Wow, it’s getting really scary in Texas - and everywhere else!

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And let's not forget: Cases aren't really a picture of yesterday. They are several days, or a week old. If you're determining the virus level of your community based on case numbers, assume it's double. Between results-lag and un-diagnosed folks walking around, probably more.

From day 1 I have assumed everyone I interact with might have it. And I've limited myself accordingly. Just because stuff reopens doesn't mean it's safe.
I think getting the economy rolling again is a much better option. Forcing people to do anything is a last resort & we're not there imo. If people can't be responsible towards others it's on them. If some won't be responsible, arrest those vs. punishing everyone.
I think the reverse. Fix covid and the economy will get going. People aren't spending while the trends are so negative. The public has to feel safe to open their pocket books.
Texas hasn’t published today’s new case numbers, but Florida with a whopping 10,000+ new cases could beat TX today.

I’ve been expecting TX to pass New Jersey today in total case count since they’ve been reporting >>20x the daily cases.
My running 7 Day Average calculation of new infections in my county is now over 3x the lowest number. Given that the county is testing twice as many people as back then, it's still a healthy increase. What I don't know is are we seeing more referrals of sick people to testing. If so, that might explain the remaining part of the difference in new occurrences. I remember that back in April and May many doctors saw no point in referring some mildly sick patients for a test since there wasn't much they could do anyway and testing was rationed. Now, they seem to refer more people since there is more testing.

I would love to see states engage in statistically meaningful sampling of the entire population so we could get a handle on just how widespread this disease is. We still don't know. :eek: Amazing. You can't make this stuff up.

In the latest Peter Attia interview, the guest recommends that, at the least, we stockpile the kind of things we will need for any future pandemic - testing equipment, reagents, PPE equipment, etc. Even if we don't have a proper vaccine or treatment, we can be ready to mount some kind of defense.

I don't recommend listening to this interview unless you are really into geeky medical terminology, but his comments make it clear that finding a vaccine or treatment protocol is not easy.
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That looks like yesterday’s number.

I see 3,193 for TX for today so far - which pushes TX past New Jersey and into 3rd place.

I think Texas posts their numbers in 2 parts. I see the same number, but don't think that will be the final number for today.
I think Texas posts their numbers in 2 parts. I see the same number, but don't think that will be the final number for today.

Maybe not, but it has been every day for the past several weeks I've been following these two charts. Final numbers have always been posted by 4 PM Central.
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I think the reverse. Fix covid and the economy will get going. People aren't spending while the trends are so negative. The public has to feel safe to open their pocket books.
Covid won't be fixed till there's a vaccine/effective treatment. IMO there won't be an economy to get going if we wait for that.

Life is a risk. Make your choices. I choose people working.
Not long ago he prohibited Texas cities from requiring their citizens to wear masks. Great leadership we have, huh?:(

If only people from this board were in charge. Or, if only we were more like China. Don’t just fine people without masks. Shoot them! We can dream I guess. Maybe soon enough after the election.
Gov. Abbott just issued a mask order for most of TX:

Texas Mask Order
Sounds very similar to ours. Yesterday and today Baton Rouge and several other Louisiana towns also issued similar mask orders with fines for violations.

Louisiana's numbers looked even worse today than yesterday. This is not good. Earlier this year, for 8-10 weeks I stayed at home completely to avoid catching the virus, except for occasionally sitting on my backyard patio. Guess we may need to return to that lifestyle sooner than we think. :(
Covid won't be fixed till there's a vaccine/effective treatment. IMO there won't be an economy to get going if we wait for that.

Life is a risk. Make your choices. I choose people working.

^^^^^ THIS.

Also, even from a purely health perspective, lockdowns are not free. People are not getting needed medical care, you have drug abuse, untreated mental health, etc.

People are in fact spending money and the economy is growing. Working to keep people safe and keep the economy growing is a balancing act for government.

We will no doubt continue to have better treatments but a vaccine is not a certainty. So we need to adapt. Cases will wax and wane, the economy will continue to reopen in fits and starts. This is just where we are.

I plan to stay as safe as possible but also patronize businesses as much as makes sense. This will support workers and businesses that we need up and running for the long-term.
Covid won't be fixed till there's a vaccine/effective treatment. IMO there won't be an economy to get going if we wait for that.

Life is a risk. Make your choices. I choose people working.

The 'fix' is herd immunity, afaik. At the rate the spread is being restricted, this will drag out for years. I don't understand the smugness of counties/states/countries saying their low infection rate is a good thing. What is their end game? To stay isolated forever?
My city (Tulsa) has mandated all bars and places serving food must require all employees wear masks. Now, that's a good start, but unfortunately almost zero customers wear masks so we've got a ways to go. Our seven-day average cases are five times what they were just a few weeks ago.

The 'fix' is herd immunity, afaik. At the rate the spread is being restricted, this will drag out for years. I don't understand the smugness of counties/states/countries saying their low infection rate is a good thing. What is their end game? To stay isolated forever?

Herd immunity, AFAIK, with Covid, is an unknown. It might not exist. Or it might exist, but only for a short duration. Covid antibody immunity has not yet been proved or assigned any duration. At least I think that’s true. I’m not sure why this hasn’t been figured out yet.
After all these months, isn't the "its one or the other, stay safe or save the economy!" a little tiresome, if not insulting?

Of course people need to make their own choices. Of course we most of us here have the luxury to determine personal risk and adapt. Of course it's not binary. As long as your choice doesn't become a cloud of your covid droplets in my face at the grocery store, fine...

There is a large segment of the population who are simply not going to rush back in to "old times" activities until there are some medical advances and more information. I'm hoping for a few more decades on this planet. I'll wait.
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