Wow, it’s getting really scary in Texas - and everywhere else!

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Got plenty of that, but my supply of nitrile gloves is getting thin. Snooping around online for some is discouraging.

Just like dryer sheets (which I don’t actually use) I reuse most of my nitrile gloves, only discarding them when they are soiled or torn. I set them aside of a week or more and bag them up as “used”.

I'm curious, why the gloves?

Is there any difference whether you touch your face (or anything) with your gloved hand or bare hand?

You can wash your hands between touching things, or use hand sanitizer. Unless you replace gloves between touching things, isn't that worse?

I use gloves out shopping. It keeps me from touching my face, and then I clean my hands as I can when I return to the car. I started this habit early, and have stuck with it because it seems to work well for me.

Why would I replace gloves between touching things in the store?
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The only good news is bad news according to the press. I can remember just a few months ago when all the press cared about were deaths per day. Now that number seems to be getting lower, it will focus on new cases. Covid is real, no doubt about it. Still, I feel like we are being manipulated by our government when they don't care about large protests but don't want to let people gather at the beach or the parks.
After seeing the upticks going on and pondering why, It seems governor of Texas has realized that if we are going to progress the economy at all then we need to get to the point where the folks that won't wear masks or social distance need to be the ones staying at home. So everyone else can get the economy running again. Right now a drag on the economy is people that are not following medical advice and wandering around in public cockily spreading the virus. Many mask wearing folks won't go participate in the reopening in a bid to avoid these people.
Yes, it seems so logical to me that [-]social[/-]physical distancing and face coverings are what facilitate the economy opening, I don’t understand why that hasn’t been clearly messaged as part of coming out of shelter-in-place/stay-at-home.
Wow, it’s getting really scary in Texas!

I don’t understand the blame on young people when they are following the laws? Maybe if what they are doing is dangerous to the larger population we should have some leadership to put in laws/safeguards.

My experience has been that Europe is more concerned about society and US is more concerned about the individual. If I focus on my individual risk of catching a virus, maybe I choose to go to a bar? If I focus on what is good for society, I’d be more inclined to wear a mask and limit social interaction.

I’ve worn masks plenty of times in the heat for work (like attic Fiberglas) - if it is uncomfortable that is a sign I should not do those things (wait until winter) find a different way to do them (stand 10’ away when giving instructions to my landscapers) or get curbside grocery. If you need to work, get a respirator, not a single use face mask.

We don’t take any risk. Not going inside stores, not seeing friends - even though it is totally with in gov guidance to do so. But before you rely too much on the CDC remember - they knew masks reduced spread but intentionally told people they didn’t need to wear them (because supply was limited). Politics should stay out of science. If you are making medical decisions based on feelings - you are doing it wrong.

In TX I see same % of old people (45-70) not being safe as I see young people (18-45). Let’s stop trying to divide people based on groups and focus on people’s actions. There are people who play it safe and people who take risk. (No matter their age)

The ones taking risk are increasing it for everyone.
We will not be contributing to the economy like we used to until we feel safe. We have been to zero restaurants, zero stores.
A short/intense lockdown would have had less damage in my (and Bill gates opinion). You can’t say people would be financially ruined as most got more from unemployment, but that +$600/mo is running out and may not get renewed. We spent money while we ‘got over the problem’ but we didn’t take the actions to solve the problem.

I am just happy I get to spend this time with my small kids. We have enjoyed the togetherness.
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I don’t understand the blame on young people when they are following the laws? Maybe if what they are doing is dangerous to the larger population we should have some leadership to put in laws/safeguards.
Well, the gatherings in the crowded bars were not following laws, nor were many of the social gatherings. In most cases of outbreaks I’ve read due to socializing, the current rules were not followed. TX had to suspend licenses for many bars because of them flouting social distancing rules.
Got plenty of that, but my supply of nitrile gloves is getting thin. Snooping around online for some is discouraging.

I have been quarantining my disposable gloves and then after a week washing them in hot soap and water.

