate and grinning at the pitcher.:bat:
Starting a new life from scratch, when I was widowed at age 46, was by far the worst pitch. That gives me a totally different perspective on aging. Old means I'm alive. :D
To me, old will happen when I allow myself to no longer feel young at heart. And that, my friends, shall never pass on my watch. :cool:
Maybe it isn't having children, but I didn't feel old until a few months ago when I began taking care of a baby. Being 54 and lugging a baby, even a sweet baby, around it makes you feel your age. Bother psychologically and physically.
Reading this made feel old... on so many levels. Oh so old.

22-Year-Old Sells Virginity Online

I'm looking at that woman, and I woujld say her chances of being a virgin are not too great. Maybe she got a surgical resoration for her project.

It certainly is an easier route to FIRE than years of washing baggies and eating beans.

You mean when the hot young chicks smile at you sweetly and call you "Sir"?
Or when you involuntarily sigh as you sit down and grunt as you struggle to stand up?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

The more I work out, the younger I feel. The nice thing about elder exercise is that you can discern the results much more quickly.

If you want to feel young again, go visit your friendly neighborhood rehab/PT clinic. Or the senior center. Or a homeless shelter. I always leave these places with a spring in my step and a more realistic perspective on my alleged "problems".

I especially enjoy sparring taekwondo and watching my teen opponent panting in exhaustion at the beginning of the third (his final) round. Unfortunately it doesn't happen as often as my ego can handle.

As for the hot young chicks, I now bestow upon them a special smile that I'd never have been able to get away with in my 20s. It's delivered with plenty of eye contact and an expression that says "Ah, if you only knew how to do what I know how to do..."

How old are Pete Townshend & Roger Daltry now?

I somehow suspect that the "know how to do" part has nothing to do with hanging a ten, or does it?
When I was 35 a kid I used to babysit got married. That was my first indication.
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