Who takes Gabapentin and why?


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 3, 2020
Tampa, FL
My neurologist and osteo doctor recommended it for arthritis of the neck. They said 300 mgs before bedtime, more during the day if necessary. To be honest it has not really helped my neck issues but has definitely aided my insomnia problem. Who else takes it, for what reason, and has it helped?
I took it off and on over the past 3 years. Not daily, only when the pain was more than I could deal with. I had severe nerve damage resulting in major pain and numbness in my left hand and fingers due to 3 problems. 1) Severe arthritis in my neck/bone spurs/trapped nerves 2) adhesions from previous carpal tunnel surgery from 10 years ago that caused my nerves to be "stuck" to a tendon in my wrist 3) Severe arthritis in the thumb joint.

I ended up having surgery for all 3 conditions. First to fix the adhesions from the carpal tunnel. Then a posterior decompression laminectomy and fusion of 3 vertebrae in my neck, and finally joint replacement in my thumb.

Finally the pain is gone (what a relief!), however, I apparently waited too long to address the problems and now have permanent nerve damage in my hand. My fingers are still numb and the sensory nerve that tells my brain where my hand is in space remains damaged so I have lots of trouble with fine motor movements of that hand.

On the days when the pain was unbearable the Gabapentin was the only thing that kept me sane.
I have been on 2400mg daily for nerve pain in my left hand .
Who else takes it, for what reason, and has it helped?

They started me on Gabapentin in the hospital after my wreck and surgery's due to nerve damage from both. Was having numbness, sciatic type pain and sharp pin pain like stepping in a fire ant nest in my left leg. The sciatic type pain subside over time, most the fire ants are gone, the numbness is still there. After leaving the hospital and going into Pain Managment They worked me up to 900MG 3X a day. Yes it deadened the nerve's alright. To much in some places. So I have been working myself back down to just 100MG 3X a day and so far I can manage what nerve type pain I'm still having.
I suggest your read up on the side effects of it. Its one of the meds you don't just stop taking.
I took it after my hip replacement when they cut a nerve but it didn't do any good. The only medication that helped with pain was Oxycodone, nothing else touched it even a little. Vicodin, Tramadol, Gabapentin, Celebrex, Morphine, all useless for me with post surgical pain. Both my parents have also stated that Gabapentin was useless on their nerve pain and in my Mom's case she was even taking the most her Doctor had ever prescribed for that particular medication. Don't know why it helps for some people and is completely useless for others.
I took gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy caused by meds I took for Multiple Myeloma. I stopped taking it after about 30 days because it caused me to get blurry vision. As for helping with the peripheral neuropathy, I don't think it helped anyway.
Gabapentin seems to be the go-to prescription for older people with nerve issues. My mom took it daily for foot nerve damage. Maybe wearing high heels for most of her adult life. My older siblings take for various nerve damage.
My SO takes it as needed for foot and leg nerve pain. Takes it maybe 3 times a month when the pain is too severe for tylenol.
My SO takes it as needed for foot and leg nerve pain. Takes it maybe 3 times a month when the pain is too severe for tylenol.

Not sure how that helps. It's Gabapentin one of those drugs that have to be taken regularly to build up in your system?
DH takes Gabapentin for restless leg syndrome. Has really helped, as long as he takes it no jumping legs!
I have been on it in the past, mostly helps with nerve pain.
Thankfully, at this time, I can do my PT exercises to keep pain at bay. Arthritis in my neck, shoulders, low back.
Not sure how that helps. It's Gabapentin one of those drugs that have to be taken regularly to build up in your system?

Supposedly you are supposed to take it daily and let it build up in your system, but it worked for me to just take it on an as needed basis.
I take 600 mg at night for sciatica pain. It seems to help.
Never took it. But some people take it for tinnitus or anxiety.
A few years ago I had a severe, immediate attack of back pain. I could not get to sleep for hours and when I did get to sleep, it was not much more than an hour before waking up with pain. It then took at least an hour to go back to sleep. I spent several weeks sleeping in a recliner. When I finallly saw the Dr., he diagnosed as sciatica and stenosis. He prescribed 600mg gabapentin before bed. It did nothing. Then he increased it to 1200mg and that day, I slept! After a short time, I gradually reduced it and eventually I did not use it at all.

Whether there was a buildup in my system that did the job or not, I don't know. I do know it was a miracle worker for me.
DW was on it for a few months to deal with shingles and subsequent nerve damage from the shingles. It helped. Not complete relief but definitely helpful.

She tapered it down and got herself off of it eventually due to side effects, particularly weight gain.
I have a pinched nerve in my neck that causes arm pain when I sit or drive. Doc gave me an Rx for Gebapentin to help ease that pain. Phys. Therapy also helps.
I just started taking a low dose for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) probably related to my Parkinsons. I only have had mild and infrequent RLS and util last night a small dose knocked it right off. Last night Gabapentin deemed to have no effect. The RLS was so irrigating I was up all night. Iy is starting to crank up again now, so I will try a lot more gabapentin and some Nyquil and hope it works.

As it did for the OP a small dose is generally a good sleeping aid. My wife has taken it for years for severe RLS and has had no problems that she is aware of.
I take 300 mg for sleep and neuropathy in my feet. It's been a few weeks and it seems to be working for both.
I just started taking a low dose for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) probably related to my Parkinsons. I only have had mild and infrequent RLS and util last night a small dose knocked it right off. Last night Gabapentin deemed to have no effect. The RLS was so irrigating I was up all night. Iy is starting to crank up again now, so I will try a lot more gabapentin and some Nyquil and hope it works.

As it did for the OP a small dose is generally a good sleeping aid. My wife has taken it for years for severe RLS and has had no problems that she is aware of.
Edit: No wonder the RLS was getting worse as the day went by. When I went to refill my daily pill container for PD pills, I saw that I had not taken any all day. My phone alarms got turned off and, with my ADHD, I can get focused on other things and forget meds. I got levodopa back in the blood stream, and with a low dose of gabapentin, I slept for 10 hours. All's well that ends well.
I was given gabapentin twice, when I had chemo and then later when I had terrible neck pain. Neither time did it help me and when I got up in the middle of the night - dizzy. I took it long enough to know I was getting nowhere with it.
I was given gabapentin twice, when I had chemo and then later when I had terrible neck pain. Neither time did it help me and when I got up in the middle of the night - dizzy. I took it long enough to know I was getting nowhere with it.

Was put on 300 mg for neck nerve pain. Knocked me for a loop. Dizzy lethargic. Had to take an hour nap 1 hour after taking. Felt like crap but thought I might get used to it. Then I got a rash and stopped taking it...

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