As to the question someone asked regarding why some of us are wearing disposable gloves--I have found that without gloves I touch my face way too often--I guess is just a habit and I do not seem to be able to stop it. I do not touch my face if I a wearing disposable gloves.
We had 2,099 cases today (NC). An increase of 470 from the day before.

Every day for a while now we have been exceeding the daily total from the day before.

I'm glad I restocked the fridge, freezer and pantry last week.

Meanwhile, I have family members (local but not in my household) who are planning to share a NC beach house for a week with six other people, starting on 7/11. The six other people come from four different households. Seven adults and two children in total. :facepalm:

They all claim they are "quarantining 100%" for ten days before the trip. Uh-huh. I'm sure that all five households define "100%" exactly the same way.

I love my family members, and I miss seeing them, but this just confirms the decision I made early on to not see any of them in person until corona goes on her way, or we have a treatment. I'm 64 and can't risk it. :(

I am hearing the same things from friends and family--they think its is OK to be around others because they have "quarantined" but when you ask them what they have been doing you find out they have not quarantined at all--they have been to the grocery, to eat in restaurants, to get their hair done, to a friends house, etc. These people are in denial about the seriousness of this virus. I think that many people don't get serious about it until they know someone who got very sick or died from the virus.
... Still, I feel like we are being manipulated by our government when they don't care about large protests but don't want to let people gather at the beach or the parks.

It's not a matter of not caring about protests. No government or health official thinks it's a good idea for tens of thousands of people to gather anywhere during a pandemic, be it for a protest or on a beach.

The issue with protests is that it's very difficult to prevent them from forming or to disperse the crowds safely and effectively once they have formed. Crowds don't usually respond to polite requests to go home, and a lot of other methods have led to violence and more death. There are also first amendment rights to peaceably assemble and petition for the redress of grievances.

With a beach, you can announce the closure in advance, block parking lots, etc. Even so, if 10,000 people showed up and decided to protest on the closed beach, there's not much that could stop them.
I have been quarantining my disposable gloves and then after a week washing them in hot soap and water.

We purchased multiple nitrile gardening gloves and use them in an effort to make our disposable gloves supply last. There are a few 'one and done' tasks that we still use the disposables for. Using gloves definitely reminds me not to touch my face.
My personal view is those who don't practice social distancing is like Icarus in Greek mythology. Smooth sailing until going a bit too close to the sun.

Put another way, given a choice, if I had to be around others, I'd rather be with those who are practicing social distancing than not.
I have been quarantining my disposable gloves and then after a week washing them in hot soap and water.

As to the question someone asked regarding why some of us are wearing disposable gloves--I have found that without gloves I touch my face way too often--I guess is just a habit and I do not seem to be able to stop it. I do not touch my face if I a wearing disposable gloves.

I rarely leave the house to go to populated places, so maybe one in 20 gloves is covid related. My gloves are used for dealing with hazardous and messy things like lead, lye, leather tanning chemicals, hot chilies, etc. Many online suppliers are out or won't sell to anyone who is not a medical worker. I found a case of blazer orange 6mm industrial gloves for twice what I used to pay at Costco and will be set for a long time if it actually ships to me.
Wow, it’s getting really scary in Texas!

audreyh1 said:
Well, the gatherings in the crowded bars were not following laws, nor were many of the social gatherings. In most cases of outbreaks I’ve read due to socializing, the current rules were not followed. TX had to suspend licenses for many bars because of them flouting social distancing rules.

We’re there laws around crowding inside the bars? I though there were some limitations on the businesses but I wasn’t aware of any laws the patrons were breaking..?

Our governor said “there is no reason to be alarmed” just 2 weeks ago. And out AG (former radio commentator) said Fauchi doesn’t know what he is talking about. If you are like most people who don’t dig into details - what impression should most of the young people have?
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We’re there laws around crowding inside the bars? I though there were some limitations on the businesses but I wasn’t aware of any laws the patrons were breaking..?
My guess is that there was a limitation on the capacity of the bar. It would be the job of the proprietor to limit entry so as to not exceed the permitted capacity. It's difficult for patrons to keep a physical distance if the place is crowded. The best thing to do would be for the patrons to leave and stop the flow of money. Good luck with that.

