A personal Covid Experience

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Thanks Alan for letting us in on your son's struggle with his health. I have not read about other people's Covid health issues much and it is usually about older folks. I wish more young people could hear of this as I imagine (but do not know) that many think this is an old person's issue.
Thanks Alan for letting us in on your son's struggle with his health. I have not read about other people's Covid health issues much and it is usually about older folks. I wish more young people could hear of this as I imagine (but do not know) that many think this is an old person's issue.

In the UK 99% of all Covid fatalities have been over age 50 and thankfully our son did not become one of the 1%, but he has been extremely sick and may yet have a relapse and/or get long Covid. The vaccines are now open to people in their 40's and there is an advertising campaign aimed at persuading them to get a jab.

There has been a 95% take-up of vaccines in the over 50's mainly, I think, because the fatalities in that age group have been well publicised. It's going to be a harder sell to the young folks.
Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first baby in June. They both are in their mid 30's and both just got their first Moderna vaccine jab. So I'm glad they take this threat seriously.
So good to hear. DD and DS & DIL get their second shot tomorrow. I can't wait for them to be on the other side of such a serious disease. Best of luck to Jeffrey as he continues his move to total independence.
Jeffrey is very lucky to have great parents who love him and are there to help him out. So glad he is making good progress.
YAY!!! This is so good to hear. We have a card on the way to Jeffrey.

We are doing the happy dance!

The card arrived today and he was quite taken aback! Thank you so much :greetings10:

I had told him before that all my friends from ER.org were asking after and praying for him.
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I am so delighted to read of his continued progress! :dance:
In the UK 99% of all Covid fatalities have been over age 50 and thankfully our son did not become one of the 1%, but he has been extremely sick and may yet have a relapse and/or get long Covid. The vaccines are now open to people in their 40's and there is an advertising campaign aimed at persuading them to get a jab.

There has been a 95% take-up of vaccines in the over 50's mainly, I think, because the fatalities in that age group have been well publicised. It's going to be a harder sell to the young folks.

I wish here in the US 95% of any age group would take the vaccines...
I wish here in the US 95% of any age group would take the vaccines...

Give it time. Here in Connecticut, our governor reports that, as of yesterday, 90% of people aged 65+ have received at least the first dose, and 66% of all people 18+ have received at least first dose.
In my county in Georgia, 100% of those 75 and older are vaccinated, and 67% of those 65-74. My group of 55-64 is at about 43%. Overall our county is only at about 30%, but it is a suburban county with many, many children who, of course, are not eligible for the vaccine.
Hopefully this will be my last post on this :)

Jeffrey continues his rapid improvement and we are going over to his place tonight where he will be cooking dinner for us. He has also been talking with his boss at work today asking when and how he should resume work. His boss made it clear that he should start back very slowly, working 2.5 hours a day from home initially.
What an amazing recovery! Fingers crossed this remains your last update!
Such an excellent outcome.
Thank you so much for sharing your families health scare, struggle and recovery.
Great news. It appears to have a happy ending and moving on to the next chapter.
Hopefully this will be my last post on this :)

Jeffrey continues his rapid improvement and we are going over to his place tonight where he will be cooking dinner for us. He has also been talking with his boss at work today asking when and how he should resume work. His boss made it clear that he should start back very slowly, working 2.5 hours a day from home initially.
That's good news! Also great to hear that his boss is one who wants to make sure he has a chance to get his health back at his own pace and not rush things.
Thank you Alan for all the updates. It is indeed wonderful. Best to your son, you and your family.
Great news. Thanks for keeping us updated and enjoy that dinner.
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