Obama Responds

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Obama is lying. I worked in a black city for 30 years been to the churches been to friends homes have listened to speeches just like wrights for years the same style. Obama even if he was not in the pew had to have known the lingo. He says he didn't sorry he is not telling the truth.
You are absolutely correct since there are some people in this country that will never accept a black man (albeit only half black) as president.

Au contraire, I submit that there very few people in this country (as a percentage of the entire population) who would "never" accept a black man as president.

And there are far, far, more who will cast a racially motivated vote for Obama just because he's black (albeit only half black) and not a kook? Why is that not racist?

Hillary, John McCain, the media, the KKK nor anyone else are responsible for "race" being an issue with regard to Obama's campaign. Obama is responsible for that himself by virtue of the racists he associates himself with (& now tries to distance himself from).

If John McCain had attended a Christian Identity church for the past 20 years - would it/should it not be an issue?

In twenty years Obama didn't know his pastor/church subscribed to these racists ideas/beliefs?!?!? Come on - give me a break! He loses my vote right there for dishonesty (& thinking I'm stupid), regardless of any other reason I may have not to vote for him.
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In twenty years Obama didn't know his pastor/church subscribed to these racists ideas/beliefs?!?!? Come on - give me a break!

Hey, I've been a Catholic longer than that and I just found out that I am not supposed to play with my Willie.

It can happen :)

Obama just said Saturday:

"Reverend Wright is somebody who grew up in the 1960s, had very different life experiences than I have, continues to harbor a lot of anger about discrimination he may have experienced,"

I suppose someone could come up with similar logic to excuse George Wallace.

In twenty years Obama didn't know his pastor/church subscribed to these racists ideas/beliefs?!?!? Come on - give me a break! He loses my vote right there for dishonesty (& thinking I'm stupid), regardless of any other reason I may have not to vote for him.

Can you enlighten me on which part of the reverend's speech you found racist? While I don't subscribe to some of the conspiracy theories in his speech, I fail to see the racist part. I suggest you listen closely to his message. He, God bless him, is an older man that has lived through the struggles and pain inflicted on black people, particularly in the civil rights area. The least we can do is understand and empathize with his pain. As for his criticism of the US, he is not alone in that. I, for one, find some of our actions, particularly as we related to other countries, reprehensible. Is it a lie that that America have inflicted great pain on various parts of the world under the guise of "fighting communism"? Do we continue to support despots around the world, most notably the Saudis? Aren't Palestinians facing collective punishment to the tune of 300 to 1 Israeli while we continue to support the loss of their land and occupation? President Carter wrote a great book on the apartheid in Palestine. Wasn't the US supportive of apartheid SA? Is it a lie that the US is controlled by rich white people? This is a great country but as patriotic Americans, we must strive always to make this a fairer and just society. After all, we hold ourselves out to the world's morality police.
This song was apparently sung at a recent GOP event. No one seemed to have batted an eye.

Why should God bless America?
She's forgotten he exists
And has turned her back
On everything that made her what she is
Why should God stand beside her
Through the night with the light from his hand?
God have mercy on America
Forgive her sin and heal our land
The courts ruled prayer out of our schools
In June of ‘62
Told the children "you are your own God now
So you can make the rules"
O say can you see what that choice
Has cost us to this day
America, one nation under God, has gone astray
In ‘73 the Courts said we
Could take the unborn lives
The choice is yours don't worry now
It's not a wrong, it's your right
But just because they made it law
Does not change God's command
The most that we can hope for is
God's mercy on our land
If John McCain had attended a Christian Identity church for the past 20 years - would it/should it not be an issue?

Bob Jones University and Bush: Can a politician have affiliation with such an entity and not support everything for which they stand?

Sure, they're anti-Catholic (a "satanic counterfeit" ) but they did drop their interracial dating ban in 2000, after all. :)
This song was apparently sung at a recent GOP event. No one seemed to have batted an eye.

Fairly mild stuff, but good try. "Apparently sung" . . . "at a recent GOP event" (not further identified). Was anybody of importance in attendance? Can we really put this "song" in the same category as Rev Wright's remarks?

Hey, there are nut jobs (religious and otherwise) in both political parties. That's not the issue.

Here's a lead for you Obama fans--see if you can take the heat off your candidate by digging up something on McCain. Specifically, see if John McCain brought his family to meetings led by a hateful extremist for 20 years. Some things that might indicate the leader is such a person:
-- If he blames America's problems on a particular racial group
-- If he is a proponent of "White Liberation Theology"
-- If he says the US is a sponsor of terrorism
-- If he says that the US government created AIDS in an effort to foster genocide

"Change We can Believe In"--more folks are starting to ask questions about the "change" he has in mind. That's a good thing.
Fairly mild stuff, but good try. "Apparently sung" . . . "at a recent GOP event" (not further identified). Was anybody of importance in attendance? Can we really put this "song" in the same category as Rev Wright's remarks?

Hey, there are nut jobs (religious and otherwise) in both political parties. That's not the issue.

Here's a lead for you Obama fans--see if you can take the heat off your candidate by digging up something on McCain. Specifically, see if John McCain brought his family to meetings led by a hateful extremist for 20 years. Some things that might indicate the leader is such a person:
-- If he blames America's problems on a particular racial group
-- If he is a proponent of "White Liberation Theology"
-- If he says the US is a sponsor of terrorism
-- If he says that the US government created AIDS in an effort to foster genocide

"Change We can Believe In"--more folks are starting to ask questions about the "change" he has in mind. That's a good thing.

Amen!! (no pun intended :) )
Conspiracy theories run rampant in black communities. Where have you been? Can you blame them? That's why Obama is trying to bring the races together so they can understand each other and heal. Blacks have developed an almost pathological distrust for white people with good reason. I do a lot of community work and I can tell you, it's not hate as you characterize it but total and utter distrust, particularly among the less educated.

"If he blames America's problems on a particular racial group" I did not get that impression from viewing the video. He does point out, quite accurately, how blacks experience racism in this country.

"If he says the US is a sponsor of terrorism" He didn't quite say this but this is a factual statement. Please read about the CIA atrocities in Latin America. It would be an eye opener. How about the open support for Sadam Hussein, Suharto and Pinochet?

Check out the important role slavery played in building up this country and the many who benefit from this legacy while blacks continued to be mired in poverty and very high illiteracy as little as 40 years ago. The least we can do is to be empathetic. Subsequent generations are changing this but it's a slow process, understandably, of course.

BTW, I am looking for free labor for my business so I can build a great future for my children and to allow me to reach fire much quicker. Any takers? Although Slavery ended a little more than 100 years ago, I cringe when I think about what suffering this must have been. I can't imagine what it must have been for a human been to be treated as an animal and traded as goods with families ripped apart. It's perfectly understandable why black America still suffer so much. It breaks my heart that as a nation we sit back and watch young black men die, black babies abandoned in foster care and we do nothing while we spend billions in Iraq. Would we be so casual if the same was happening on a large scale in white America? I think we all know the answer. I believe I am my brother's keeper.
Why hasn't this tread been closed like the last one? It has similar content.
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