Whos got dry powder?

Anyone have a buy target for this sale?
No, and I think it may be presuming to label it a sale. It is obviously cheaper than a week ago, but not necessarily or even likely cheaper than some reasonable standard of value, which itself would not guarantee a bottom.

I believe that investors should try to use descriptive terms, not opinion suggesting terms when trying to talk about markets.

I think we have a ways to go before this is over. But I will buy when my AA is around 5% out of alignment.
It may take a while for this to play out. As explained elsewhere, I already sold some put options in mid January, at low strike prices that I really did not expect to hit.

Well, some strike prices have been breached, and if the market does not rebound some by Feb 16, I will find my stock AA going back up to 70+%. I need to refrain from buying even more. Gotta hang on to my cash (about 30% now).

On the way up, the market hit the high strike prices of the call options that I thought impossible to reach. On the way down, it may also take out prices that I did not think possible.
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Can't file taxes until brokerage finishes my last form, THEN I'll have some money to work with. So let's hold off on the rally until maybe early April? OK? Thanks! :)
I tried to buy a few k today but vanguard’s website had crashed. I’m not sure if I should buy in periodically or wait for lower prices. I don’t know if this is a crash or small correction. If the market drops 25% or more, I’m going to dump all my cash in and sell the meager bonds I have for stocks - but I have a long time until I retire and dual income
I’ve tended to be a 100% stocks guy in the past. However, a combination of getting older, having more money at stake, valuations, and having kids has had me slowly lowering my stock allocation over the last couple of years.

I was 70% stocks / 30% cash or short term treasuries last Monday night when I added everything up. So I’m probably something like 65/35 now.

The market is still really stretched valuation-wise in my opinion. I think we are still at least a few thousand points in the Dow from my getting interested in buying more stock in an aggressive way.

There are a couple of individual names that I think are reasonably valued that I might nibble at soon, but for the most part I’m not interested yet.
I’ve got tons of dry powder but it’ll take a 30% peak to trough drop to get me to start buying more equities.
I set my AA when the Dow and the S&P were considerably below what they are today. Until, and unless things drop well below what they are today, I'm not playing around with it.

But to answer your question, yes, I have a lot of dry powder, relative to my nut.
35% dry powder. Have had some remorse in the last several years for not deploying. Will wait til market settles some and maybe DCA some back in. I said maybe.
Should never feel remorse about having cash. Fund managers have cash. Warren Buffet has cash. Corporations have cash. Why would an individual be different? Cash is empowering.
Should never feel remorse about having cash. Fund managers have cash. Warren Buffet has cash. Corporations have cash. Why would an individual be different? Cash is empowering.

We will continue to buy/sell as necessary to maintain our AA. We have dry powder for some extra equity buying on the side, but I'm beginning to think that we'll be very conservative with it should the market drop 20% or more (as most of us here expect it will). I originally planned to use all of the powder to buy "on sale" but now think I'll likely use half of it.

Yes, Free bird Cash is empowering.
I have 'dry powder', but it's supposedly for getting me through the early retirement years, thus easing 'sequence of returns' risk. Don't know if cutting into that to buy into the stock market is wise for me (I have 'just enough').
I like just buying more shares for whatever money I have to work with each month. I don't worry too much about what the market is doing as it's futile anyways. The market will do what the market will do. I know at least some of the time I will get good prices.
I'm spending $2.5K of my $7.5K cash balance today buying some stock. I usually spend $1K per month buying stock.
Currently sitting on 32% dry powder. Have not made a "major" buy into the market since Jan 15 2016. Would be looking at putting money back in around 2400 level (S&P). Would not surprise me if we revisit 2100 level if there are panic selling days. JMHO....
Heading for the hills

From the title I thought you were starting a thread about skiing.
I still toil for megacorp, so I get some dry powder every fortnight. But my 19yr old water heater is starting to leak, and I’ll need some updated plumbing if I expect to meet code. So I won’t have much extra for a few weeks.
Just the dry powder from my "rebalance" last week Wednesday. Currently have some limit order buys in, but do not expect it to get low enough to trigger. Will DCA back in in the March / April timeframe.
Whos got dry powder?
Answer: Everyone?


Who's going to use it?

Answer: Very few who are in the distribution phase, but a bigger fraction of those who are in the accumulation phase.

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