My own 7 Day Average of new CV cases in my county is now up to nearly 4x the rate before this increase began. I doubt if increased testing can explain all of that increase.

However, deaths seem to be flat and hospitalizations have not yet gone up very much if at all. I do wish we had some statistics on recovered people with permanent and/or long term health problems from CV. Why does it only count as bad if you die?

Back on the Texas Topic: In terms of per capita infections which city in Texas is doing better - Houston, Dallas or Austin?
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Speaking of the great state of Texas...

First link is Dr. Joseph Varon on video in Houston. Posted yesterday, July 3. As I recall, he's worked 100+ days in a row and still has a 96% success rate treating COVID even though he practices in an inner city hospital where many patients have underlying conditions. He has an opinion about people who are not complying with safe practices.

Mentioned is a cocktail of individual low-cost medications that Dr. Varon and a group of others are finding helpful for hospital (advanced) COVID. This is referring to the MATH+ Protocol found here:
We’re there laws around crowding inside the bars? I though there were some limitations on the businesses but I wasn’t aware of any laws the patrons were breaking..?

Our governor said “there is no reason to be alarmed” just 2 weeks ago. And out AG (former radio commentator) said Fauchi doesn’t know what he is talking about. If you are like most people who don’t dig into details - what impression should most of the young people have?

Yes, social distancing inside as well as reduced number of customers were required in bars.

OK - if your distinction is that the bar was required to enforce this, then you have a point. But the customers also were not complying with the new rules. Some bars tolerated this, others didn’t. But guess what, they all got shut back down.
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It's not a matter of not caring about protests. No government or health official thinks it's a good idea for tens of thousands of people to gather anywhere during a pandemic, be it for a protest or on a beach.
I'm going to have to disagree. It is well documented that my Governor joined the protesters, without a m*** for much of the time. Those actions showed support for the protest over health concerns.

He did have regrets and ended up taking a test and suggesting it to others. Basically, soaking up precious testing space.
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Young folks like to party and feel invincible and think they'll live forever. Let's hit the beach, let's hit the bar.

Surf's up dude!

Yup. They they'll get Covid.

Then they'll get on their $400 smartphone.....

"Noun Verb, Student Debt" and how they shouldn't have to pay medical copays.

And then off to the vet to pay for treatment for their "Dog". Cause you gotta have that too.
We’re there laws around crowding inside the bars? I though there were some limitations on the businesses but I wasn’t aware of any laws the patrons were breaking..?

Our governor said “there is no reason to be alarmed” just 2 weeks ago. And out AG (former radio commentator) said Fauchi doesn’t know what he is talking about. If you are like most people who don’t dig into details - what impression should most of the young people have?

Here in North Carolina bars cannot be open yet. But some bar owners are ignoring this and opening anyway and people (mainly young from the pictures) are packing the places. The Raleigh mayor has said she will make sure those bars lose their liquor licenses if they continue to open illegally.
Here in North Carolina bars cannot be open yet. But some bar owners are ignoring this and opening anyway and people (mainly young from the pictures) are packing the places. The Raleigh mayor has said she will make sure those bars lose their liquor licenses if they continue to open illegally.

Up next: COVID-19 Speakeasies

If prohibition didn't stop people from social drinking, I doubt COVID-19 will.
Up next: COVID-19 Speakeasies

If prohibition didn't stop people from social drinking, I doubt COVID-19 will.

Social drink in your backyard with friends. Perfectly legal.
Wow, Florida with +11,458 cases today caught up to TX!

But TX numbers haven’t yet posted on worldometers. ;)

Both are above 190,000 cases! So I guess they are both crossing 200,000 soon. At this rate Florida could do it tomorrow!
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Nevada was doing well until they opened bars and casinos. It was a big mistake.
Up next: COVID-19 Speakeasies

If prohibition didn't stop people from social drinking, I doubt COVID-19 will.
People have had access to alcohol throughout all of this.

A few folks social drinking in someone’s back yard is a lot safer than a crowded bar with people coming and going for hours and infected bartenders serving drinks to 100s of people.

The TX governor regrets reopening bars because that appears to have driven the most recent spike.
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