Caffeine, pros and/or cons?


Moderator Emeritus
Jan 11, 2007
New Orleans
I almost posted this on the pet peeve thread, and then decided it needs its own thread. So here ya go. :LOL: This is a loooooooooong post, sorry!

Background: After a few very wild teenage years in which I tried everything possible, in the 1960's I decided to clean up my act and stopped drinking, smoking, or doing recreational drugs. This is not for religious/moral reasons, but because stuff like that is not "me" and I prefer a clear head (math is fun!) and healthier lifestyle. I haven't done such things since although I still continued to drink caffeinated beverages daily, for another 60 years or so. Frank is the same about such things.

BUT - - everything I've ever read or have been told, is that caffeine is a mild drug and isn't actually good for us. I had consumed moderate amounts of caffeine every day (1-2 coffees or diet Cokes per day) since I was a teenager and was highly "addicted" to it all these years, with the typical caffeine headaches if I abstained. Despite this, I decided about a year ago to stop being so weak-minded and to not consume any more caffeine. I have been drinking decaf instead of coffee, and no longer drink that delicious treat known as Diet Coke.

Well now, after a year of this, it seems like I sleep too much. I might as well be on sleeping pills. If I'm not sleeping I am wishing I could sleep, etc. I fall asleep for no reason. You get the idea.

So this morning, Frank came over and I kept falling asleep while we were watching boring videos and talking. After that he went out to get us some take-out for lunch, and brought me a diet Coke which I promptly drank.

WOW!! Not only was I able to stay awake, but also my mood is elevated, life is more fun, I'm getting a lot more done. Caffeine doesn't dull my thinking which is another "plus".

My pet peeve is why does every source in the universe tell me one thing ("caffeine=bad"), and my body tells me something different ("caffeine=good")? :mad: Now I don't know what to do and feel like a moron for not knowing. I am thinking of going back to one diet Coke/day.

Thoughts? Health implications?
I drink caffeine (regular coffee) daily. It does not raise my blood pressure.

There are some studies which claim that coffee has health benefits. (This is by memory, not a recent search.) Unless your doctor recommended against it, I would introduce 1/2 cup of regular coffee in the morning and see how you do. If you have sleep issues, I would cut it off by noon.

Maybe diet coke once a week. (The issue may be the artificial sweetener, rather than the caffeine. I like it too.)
Perhaps get checked for Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).
My doctor is qualified both in internal medicine, and endocrinology. He checks on my thyroid frequently for other reasons. He says I'm not hypothyroid although I admit that does surprise me since I have a terrible time with my weight.

I drink caffeine (regular coffee) daily. It does not raise my blood pressure.

Back when I drank coffee I didn't notice it raising my blood pressure, either.

There are some studies which claim that coffee has health benefits. (This is by memory, not a recent search.) Unless your doctor recommended against it, I would introduce 1/2 cup of regular coffee in the morning and see how you do. If you have sleep issues, I would cut it off by noon.
My doctor never suggested for me to cut back on caffeine. Thanks for the suggestion; that was what I was thinking of doing, too. That's interesting that it may possibly have health benefits! Hmm!

Thanks for the link. It was VERY helpful.

I don't think any of the "cons" listed in that article would bother me; I'm not on any of those meds and never have problems with headaches or anxiety. If I get habituated to caffeine again, well, I know what that is like and can deal with it if necessary.

The "pros" are exactly why I was feeling so great after that diet Coke today! Plus, I have a terrible time with controlling my obesity and never thought about the possibility that caffeine might help somehow in that effort. Also, I never thought caffeine could be GOOD for heart health! That would sure be a nice (possible) benefit.
My doctor checks on that frequently for other reasons. He says I'm not hypothyroid although I admit that does surprise me.

Back when I drank coffee I didn't notice it raising my blood pressure, either.

My doctor never suggested for me to cut back on caffeine. Thanks for the suggestion; that was what I was thinking of doing, too. That's interesting that it may possibly have health benefits! Hmm! Thanks for the link.

Welcome! I found another link which I added. I think if you start to incorporate a bit of coffee gradually, you should be ok. (I'm not a health care professional, but a coffee drinker and proponent of common sense.)
Caffeine for me is several black coffees each day until noon. Then it's just water.

Eggs are bad/good/bad/good again too! (I probably eat a dozed a week, or more)

I sleep well unless I have a diet coke after 8 PM (rare, but happens).

Oh, ice cream is really bad........;)
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I’ve also read there are health benefits to drinking coffee, including cardiac health. I drink 2-3 cups per day. I try to avoid any sodas, but occasionally cheat and have a Diet Pepsi. Never been a Coke fan.
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I have a 16 oz cup of coffee every morning. I rarely drink more than that 1 large cup but once in a while I do.
I don’t drink, smoke, or use any type of recreational drugs. No soda, decaf tea only. I don’t even typically take tylenol or ibuprofen.

I love my coffee. I’m not giving it up unless at some point it will substantially increase my quality of life. My doctors have all told me that one cup isn’t going to hurt me.
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If a Diet Coke or a cup of coffee makes you feel better, then go for it! And quit worrying about it! Life is too short.
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OK!!! So far all the posts are confirming my thoughts on this.

