Are EOBs mandatory?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 17, 2011
I have group PPO medical insurance through my wife's employer. I am accustomed to receiving an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement for each medical transaction (excluding pharmacy).

Recently there was a billing issue where the insurance company did not provide an EOB and a provider was having trouble getting paid. Ins. Co. insisted that provider was payed in a "bulk payment" and thus no EOB was to be provided. The provider backed down after conferencing w/Ins. Co., but I am not sure if provider wrote off the amount, or if they were able to indeed locate the payment.

My question today is: Does anyone know if EOBs are optional, or are they regulated in some fashion? Under what conditions can EOBs be expected?Thanks
Providers don't get EOBs, you do. Yes, you are required to get one. Did you not get one?

Usually, Insurance Companies provide a voucher statement that shows the claims being paid.
Providers don't get EOBs, you do. Yes, you are required to get one. Did you not get one?

That is correct. I did not get an EOB. First time I have had this problem. Ins. Co. said that EOB cannot be sent to me because the payment to the provider was part of a "bulk payment" - ie multiple claims from multiple people paid with 1 payment to provider.

I am trying to figure out if the Insurance Companies are allowed to do this (not send EOBs for a PPO plan) and if so under what conditions.

A couple years ago my employer based group health insurance stopped sending me eobs for routine annual physicals, that were free to me. Still got eobs for everything else though.
That is correct. I did not get an EOB. First time I have had this problem. Ins. Co. said that EOB cannot be sent to me because the payment to the provider was part of a "bulk payment" - ie multiple claims from multiple people paid with 1 payment to provider.

I am trying to figure out if the Insurance Companies are allowed to do this (not send EOBs for a PPO plan) and if so under what conditions.

The best way to find out this info is to contact your state insurance commissioner.

-- Rita
When I went on COBRA I stopped getting EOBs. When they switched me the default was no paper only electronic. I had used my Megacorp's email, I swiched this to my personal email before retirement. Somehow that change in email address got lost.

I think they're required, but that could be at the state level. Your states insurance commission will know for sure. I've found that just mentioning that office( I always include the name of the commissioner), sometimes makes a difference.


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