Realistic = no hope!

Brogan, you are right about taxes. The US will have no other alternative to reduce its immense debt. As a country, the US has been living beyond its means for several decades. I expect living standards there to fall this century, but I do think the US has the resilience to thrive again in the future. Surely all the more reason for individuals to live below their own means. That is how to attain financial independence. That, and providing value for which someone else will pay. There is still room for entrepreneurship and the basic principles of finance still hold. Hope springs eternal!
btw....the 40 yr savings plan suggested at the top is typical financial hype....after 40 yrs the amount withdrawn is worthless at that time....or else the inflation figures he used are the Govt hype lies.
Wrong. My example specified real return, which means "after inflation." Like I said. The amount won't be "worthless" unless inflation, somehow for 40 years, exceeds the nominal return. Fairly unlikely.
My answer?
Disconnect & remove yourself from the tax system. Leave the Matrix.

I can hardly wait for the post when you offer us the blue pill. And for only three modest monthly installments. Such a deal.
Apparently I am not the only one waiting for the come-on/spam.
Um... I read the opening post more carefully, and it does appear the OP would welcome PMs asking for help, as he seems to have the "answer" to his questions that are really rhetoric. Sigh...
Unless we have a really catastrophic economic collapse ala Argentina, it seems that the doomsday coming in 30 years is more than a little overblown. If millions are going to be in such dire straights, then the cost of basic living will have to drop accordingly. A few on the top wealth tier cannot support the main economy.

I just keep thinking about how bad it looked in the 1970's and yet, 30 years later of LBYM, I'm in pretty good shape. The economy goes up and goes down but saving does work. Not insisting on having conspicuous consumption and going into huge debt when I can have something more modest but just as comfortable has put me into a good place.

I always wondered how a dead creature such as a zombie could be killed with a gun? They are already dead, so they don't have the living systems that a bullet would destroy working anyway.
I believe brogan007 is just trying to get a rise out of this community.

brogan, this community is made up of people who believe they can retire early using the means that many have already outlined in this thread. There are many here who have ER'd for 10+ years and share their experience with the group.

If you have data to back up your assertions, please provide.

Please read through the posts and study the research material linked to them. I think you'll end up with a more positive outlook on the possibilities of retiring early. It isn't easy. Not everyone will have the luxury of doing it. But, it can be done.
I always wondered how a dead creature such as a zombie could be killed with a gun? They are already dead, so they don't have the living systems that a bullet would destroy working anyway.

Just another skill set to learn, along with use of garlic, silver bullets, and sharpened stakes. and probably just as useful.

To pick nits, zombies aren't dead - they are the living dead, who may have re-animated brains. Destruction of that brain results in really really dead zombie, as opposed to merely undead zombie.

See also Miracle Max on the mostly dead: YouTube - He's Only Mostly Dead (Princess Bride)
Er, that would be "you're off to the ignore list"

It seems that the cult of "we can beat the market" is alive & kicking here.
Funny how there are so many super-smart guys, MIT grads type,working for hedgies who can't seem to generate (long term) the 4% over inflation that some guy on here touted as being so easy?
How come CALPERS & dozens of other local gov pension plans can't?
The obvious answer can't be done consistently & with a large sum of money.
Brings me back to my original concept...there is no answer, even worse if you have to carry the load of bankrupt citizens.
I smile at folks when they try to argue ...."There's no major problem, buy an Index Fund and forget it"
Jeez Loiuse.
btw...many US citizens have already disconnected & are living an expatriate lifestyle, not subject to US tax. I feel this is the answer.
I'll wait to see how many folks flame this concept as against the law.....without really understanding that it's entirely possible, legal & attractive....just not shared with the Sheeple.
Got to keep them paying into the system.
Brogan, no one here said anything about beating the market.

I am fine if you move away. :)
No pitch. Nothing to sell.
No contradiction...I smile because folks who buy & hold Index Funds are living proof that marketing to the sheep is still working....the world of investing has changed. Buy & hold Index funds are history.
brogan007..let me guess..."You are from Nigeria? and you have a secret that we don't know..? yada.yada.yada.:LOL:
Wow, you guys must all be Americans to be so closed minded.
Debate is an essential tool in a democracy....pity you guys don't seem to undersatnd it.
It seems that the cult of "we can beat the market" is alive & kicking here.

You don't seem to read very well. The people here will be the first to call out anyone that thinks they can beat the market consistently.
Frankly, I am planning on slightly less than historical market returns over the long term.
Wow, you guys must all be Americans to be so closed minded.
Debate is an essential tool in a democracy....pity you guys don't seem to undersatnd it.
Wait, don't tell me. You're an expatriate Frenchman temporarily living in Nevada. I knew there must be some secret to your penetrating insight.
Wow, you guys must all be Americans to be so closed minded.
Debate is an essential tool in a democracy....pity you guys don't seem to undersatnd it.

And you must be a...

Ah, never mind. Say hello to the other creatures in my ignore list. Cannot be bothered to wait for the inevitable sales pitch.
Wow, you guys must all be Americans to be so closed minded.
Debate is an essential tool in a democracy....pity you guys don't seem to undersatnd it.

We are very interested in debate. Do you have anything to back up your position? Numbers, calculations, etc?
Yes, some facts would be nice. The "I know I'm right" arguement doesn't hold much weight in a serious discussion - unless the purpose of the discussion is simply to troll.
Wow, you guys must all be Americans to be so closed minded.
Actually, I'm Canadian and therefore legally can move myself and my assets to another country and [-]avoid[/-] have no obligation to pay Canadian income tax. To do that I give up a lot of the advantages (and there are many) of being a good tax paying resident of the Arctic Wastelands.

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