First million milestone


Dryer sheet wannabe
Mar 24, 2024
Quietly celebrating!

Updating the networth spreadsheet for this quarter and assetts minus liabilities has TWO commas.
It feels like it took forever to get here, but as you all have said, the first is the hardest. Hoping it accelerates from here.
Congratulations, it's a great achievement! Compounding will help things along a bit now (it truly can seem like magic as per the other thread we have going)
Congrats! Don't get discouraged if you lose a comma in a pull back. The comma won't have gone far, you'll get it back. I did.
I'm happy for You!
Congratulations! A fun milestone to reach, even if we cannot share it with too many others.
Congratulations Patience!
Now you have a million working for you on the side to help push your total NW higher. That is why it is easier to get to 2 Mils and beyond.
Congrats! Slow and steady wins the race.
Congratulations..... We will never see it without hitting the Lottery...
Congrats! The first million is a great achievement!
Congratulations! I can relate to the desire to quietly celebrate.

I know it's only net worth, and a million ain't what it used to be. Can't really go around bragging. But there's still something reassuring about that second comma.
Soon enough you will say I am a multi millionaire.
2 favorite financial times are paying off the house / cars and the first mil. Congrats.
Congratulations! It’s an important milestone because it shows you’re on the right path!
Congrats. I checked that box this year as well. Luckily I haven't slipped south of the two comma border since then but if it happens it happens. Keep on trucking.
A great milestone to reach, congratulations!
Updating the networth spreadsheet for this quarter and assetts minus liabilities has TWO commas.
It feels like it took forever to get here, but as you all have said, the first is the hardest. Hoping it accelerates from here.
Congrats!! I clearly recall the exact day I was able to do the same, and that second comma feels awesome. And as long as you continue saving, I'd be surprised if you don't continue to accelerate. My first $1M took ~12 years ... and we just crossed the line for $2M earlier this year, less than 8 years later. Buckle in, it's a great ride!

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