5.5 more work days till ER !


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 31, 2007
Im getting there. It will be a very slow start for me. Last working day is May 21st. Having bunionectomy/osteootomy May 22nd. My ER will be slow starting (I hear it is for alot of ppl anyways, catching up on sleep). Not sure when I can shower, walk, etc
Willing to give myself 10days on the couch, chair outside - waiting 4wks before doing any type of physical activity. But then I'll be wanting to get busy even though doc says 4-6wks limited activity, then another 4-6wks to get back to normal.
My 72t starts July 15, will be paid by work (sick then vacation time) until then.
Sorry to hear you will get a slow start to the 'fun' activities of retirement, but no stress....priceless.:D Find you some good books to read and you will be fine.
Say, that is a stressful way to start de-stressing. Still beats the alternative of a j*b.
Wish you a quick recovery.
bet your recovery time will be much faster due to the less stress/freedom permasmile!

Congrats on getting out!
I too was laid up for the first months of retirement recovering from knee and hand surgery. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I had made long lists of to do items for after retirement, to help keep me busy and to take advantage of my new "free" time. I was unable to do most of them and was forced to read, nap, watch television and internet my time away. :cool:. I really needed that time to recover from work more than surgery. After recovery I was able to start retirement with a new outlook on what was really necessary and how to enjoy life again.
Life is not a clean closet and an empty to do list!!!
Enjoy and be kind to yourself.
Congratulations ! Enjoy the rest ! I spent my first few months after retirement just vegging out . .
Been retired for 9 days now and spend a lot of time on PC and long walks..
Have no urge yet to do anything....suspect that will come with time..
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