Breakthrough club

A DRY non productive cough (that I have had for years because of the BP Meds) and snivvling are hardly symptoms.
Not to argue, but that's not what you said originally: "I have had some snivvles and a dry cough for a week or 2". You made it sound like these were new onset symptoms, not ones that have been going on for years. Big difference. No, I don't think you need a COVID test if you've had the cough for years. I've seen numerous people come in with symptoms that have been present for weeks or more. I did not COVID test them.
Not to argue, but that's not what you said originally: "I have had some snivvles and a dry cough for a week or 2". You made it sound like these were new onset symptoms, not ones that have been going on for years. Big difference. No, I don't think you need a COVID test if you've had the cough for years. I've seen numerous people come in with symptoms that have been present for weeks or more. I did not COVID test them.

OK, I guess. But Dry was the Key and the funny part was my home Covid test. The part about the ACE Inhibitors was the dead giveaway as it is a known side effect. I guess my British sense of humor is not appreciated by some.
I've asked him to get some since he's seeing this friend on campus today.

Definitely see a business opportunity where all those in the machines will be gone once college students realize they can sell them off campus.
Definitely see a business opportunity where all those in the machines will be gone once college students realize they can sell them off campus.
Good point. Tests are $12 at CVS. Buy them for a dollar. Turn around and sell them for $7 or $8 easily. Not a bad profit for a college kid.
Yes, you might very well have a sinus infection or bronchitis and it might feel exactly like every other sinus infection or bronchitis you've had in the past, but this time the virus causing it might be coronavirus. The only way to know is to test you.

At about $15 a test, or at least an hour round trip to get to the test appointment, many people are not going to be willing to be tested, especially if their symptoms are very mild. That's why we need free or very low cost home test kits. Yes, probably subsidized by the government. I can think of several wasteful government [-]boondoggles[/-] projects that could be scrapped to pay for the test kits.

I am not sure about those who work in the medical field seeing patients. Perhaps they have easy access to testing. I would hope so. But for many of us it's still a chore to say the least.
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I agree. We really need to cheap tests ($1-3) that you can self administer. That would help a lot.
I have had some snivvles and a dry cough for a week or 2, not bad just on occasion, usually in the evening and a couple of times at night. I have not taken a commercial Covid test as I do not think it is needed. It may be my BP Meds (ACE inhibitors)

I do perform my own soon to be patented Covid test, I stick my head in our spice cabinet, if I can smell the pleasant odors, I do not have Covid, all good so far :).

As an aside, the cough from an ACE inhibitor can get worse and worse. I started on an ACE inhibitor last September and started coughing. It wasn’t bad at first, but became horrible. Switched meds and it was gone in 3 days.

Now, back to original thread topic.
Update to DW's exercise class girl contacting covid:

No recent news on the girl or other class members. No symptoms for DW or I.

DW has put herself and me on a 10 day quarantine. No exercise class for her. I have a dentist appt on the 17th. I'm going to call the dentist and explain the situation and see what they want to do. I don't mind getting tested before going to the dentist even if I have no symptoms.
Nice to hear good news. Good idea to call the dentist shortly before your appointment but if you or your wife are still showing no symptoms by the 17th I expect the dentist will have no issues in your attendance.
Update on trying to score cheap tests. Son was unable to get them from his friend. I have a friend who's an adjunct professor at the University, may ask her to get me some.
With the transmissability of Delta, I have been looking for medical goggles for going to the doctor and other unavoidable outings. Everything on Amazon is designed for larger heads. Has anyone found goggles for their teenagers? Unvented and big enough to cover glasses.
My wife is a pastor. About ten days ago, we lost one of our church family to COVID. She was 79 and fully vaccinated. She also had a history of cancer and asthma. Her husband caught it at the same time, apparently. He was asymptomatic and is feeling fine, other than the obvious emotional devastation.

