Are you a private person or a people person?

It must be your uncontainable enthusiasm for the job and work environment. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I never took Myers-Briggs and feel I may have missed something important in my life.

Nah, you didn't miss much. The biggest benefit of taking the Myers-Briggs test for me was a day out of the office with lunch provided.

Like many others here, I'm a private person but do enjoy some socializing.
I'm more of a private person as well. I enjoy spending time with a few close friends but typically avoid large gatherings.
I am a private person but enjoy a moderate amount of socializing with others . What I find funny is most of my friends are the opposite but they understand me and give me space.
I'm extremely shy, so I'd say I'm a private person.

Hmmm...on second thought shy is not the right word. I like to observe others but I am more content talking one on one...

Would not have guessed that, but I guess being an anonymous person on the Internet empowers all of us............:D
I am definitely an introvert.......................NOT!!!! :)
I flip between ISTJ and INTJ, so not crazy about large group socializing (uncomfortable). Having said that, I do seek out social opportunities although I do best in small groups where I know most of the people.

For some reason, I am capable at public speaking. I don't especially enjoy it and it takes a lot out of me, but I must have some skill since I get regular solicitations to speak within my employer organization.

Exactly the same story, down to the flip between the ISTJ and INTJ. Used to do a lot of public speaking, now not so much. Dread it but am good at it.

I love planning our huge party every St. Pat's, but as the day approaches, I start to feel like I could just get the whole thing set up, all the food prepared, then slink away, leaving everyone else to actually enjoy the party itself.
ISTJ here, sometimes INTJ, occasionally borderline ESTJ. I can deal with large crowds but then I want a lot of "down time" after. Smaller groups are preferred though

And I can get lost for hours building an airplane, working with Photoshop, and the like.
Interesting that so many folks on here think they introverts.............based on your posts, I never would have thunk it! :)
Interesting that so many folks on here think they introverts.............based on your posts, I never would have thunk it! :)

I think the fact that introversion does not equate to being shy has been been to death on this board, but here it is again! LOL.

I went to visit my sister, and her boyfriend who used to be a sales guy would not stop talking. I was freaking exhausted from having to respond to some statement or question every 15 seconds. Put it Internet terms, forums are fine, but IM would be too much.
COMPLETELY understand the exhaustion.

We recently had the in-laws at our house for almost two weeks. I knew they were coming but thought they'd be with us for a long weekend (DH didn't know they were staying so long either).

They're pretty low maintenance, but I work from home and had to work while they were here. So between cooking every night, generally feeling like we had to 'entertain' them and simply having people in our house, by the time they left I was ready to crawl into a hole and hibernate for about a month.
This is an introvert's board, but I'm an ESTJ and a people person; regardless, I likes me alone time alot, too. The parties and dinners are totally enjoyable, and I'm usually among the last to leave as I can go all night...but, lots of noise and clatter wears me out (the Dr. said my hearing was too good, so...). Regardless, party on!
I do enjoy one-on-one or chatting with a few close friends a lot more.

I've learned over the years, that they (one-on-one vs group setting) are just different animals. On one-on-one, if the other person seems occupied, in another convesation, you might go "What??" but in a group setting the distractions are there..just how it is... Took me awhile to get that.

During the parties, gatherings etc. I get a kick one one couple or person leaves many tend to follow on cue.
INTJ too here, very strong I. Definitely more of a private person. Socializing with strangers is exhausting and uncomfortable at best. But I love spending time with good friends and family.

This describes me perfectly.

I have also been called a noisy introvert by DW. Her comment was that I can talk to anyone about anything, but I hate to do it outside my circle.
I'm a private person and really enjoying my quiet alone time now that I'm retired.
Would not have guessed that, but I guess being an anonymous person on the Internet empowers all of us............:D
Well I suppose so... ;)

Most times when I go to a party, I'll sit in the same spot. People 'rotate' during the night and I get a chance to talk to most everyone in a private type of way. Doing this enables me to get to know a person better. :)
Social butterfly here...but I do have my limits! After a several HR convention a couple weeks ago, I had no interest in talking for a few days! So apparently, there is a weekly quota for how much I talk! I enjoy holiday gatherings, whether friends, family, or even co-workers. Almost feel guilty posting that on this board based on the other posts!
I'm a Purple People Eater.

LOL - my brain read that into the title too. But the first time I saw it, and even after, my reaction is "this thread is going to get closed!". I keep seeing "private pension" in that title....

:nonono: Even I have had enough of that (for a while... :whistle: ).

Looks like INTJ's flock to this site. I'm one as well....and am gradually becoming more introverted as years go by.
Is anyone here surprised? :cool:

Mr Boston tells me I can "w*rk a room" like nobody he has ever seen before. He is also an extrovert so this is a high compliment.

All I do is be myself. :D
Never overbearing but always friendly :flowers:, talkative but not blabby :whistle:, and very respectful of people's space and feelings. It ain't rocket science. ;)

I've been told I possess leader qualities from childhood. Add a devilish nature and it's amazing what I can cook up to get folks talking and laughing instead of standing around like mannequins. :nonono:

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