Rich Dad Poor Dad series


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 7, 2005
San Diego
So a friend of mine came to me and said, "hey, you are all enthused about financial freedom and retireing early, but you haven't learned to use the leverage of your mind to truly succeed!" or some such thing. I smiled tolerantly and asked what he was talking about. So he tells me to read this book by Robert Kiyosaki that will show me how to make "my money work for me!" con job, the guy razzle dazzles with vauge phrases for the entire book and then tells you to buy his two hundred dollar board game and go to his 5 grand seminar. What a scam! I had to provide tons of documentation outlining how much of a scammer this guy is before my friend would let go of the dream. This guy has sold somthing like 20 million books, and who knows how many seminar attendees have paid him for his drivel in person.....why do people fall for this crap:confused:?

For a good laugh:

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