Who eats bacon?

Not very often but I don't have any issues eating it when it is on offer. We have a family breakfast with all the fixings (ok no grits) once or twice a month. Most recently Christmas morning. I too am more fond of back bacon (peameal bacon here) but the dog definitely prefers the regular kind.
I enjoy any type of bacon (any real pork bacon of course).

This is my all time favorite:


It’s VERY smokey and produces some of the best bacon fat for cooking.

This bacon is shipped all around the country and used by many chefs. I stop in when I’m driving through Tennessee, but they ship too.

How it’s made:

This video is an interview and tour with Allan Benton.

Yeah, bacon & eggs, BLT's, turkey clubs, wedge salads with blue & bacon bits.

I especially like a good BLT. By good I mean like mayo both toasted breads, an inch of lettuce, 4 good thick tomato slices and a half pound (before cooking) of bacon. Fantastic! You get the bacon crunch, the lettuce crunch and the tomato juiciness. Heaven - :)
My grandmother would fry up a pack of bacon every morning, Drop the eggs in the grease and spoon it over them to cook sunny side up.... This was their breakfast just about every day... they both died in their 90s... We go through a lb or 2 a week for various reasons.
The one piece of bacon I don’t like is that hunk of crap they add to a can of baked beans. Whatever value that has is long gone by the time I open the can.
Bacon is an excellent flavor enhancer. A little goes a long way.

+1 on the little scrap in the canned baked beans. That's why I started making my own baked beans with less sugar and more bacon.
We cook breakfast on weekends only. Usually eggs and either bacon, goetta or sausage patties. Probably go through about 2 pounds of bacon a month. More in summer when tomatoes are in season (BLTs). Also keep a container of bacon grease in the fridge for occasional use in cooking. Tried turkey bacon, but really didn't care for it.
We don't eat it at home but I'll do a BLT eating out occasionally.

There there are vacations and usually that means bacon with some breakfasts along with the occasional Hostess cupcake at lunch. >:D
I eat it around once a week, perhaps twice. Love the BT with mayo and without the L.
We like bacon but do not crave it. We eat it irregularly. At the moment we have not had any in the house since early November. This thread reminds me I need to get some. We used to buy the Costco bacon when it was a huge bargain compared to the store brands, and that would last use for 3-4 months.

When we do have it in the house, I eat about 3-4 slices a week, As part of a bacon and egg breakfast. That breakfast fills me up for the rest of the day. If I also have shrimp (rare as DW is deathly allergic to shellfish), I'll have bacon wrapped shrimp. I save the lard, and use it for cooking eggs and in my bacon-flavored-onion-with-bacon-bits dip. I carmelize the onions in a lard/olive oil mix before mixing it with the other dip ingredients. Mmmm... just finished off the dip I made for Christmas.

On average when eating out I probably have it 1-2 times a month. At one point a group of my friends had a regular Friday breakfast get together at a local restaurant and I always had bacon with eggs or pancakes. Then some of the folks decided it was getting too pricey so we meet more irregularly at a fast food place, where I might get a bacon-with-egg muffin/croissant thing a couple of times a month.

Then there is turkey bacon, DW will tend to get that as she has more weight/pre-diabetic risks than I do. She usually uses it mixing into dinner options. but probably no more than every 2-3 weeks or so.
Let’s get some salivating going!

I made jalapeño poppers for New Year’s Day.

Most of the jalapeños were 5” long!


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A lot of talk about BLTs, you need to watch that lettuce! Only a little tongue in cheek.

Lettuce has 13 to 267 mg of Nitrates per 100 grams. Bacon, it has 380mcg* per 100grams. The lettuce has 34 to 702 times more Nitrates than the bacon.

* note micro vs milli

"your gut biome can break down nitrate into nitrite, which can cause health complications such as an increased risk of cancer. Nitrate is an inorganic, water-soluble chemical. Your body makes around 62 milligrams (mg) of nitrites a day, but the majority of nitrates come from your diet. On average a person living in the United states consumes 75 to 100 mg of nitrates a day."

Pick the food you want to get your poison from, I guess! :(
Let’s get some salivating going!

Careful, "Nitrate and nitrite are natural constituents of saliva." :facepalm:


I made jalapeño poppers for New Year’s Day.

Most of the jalapeños were 5” long!
A lot of talk about BLTs, you need to watch that lettuce! Only a little tongue in cheek.

Lettuce has 13 to 267 mg of Nitrates per 100 grams. Bacon, it has 380mcg* per 100grams. The lettuce has 34 to 702 times more Nitrates than the bacon.

* note micro vs milli

"your gut biome can break down nitrate into nitrite, which can cause health complications such as an increased risk of cancer. Nitrate is an inorganic, water-soluble chemical. Your body makes around 62 milligrams (mg) of nitrites a day, but the majority of nitrates come from your diet. On average a person living in the United states consumes 75 to 100 mg of nitrates a day."

Pick the food you want to get your poison from, I guess! :(

Yes, a whole lot of vegetables contain nitrates, especially celery.
Love bacon - bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeños, bacon wrapped chicken breasts, bacon wrapped filet minion, bacon fried cabbage, bacon strips for breakfast, to name a few of my favorites
Oooh bacon fried cabbage - I hadn’t thought of that although I’m sure I was served some in a German restaurant!

I do collards with bacon fairly often. Southern style vegetables generally require some type of cured pork and I prefer bacon.
The one piece of bacon I don’t like is that hunk of crap they add to a can of baked beans. Whatever value that has is long gone by the time I open the can.

I wouldn't call that bacon, but rather salt pork. My mom used to make her own baked beans and I remember getting a chunk of salt pork for her to cut into chunks for that. It's mostly fat but not bad.
Yeah, salt pork is not smoked. It’s typically used in southern vegetables dishes. But I always use bacon!
:baconflag:Not often, but I love :baconflag:
Every day for breakfast, and added some to a batch of chili yesterday - so I'll be eating bacon twice a day for a while. I have to eat bacon - I'm on a keto diet.
I enjoy any type of bacon (any real pork bacon of course).

This is my all time favorite:


It’s VERY smokey and produces some of the best bacon fat for cooking.

This bacon is shipped all around the country and used by many chefs. I stop in when I’m driving through Tennessee, but they ship too.

How it’s made:

This video is an interview and tour with Allan Benton.
Wow, I think I’ve been there!

My cousin from north GA was interested in their version of prosciutto. Unfortunately I did not know to try their bacon!
Hunk? you say? You mean that tiny sliver of something they put in pork & beans?
I had a friend go blind trying to find that tiny piece.

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