wierd, severe hip pain


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 18, 2005
bear with me since even the tinist motion like typing sets it off.

went to yoga and did a sideways bend: sitting on floor, legs at 90°, right leg bent so that heel is in crotch, arms and torso arched over bent right leg. Nothing extreme or that I haven't done before. I felt a slight 'cramping' in left hip, but nothing severe and I continued the other (very mild) exercises with only slight awareness of this mild cramp coming and going. It wasn't 'til I got into the car that the cramping got worse.

Now it's at the point where to turn over in bed was a 2 minute deal with me moving like a snail/sloth/worm. It comes and goes in severe "fits". I can walk (like Frankenstein) without pain, but tinymovements like clearing my throat, coughing, farting (excuse me!) or even breathing can set off a stabbing pain through the middle of the left hip. Back and leg not involved. Weight-bearing not involved. I can be sitting or standing or lying down (apparently) completely immobile and it will come on strong enough to make me cry out.

Lying on right side in bed: can't lift head off pillow without inducing great hip pain. Sitting up: ok if done sloooowly. Put on pants: can lift left leg ok, but experience stabbing left hip pain just moving right foot an inch or two. A soluble dose of antiinflammatory medicine (Oki) did nothing. Trying to concentrate either on consciously 'relaxing' or 'tensing' can produce the pain onset as well. It's a question of a millimeter. At times moving my right hand and arm works ok, other times it suscitates the pain. It feels like a giant monster hand pinching my hip, or a dull knife going through it. It lasts 10-20 seconds at most, but can come in a series. :p

Unsure whether to go to the hospital straightaway or to rest a day and see how it goes. It's not better this am since last night.
I hope you feel better.
I think 24 hours is the maximum time one should be in major league pain without seeing a doctor.
Sounds like the muscle spasm that I've experienced after injuring my back (Muscle Spasm). Incredibly painful.
Are you putting ice on the hip ? I would go to a doctor lots of time these things need a dose of steroids to stop the spasm . Hope you feel better .
Not that this will help your pain any, but I experienced the same thing a few months back. It actually stuck me in the middle of the night out of nowhere. I couldn't move, and the pain was so intense I was virtually in tears and almost ready to have my wife take me to the hospital.

I decided to try and just rest and sleep, but it was almost impossible to fall asleep. Anyway, I managed to just not move for a day and and get by with some extra strength pain relievers. The pain ended up going away in about 2 days as quickly as it came.

I don't know if it was some kind of pinched nerve or acute muscle spasm, but it was absolutely horrible.
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I don't know what it is but you should go to the doctor. At least you will be able to get pain meds and something to relax your muscles.
Unsure whether to go to the hospital straightaway or to rest a day and see how it goes. It's not better this am since last night.

I am sorry that you are hurting so bad. This could well be from your back. The sciatic nerve or other nerves may be pinched.

I would go to your Doctor.

Unsure whether to go to the hospital straightaway or to rest a day and see how it goes. It's not better this am since last night.
Are you kidding me? You must have a huge threshold for pain.
Go to the Dr. Take something for the pain in the interim.
Hope you get better soon ... but I think that won't happen without some medical attention.
thanks everyone.. sorry to those others who have had to experience this.. it's a b*tch!

Took some Buscopan (antispasmodic they gave DH for kidney stones); didn't work but I napped the am away on the couch. Had a hard time merely righting myself to eat a plate of pasta, so DH called the "Guardia Medica" which sometimes brings a doctor but in this case an ambulance and a nurse. The nurse wasn't allowed to give me anything for the pain but they took me in the ambulance to the Pronto Soccorso. First you go to a triage person.. that took a 1/2 hour or so, then there was a 3-hour wait to see the doctor. In the meantime, we saw a German guy with a broken foot, another guy with a hugely swollen sprained ankle (possibly broken), two old ladies in a very bad state (brought in by our same ambulance guy), an ambulatory old guy with a catheter sticking out the front of his pants and a plastic shopping bag full of urine.. a teenager who had fallen and now couldn't move/breathe w/o pain (maybe a broken rib?), an unconscious-seeming soccer player brought in on a trolley.. plus vomiting little kids and various other people with unidentifiable ailments. The young lady doc gave me an injection of some kind of painkiller (not steroids) and a prescription for some kind of pain pills that DH is out getting now. The doc said it was probably the spine even though the area near my spine didn't hurt.

The pain is 75% gone now. I really hope it resolves itself in a couple of days like Jeremy's. If it gets bad again I will try ice.. a hot water bottle was soothing but not really helpful otherwise. I'll let you know how it comes along and also how much the "ticket" (co-pay) will be. I was "Code Blue".. at the ER the triage color chart went Code Red/Yellow/Green/White with red for the most urgent cases. No blue! Anyway I just looked it up and it is 25 euros for white or blue; free for the others. 25 euro extra if they had needed to do X-rays, MRIs or other lab tests.

Thanks for the advice and your good wishes.. :)
ack! yes, sometimes rest is the best for these things! Was it a new move for you? were you pushing yourself more than usual? I've pushed too hard before and had issues later! sometimes you can get yourself warmed up and "think" you can go for it! or just a weird position and new parts of your body show up - in this case a nerve or ligament or something that never bothered to show it's face before!

Good luck and take it easy next time - it could twinge back up and be sensitve for a long time!

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