Worth it just for the best headline of the year

Think substances might have been involved?

Think substances might have been involved?


I don't know. Most substances that induce that kind of stupid also tend to make you lay down and go to sleep. I suspect genetics.
If an assault with injury occurred would he have the option of not pressing charges? Maybe he just didn't want his brother to go to jail on these charges, and this was the only way to keep that from happening.
I'm debating whether it'd be a benefit or not to teach dumb people better marksmanship.
I'd say something about being horny, but then I'd probably have to shoot myself in the arm.
Are we still talking about hot chick traits?

Or is where we should insert an "udder disaster" punchline?

Local news person actually used "udder disaster" in reporting this story.
And from an AP story...

"It's a giant changing of the subject," said Jenny Backus, a Democratic strategist. "The problem is the messenger. If you want to start throwing fire bombs, you don't send out the fluffy bunny to do it. I think people don't take Sarah Palin seriously."

Bunnymania is hitting its stride...
I've always been fluffy. Fuzzy just played better in the focus groups. Plus I got hit on by fewer newbie guys with Fuzzy vs Fluffy.

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