Awful Movies

Wag the Dog. Was mildly entertaining for awhile, then just got more and more stupid.
I walked out of The Thin Red Line, and years ago, Death Becomes Her.

I don't generally go to watch what I call "dumb comedies" because I don't like them, but of the ones that I have been dragged to, I disliked Austin Powers, There's Something About Mary, and Meet the Parents.
All Austin Powers
What About Bob
All the Chevy Chase vacation movies.

Sarah I won't watch bloody death movies either. Dh talked me into watching Braveheart with Mel Gibson, I relented because I like him, I was disturbed for weeks. I don't mind movies like Die Hard because I know there is no way he could live through some of those things, it's the realistic ones that get to me.
Bridges of Madison County. The only time I ever fell asleep in a movie theater. We haven't actually been to a theater for abut 6 or 7 years though.

I like good movies with lots of things blowing up, like Terminator II.
The Piano (Holly Hunter does soft porn)

This can't be ALL bad... :p

I try to cut the There''s Something About Mary / American Pie genre of flicks some slack, in that, back when, I thought Animal House was funny. I don't find it the least bit entertaining now...

I'm a bit [-]weird[/-] eccentric, though. I actually liked Lost in Translation...

And Scarlett Johansson had nothing to do with it... :p
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I was just going to post that. At five minutes, DW and I were looking at each other and saying "How could something this bad be so popular?"(*) We gave it another 15 minutes to see if it would get better, but it was more of the same, so back to Netflix it went.

Usually I can find a redeeming quality in anything, including most of the movies mentioned in this thread. To me, Borat was pure, refined badness.

(*) This is unfortunately not the only example of this phenomenon.
I'm the 'King of Bad Movie Pickers', a fact my wife dotes on reminding me of. Walked into the video store last week and picked "Lonely Hearts"(with Travolta and Gandolfini), "When a Man Falls"(with Sharon Stone), and "Flywheel"(I've got bad eyes and thought the star was the goteed-guy from Desperate Housewives & that the wife would like it just for that--but it was just a look-alike guy). All three were dogs. Bye-Bye $8-(one was a freebie).
Oh dear, without a doubt Borat was the worst.

I laughed hysterically at the part where he was pretending to take driving lessons. I think that was out of sheer boredom or some protective mechanism kicking in. Other than that I think that was the absolute worst movie on earth.
What movies did you just hate or walked out on ? Mine was " Lost in Translation ". What a waste of time and money !

I've only walked out on two in my life.

One was "The Fisher King" with Robin Williams, which I found offensive and stupid. Apparently I have poor taste since this film won an Oscar and is highly rated on IMDB.

The other was "Mr. Baseball" with Tom Selleck, which was just stupid.

Well see, I liked the fisher king. Good lesson on the consequences of your actions and how easy it is to lose ones self.
I can't remember ever walking out on a movie, although admittedly I don't go very often so it is usually something I wanted to see. Have ejected some loaner DVD movies after a few minutes.

I really liked Lost in Translation. Having been to Japan and being closely connected with a lot of Japanese people through Aikido, I guess it had some resonance for me.
The Avengers is horrible.
Manos: Hands of Fate is amazingly bad.

But I think the all-time worst movie I've seen is:
Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies.
One of the worst movies I have ever seen was "Boxing Helena."

I remember not too many years ago "Gigli" was a box office bomb...never saw it, never will.

I also remember Johnny Carson making fun of another movie disaster for a while..."Ishtar"
I usually don't go to a movie unless it's one I really want to see. The worst one I've seen in a long time was Napoleon Dynamite...granddaughter asked me to watch her favorite movie (she was 11). I tried several times to get her interested in one of her other DVDs, but noooo, we watch the whole stupid thing. Oh, the sacrafices we make in the name of grandparenthood.
"Detour," the 1945 version. It's structured like "Bambi vs. Godzilla," everything all sweet and nice for 30 minutes and then, kaboom, enter the femme fatale who turns it all nasty. It would be great at one of those midnight shows where everyone knows the lines. The Ann Savage role came in #3 on Time Magazine's list of the evilest villainesses in Hollywood history. It is so baaaad, I highly recommend it, film noir to the max, taken up a notch.
This is a tough crowd here. The only movie I've walked out on was Borat. Lost in Translation was boring. I like Bill Murray and Scarlet Johanson but not in this movie.
I can stop with reading a book when I've determined that I don't like it. With movies, though, I just keep watching and watching.

The only time I walked out from a theater was from watching a comedy. I was with a group of friends who decided to walk out. I probably would have stayed to the bitter end if it were just me. I can't remember the title at all.

Sometimes I find "popular?" comedies painful to watch. They get hype as being really funny and so I have my expectations way up high, and they are usually dashed.

I did like "There's Something About Mary" and thought it was hilarious. I also liked "Zoolander".

Oh, this is about awful movies--how about "Runaway Bride" with Julia Roberts in it? From my childhood, there were lots of awful Filipino movies, but they would be a hoot for me to watch now.
Last movie I walked out on was Get Shorty. Just mindles violence pretending to be a comedy. It got rave reviews, so I may be the only one who hated it.

Rented a movie a couple of weeks ago that I turned off after 20 minutes. According to the box, it was about astronauts trying to save the sun from going out. But, what I saw made absolutely no sense, so gave up. Can't even remember the title.

Some of the ones mentioned are ones I have liked. Others, I agree are stinkers.

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