We did really well, emotionally, through 2020 and the first half of 2021. But Delta has really kicked our butts.
COVID testing is free (at least in the US), so cost isn't an issue at all, but I agree that it needs to be much more readily available and the results need to come back quickly. It can't take 2 days to get an appointment for a test and then 2 more to get the results. Anyone who wants a test needs to be able to just show up at their local pharmacy, get swabbed, and have results within 24 hours.

Hmmm. DH and I had to get COVID tests before we went to the USVI in April 2021. Maybe it’s different now, but we were each charged $125 for the test, total of $250. Unless there are free or much cheaper alternatives now, we will not test again unless we have reason to believe we have COVID.
My wife is a pastor. About ten days ago, we lost one of our church family to COVID. She was 79 and fully vaccinated. She also had a history of cancer and asthma. Her husband caught it at the same time, apparently. He was asymptomatic and is feeling fine, other than the obvious emotional devastation.

We did really well, emotionally, through 2020 and the first half of 2021. But Delta has really kicked our butts.

So sorry to hear that you and your DW are having such a tough time lately. Losing a dear friend is so hard to bear. :'(
Hmmm. DH and I had to get COVID tests before we went to the USVI in April 2021. Maybe it’s different now, but we were each charged $125 for the test, total of $250. Unless there are free or much cheaper alternatives now, we will not test again unless we have reason to believe we have COVID.

Covid tests, including home test kits are free in the UK, unless you are traveling abroad when it does cost, both leaving and returning. These days the cheap flights to Europe sometimes (often?) cost less than the Covid tests required to fly.
My wife is a pastor. About ten days ago, we lost one of our church family to COVID. She was 79 and fully vaccinated. She also had a history of cancer and asthma. Her husband caught it at the same time, apparently. He was asymptomatic and is feeling fine, other than the obvious emotional devastation.

We did really well, emotionally, through 2020 and the first half of 2021. But Delta has really kicked our butts.

So sorry to hear this. A long time really close friend of the family died of Covid at the end of August and it was the first close friend or family member that has died and it has hit us harder than I would have imagined. He was only a year younger than me.

All the best.
Update on trying to score cheap tests. Son was unable to get them from his friend. I have a friend who's an adjunct professor at the University, may ask her to get me some.

Try Walmart or CVS. Have been able to get the Binaxnow from one or the other more or less as wanted.
Try Walmart or CVS. Have been able to get the Binaxnow from one or the other more or less as wanted.
This is a follow-up on an earlier portion of the thread where a university had tests in vending machines. The question was about what brand of test was selling for $1 and if it was subsidized (and if enterprising students would acquire beer money through reselling).
Hmmm. DH and I had to get COVID tests before we went to the USVI in April 2021. Maybe it’s different now, but we were each charged $125 for the test, total of $250. Unless there are free or much cheaper alternatives now, we will not test again unless we have reason to believe we have COVID.

Disneysteve is talking about driving to a testing center it some pharmacies. Buying tests you carry or take home are not free.
My 90 year old mother lives in an independent living apartment in a Continuing Care Community. Yesterday it was announced that there is an outbreak of Covid among several residents and staff in the nursing home section of the CCRC. Everyone involved has been fully vaccinated. I don't not know how sick the people who tested positive are but the nursing home has been put on lockdown. My mother is concerned that it will spread to her building and she will also be on lockdown (they were on lock down for months last year). She is also upset about her Church-- several regular attendees have also tested positive (some vaccinated, some not) and her Church is also closed. She is concerned about all this and thinks things are going back to the way they were at the beginning of the pandemic. I don't really know what to say to her to make her feel better.
Hmmm. DH and I had to get COVID tests before we went to the USVI in April 2021. Maybe it’s different now, but we were each charged $125 for the test, total of $250. Unless there are free or much cheaper alternatives now, we will not test again unless we have reason to believe we have COVID.
Wow that sounds high - was that at a private facility?

In most areas, there are free city/county sites, or partnerships with pharmacies. In FL I can get tested for free at CVS, Walgreens, and Qwest (in addition to the county drive up service).

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