Bill Gates DD getting married


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Feb 19, 2007
Do you remember the big hoohoo about Gates saying he wanted his kids to have a chance to make their own way in the world?

His oldest DD is getting married tomorrow, it's estimated the wedding could cost upwards of 2 million bucks. The wedding is at the DD horse farm that her parents bought and gave to her when she got out of college. Sixteen million bucks, the DD rides horses for a living. Pretty sure she doesn't make enough money for the upkeep of a place that size.

Now I understand this is less then a drop in the bucket for Gates, but why have they made such a big deal of saying they don't want their kids to "have everything" for nothing, apparently it was all for show.

I googled what Gates said and it was when he dies the kids will get 10 million bucks.
I think as people get older, they get more generous. Plus he has an ex to consider.
I think as people get older, they get more generous. Plus he has an ex to consider.

They were still married when they bought her the horse farm.

I don't care what he gives his kids, but he made he sound like it a moral stand to keep them grounded, obviously he didn't mean it. If you make a big deal about something in public and then don't follow through, you seem like , fill in the blank however you like..
Do you remember the big hoohoo about Gates saying he wanted his kids to have a chance to make their own way in the world?

His oldest DD is getting married tomorrow, it's estimated the wedding could cost upwards of 2 million bucks. The wedding is at the DD horse farm that her parents bought and gave to her when she got out of college. Sixteen million bucks, the DD rides horses for a living. Pretty sure she doesn't make enough money for the upkeep of a place that size.

Now I understand this is less then a drop in the bucket for Gates, but why have they made such a big deal of saying they don't want their kids to "have everything" for nothing, apparently it was all for show.

I googled what Gates said and it was when he dies the kids will get 10 million bucks.

You hit the nail on the head. It was all for show. It sounded good. It hit all the buttons for the crowd he was pandering to. WooHoo, look at me, I am rich but my kids only get $10 million when I die (of course while I am alive they will get 10's of millions)
You hit the nail on the head. It was all for show. It sounded good. It hit all the buttons for the crowd he was pandering to. WooHoo, look at me, I am rich but my kids only get $10 million when I die (of course while I am alive they will get 10's of millions)

Cause we are stupid and we won't notice the front page article in the Daily Mail with all the pictures of the little 124 acre horse farm...?

Maybe it all supposed to make us little guys feel better about having to actually work every day and pay bills.
Now I understand this is less then a drop in the bucket for Gates, but why have they made such a big deal of saying they don't want their kids to "have everything" for nothing, apparently it was all for show.

He probably meant "not have everything for nothing, just some things" :D.
People change their minds. Perhaps Melinda didn't agree and the terms were changed during the divorce.

Either way, I care less about this than if we were talking about the children of a Kardashian.
People change their minds. Perhaps Melinda didn't agree and the terms were changed during the divorce.

Either way, I care less about this than if we were talking about the children of a Kardashian.

I don't care either but I think it's odd that they made such a big deal of not giving them lots of money. I don't think I believed it when they said it..
Cause we are stupid and we won't notice the front page article in the Daily Mail with all the pictures of the little 124 acre horse farm...?

Maybe it all supposed to make us little guys feel better about having to actually work every day and pay bills.

To be honest, I really don't care how anyone else spends their money. BUT, when they make a point of preaching to us minions about a host of things they deem important, I have no problem making fun of their inconsistencies. :dance::dance:
To be honest, I really don't care how anyone else spends their money. BUT, when they make a point of preaching to us minions about a host of things they deem important, I have no problem making fun of their inconsistencies. :dance::dance:

I feel the same about Gates as I do about everybody on this board, it's your money do what you want with it. But maybe just keep it private in the first place.

So does this mean I now need to filter everything Gates says for the real meaning?
I feel the same about Gates as I do about everybody on this board, it's your money do what you want with it. But maybe just keep it private in the first place.

So does this mean I now need to filter everything Gates says for the real meaning?

Bold by me.

Full agreement. That means he can do what he wants, and his opinion on anything is just that of SGOTI. No more, no less.
I would bet she is a spoiled brat!! I would rather be getting by then have everything given to me.
I would bet she is a spoiled brat!! I would rather be getting by then have everything given to me.

We don't know that, I wouldn't presume it without evidence but OTOH it can't fun to have pictures of everything in the paper. At that level of wealth especially having grown up with it.. they are just different then we are.
He’s a multi billionaire. He’s thrown a couple million at his daughter, about like one of us spending thousands on a daughter - he never said he’d let her fend for herself entirely. You wouldn’t either. I truly couldn’t care less, but there’s some petty envy at work here. Don’t we have better things to be “outraged” over?
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I'll give the Gates' some slack considering their philanthropic generosity. There are plenty of lesser billionaires who remain greedy misers to their deaths.
I never knew about Gates' offsprings, so just looked and found the following on the Web.

The 25-year-old medical student is an accomplished equestrian who was part of the Longines Global Champions Tour and the Global Champions League. She's competed in shows all over the U.S. and in Europe.

To celebrate Jennifer's graduation from Stanford University in 2018, Gates purchased a $15.82 million horse farm in North Salem, New York, just 35 miles outside Manhattan.

The farm is 124 acres and features multiple barns, paddocks and training rings. And it's a short ride away from Jennifer's $5 million condo on the Upper East Side.

The above NY horse farm is where the wedding taking place. However, Gates has 2 more horse farms.

In 2013, the Microsoft founder purchased a five-acre horse farm in Wellington, Florida for $8.7 million. Since then, he has been purchasing more land around the farm and has expanded it into an 18-acre, $37 million equestrian facility.

In October 2014, Gates purchased a 228-acre farm in Rancho Paseana, California, for $18 million. The thoroughbred training center was previously owned by fitness and diet guru Jenny Craig.

The horse farm features a three-quarter mile dirt training track, four 30-stall barns, paddocks, a horse rehab facility, offices and two apartments.

Well, perhaps Bill Gates intended to give his children only $10M each, but soon realized that $10M was nowhere near enough. And then, there's inflation.

If I were Bill, I would be glad that my children were doing something, instead of just hanging out and shooting up dopes. Jennifer even graduated from Stanford with a degree in Human Biology, and is pursuing an MD degree at Icahn School of Medicine.
I don't care what he gives his kids, [...]

Honestly I really don't care, either. I don't know him or his kids. Who am I to think I know what's best for them? I just truly, truly hope that whatever his decision is, it's the right one for those kids.

I can't imagine bringing up a kid who had been exposed to that much wealth, even if it wasn't theirs. That must be so tough.
I truly couldn’t care less, but there’s some petty envy at work here. Don’t we have better things to be “outraged” over?

Yes, I read Quora and it seems there are a lot of people there that just want to separate the wealthy from their money, usually by taxing it and often by taxing wealth.
The latest great retort I saw today was, "Oh great, another class envy pundit with no clue."
I'm wondering if the future son in-law was required to sign a prenuptial agreement of some type.
Being a child of a billionaire sure gives them a step up in life from the start. Good for her!!!!

I was riding horses before I was in school and loved riding and working with horses. Ours/mine were 200$ hay burners and hers probably 200k. LOL Working with horses was very important to me and can see her love for the sport.
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Totally none of my business.
I would bet she is a spoiled brat!! I would rather be getting by then have everything given to me.
Maybe, Maybe not... But If I were a billionaire, I'd give a ton to my kids. I'd probably also encourage them to do something meaningful with their life and wealth.
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