Tiger in a pile of p/r poop.............

Here's my reply to a 'thank you' I received a little while ago.....:cool:.....:LOL:


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I agree this probably wouldn't have happened if his father were still alive. As someone else said, I'm sure he's twirling in his grave, too. He surely would be disappointed in Tiger's stupidity if nothing else I'm sure.
Putting myself in his mother's place when this all happened with his MIL and wife sitting there at the same table when this happened, I'd want to crawl under the table...and then go kick his a*s all over for being so stupid.

Yeah, FinanceDude, I'm guessing Elin will either have to put up and shut up or become like Hillary, Mrs. Bob Hope and need we forget Jackie Kennedy and all those other celebrity wives who live with obvious wandering men that the entire world knows about.
However, Hillary doesn't HAVE to tolerate Bill for money or position unlike most wives in these arrangements.
He had a lot of experience playing in foursomes on the course, I guess he figured he could handle a foursome off the course.
I was going to say that you all care way too much about this...then I realized that I had just read all of your posts.
For want of a geek..., his manager should be fired for not finding someone to program those phones.

His manager should be fired for not running all mistresses for Tiger through HIS cell phone..........:whistle:
Ever watch the skit on Leno "Jack@ss of the month" where they guy gives a scenario and asks "Who's the Jack@ss?" Of course the humor is that the guy always names someone besides the obvious.

In this situation, who's the Jack@ss? Of course the obvious would be Tiger for several reasons, but it could be (all in humor of course):

1) the landscaping company -- what type of company plants trees so close to a fire hydrant?

2) the car company -- why didn't they sell Tiger a smaller car so he would miss the fire hydrant?
Wow! This thread is turning into Primer. Someone should put it in a book -- "How to ..." or "... for Dummies."
It's pretty obvious stuff really, which is why his behavior is so disappointing.
Three easy pieces?
Remember earlier in the year when the most outrageous thing involving Tiger was passing some gas? ...:ROFLMAO:
" John Stamos: "tiger woods = dumb ass - we come from the same town-he was always a smart ass to me"

Wow...that's some article, Dawg52! No more squeeky clean image for Tiger. Good thing his Dad is dead, but I feel sorry for his Mom during this whole thing.
But do we know that Earl Woods was a saint? Just curious since he seems to be on a pedestal--Wikipedia shows two divorces from his first wife, one in Mexico the year before Earl married Tiger's mother, the second in the US two years after he married Tiger's mother. Wonder if he was still married when he went to Asia and met Tiger's mom.

Could be a new investigative subject for TMZ and the National Enquirer, finding any transgressions by Earl!
IMHO, this is all far less interesting than Britney and her lack of underwear. :cool::whistle:
I'm not overly worried about his mother's feelings, it is not as if he has cheated on her in any way. It's his wife who has all my sympathies, imagine what she must be feeling like. It's as if the cork has come off a bottle of shaken champagne and the revelations are spilling out. I'd say by mid-week he will admit he is a sex addict, go off for treatment over the next month and everything will be forgiven by the public by time he gets out. Personally, I think his true colours are coming out, just another celebrity who doesn't think the rules of life apply to him due to his fame and fortune.
It's his wife who has all my sympathies, imagine what she must be feeling like. .

If it was me I'd be tossing his golf clubs on the front lawn and having the locks changed and being tested for venereal disease. There is no amount of money that would make me stay with someone that cheats with every waitress in the US .
If most men do.....surely some women must (old saying)

Another take on all the famous male dalliances is....why do women demean themselves by having affairs with men they know are married. Do women not have more respect for other married women or do THEY not give a damn. It seems that men are held to a higher moral standard, when I thought the morality of a society is set by the women in the society. Outside of rape, men can only do what the women consents to !

We are a very hypocritical society that does a lot of finger-pointing then in no time at all we find that the one's doing the pointing were doing the same thing themselves.

IF Tiger go laid by a beautiful young babe...good for him...just hope you can be so fortunate one day.
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