So my plan is to start drinking 1-2 cups of coffee (or diet Cokes) per day if desired, before mid-afternoon so I can sleep that night.

Thank you!!!! I guess I just needed the support you all have provided, in order to feel certain that I'm not just caving in and doing this because it's easier. Thanks again!
DW has osteoporosis and her specialist says no more than 2 cups daily. So we have 2 cups of drip caffeine laden brew in the morning and have a couple decaffeinated cappuccinos during the day, sometimes I'll cheat and make a triple decaffeinated for her and make a double caffeinated for me without making adjustments to the grinder. She has changed from diet coke to decaffeinated diet coke(which bewilders me, I perceive it to be like drinking brown water) and hasn't complained about it.

I had a serious caffeine addiction at Megacorp, just part of the culture and frequency of all nighters. There was a heyday of those; doing development too long and too much support stuff, the two are related.

I remember an all nighter that started in KC ended 24 hours later in SLC. I was told to go back level some unproven code and install it on a client's systems to reduce resources and response time. Sometime in early morning a kind person asked if she could get me some coffee.. oh please, just black and lots of it. She found a coffee drinkers desk, rarer in SLC, and made a small pot for us. She neglected to tell me it was flavored.... yuck.
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Enjoy your diet for your apparent need for more sleep, don't discount the idea that you have not 100% recovered from your awful bout with Covid. Sleep is healing so having a DC or two so you feel a little perkier is a good thing. Meanwhile get that good sleep.
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Used to drink about 4 or 5 diet Pepsis a day during my working days. DW says that Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke is worse than Pepsi/Coke. I'm not convinced. But in case she is right, I now try to have one diet and one regular soft drink per day. I get about 8 hours of sound sleep per night.

So W2R - I'm not a dr - but if a couple of diet cokes makes you feel better then go for it.
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I think caffeine is fine for most people and probably even has health benefits. I kind of suspect it helps the elderly.

DH can’t drink it because after a few days of use he can get irregular heartbeats. Not dangerous, but uncomfortable. Very occasional he’s OK. Decaf is fine for him.
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I drink 80oz of green tea a day (a pound of gyokuro was delivered minutes ago) and have zero trouble sleeping.

Enjoy your beverages while you can.
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I drink usually about 3/4 of the small 5 cup pot each morning. If you ask my wife she will say the biggest pro is I’m in a better mood.
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Like you I don’t have vices but will never give up my 2 cups of coffee in the morning and an occasional coke. I don’t think it’s bad for you.
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I decided to give up caffeine several years ago. I did coffee with half caffeine and half decaffeinated. My DD's family was living in NC at the time and I decided to not drink any coffee while on the trip. I started noticing pain in my hip area, I believe. I had trouble sleeping due to the pain. I had never had any pain before. I woke up one morning between 4 and 5AM and decided to google if caffeine withdrawal could be causing my muscle pain. Yep, it could. I went to the kitchen and found their 4 cup coffee maker and made a pot of coffee and drank the whole pot. The pain started going away. I decided right then that I was going to drink coffee for the rest of my life. I usually have 2 cups of black coffee every morning and occasionally have a cup of decaf at night if I am eating dessert. Life really is too short!
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I can't imagine giving up my full-caff latte in the morning, and my diet coke. If you don't have any health issues that would improve with zero caffeine, I would go ahead.

PS, Caffeine-free-diet-coke is pretty good.
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OK!!! So far all the posts are confirming my thoughts on this.

So my plan is to start drinking 1-2 cups of coffee (or diet Cokes) per day if desired, before mid-afternoon so I can sleep that night.

Thank you!!!! I guess I just needed the support you all have provided, in order to feel certain that I'm not just caving in and doing this because it's easier. Thanks again!

Thanks again for everyone's opinions! It seems we are nearly all in agreement on this question.

I just told Frank about my decision, and he agrees too. Did I ever mention that he is such a sweetie, that each morning he walks over from his house next door to bring me breakfast and make my instant coffee for me? Yes he does. Always my hero. :)

Anyway, he's going to make me a cup of caffeinated instant coffee to drink with my breakfast in the morning, instead of decaf. We'll see how that goes. :D
I'm agreeing with the rest, have your caffeine. Whether by coffee or diet coke. I drink a lot of diet coke, probably 6 or more in a day. No coffee though, I'll drink diet coke in the morning and through into the night. Can drink a diet coke and go right to sleep. Yes, I am caffeine addicted and get withdrawal headache if I don't take in caffeine.

Caffeine is only a mild stimulant in normal doses like you get in coffee or soda. If you are basically good health, it will not have any bad effects.
DW drinks caffeine free Diet Coke. We couldn't find it during the pandemic. She was paranoid, but got over it.
I have lots of PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) and caffeine can be a trigger, so my cardiologist said absolutely none for me. Not even chocolate!

Giving up coffee was bad enough, but chocolate was one of my major food groups.

Getting O.L.D. sucks.
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