Anyone else want to be reincarnated as a dolphin?

The part missing from this story is that the dolphins ate the whales after saving them.
The dolphin is a herding animal, it's the border collie of the sea. Just doing what comes natural! (;))
love hitchhiker reference. love dolphins. first swam with them off clearwater beach, fl, when everyone else was racing back to shore to get away from the fins of what they thought were sharks. had them alongside the boat many times. they love to ride the bow wave. so playful. science shows they are capable of abstract thought. they laugh. recently learned they can be harmful to porpoise. saw a video of them being very cruel to one. i used to wonder if they are not more intelligent than humans. now i wonder if intelligence doesn't come at a cost.

YouTube - Dolphins Enroute to Ensenada
Reincarnated...nah. One life for me is enough.

I do love dolphins, however.
Didn't Prince Charles want to come back as a tampon?
That's a kind if fish; isn't it?
Oh dear, you're going to ask me to explain my odd statements?

Well lets see, I believe Woody Allen said that about 15 or 20 years ago. I'm guessing the reason was that Warrens hands had been in places that any part of Woody's anatomy could only dream of.
fyi, my avatar is a dolphin you would not want as your reincarnation, the now extinct chinese river dolphin aka the goddess of the yangtze.

China's Rare River Dolphin Now Extinct, Experts Announce

There are now five species of freshwater dolphins left in the world, four of them living in major freshwater systems in Asia. All are critically endangered.

these playful, amazing, intelligent mammals are endangered even in the open oceans.

Scoop: Endangered Dolphins Pose Challenge For NZ

... will become somewhat redundant unless the Government provides effective protection for Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins... “These dolphins live only in New Zealandwater and are facing extinction. Hector’s dolphins have declined from an estimated 29,000 in the 1970s to just 7,000 today. The situation for Maui’s is more grave with just 111 remaining.”
re the reason was that Warrens hands had been in places that any part of Woody's anatomy could only dream of.
gotcha. leave it to woody allen to come out with that one.:2funny:

ol' warren never did much for me. too much a pretty boy.

but for tom selleck, my engines go vroom vroom vroom
I used to work with a salesman named Bill that looked exactly like Tom Selleck, and our district managers last name was Selleck. We'd all go out for drinks after work and the DM would hand his amex card to Bill to hand to the waitress. 95% of the time she'd wander back and ask if he was related and he's say he was Tom's brother. Then within 10 minutes it'd get around and we'd have a bunch of women with big eyes hanging around the table.

Unfortunately for Bill, on his first day at work his wife sent him some flowers and he wasnt in his office when they showed up. We all read the card before he got back. "To 'cuddlemuffins' from your honey".

Guess what we called him from then on...

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