Caffeine, pros and/or cons?

Caffeine for me is several black coffees each day until noon. ...;)

Heads up there is about 100mg caffeine per level tablespoon of coffee grounds used.

It’s possible above 500mg one can experience heart tachycardia and even colonic spasms associated with constipation.
Does anybody use matcha daily? I use it in my smoothie every morning and if I miss my smoothie I crave it all day. I think it’s definitely the matcha.
My pet peeve is why does every source in the universe tell me one thing ("caffeine=bad"), and my body tells me something different ("caffeine=good")? :mad: Now I don't know what to do and feel like a moron for not knowing. I am thinking of going back to one diet Coke/day.

Thoughts? Health implications?

Since news runs on advertisements, they need controversy to "drive engagement". For health, I see two angles every year: a) a new miracle fad and b) a debunking of an old miracle fad. Many of these "studies" are statistically flawed, so articles about them aren't worth reading until there's wide scientific consensus, which takes a while to build up.

So, its best to not read health (or any news) articles until you've had your morning cup o' joe :)

As a side note, I have come to value the principle of respecting what has worked for generations, i.e. the Lindy Effect. Caffeine, as consumed for generations and not in some turbo-charged form, should be ok.
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Does anybody use matcha daily? I use it in my smoothie every morning and if I miss my smoothie I crave it all day. I think it’s definitely the matcha.

I drink a Matcha blend tea daily. I used to have an espresso in the afternoon, but now it’s Matcha. I get a lift without affecting my sleep later.
Since news runs on advertisements, they need controversy to "drive engagement".

As a side note, I have come to value the principle of respecting what has worked for generations, i.e. the Lindy Effect. Caffeine, as consumed for generations and not in some turbo-charged form, should be ok.
Kinda like the ad going up that "gives you wings" Redbull!!:LOL:
I drink Costco’s Kirkland brand Green Tea with Matcha. Usually a 2-3 cups a day. In the evening I usually have a cup of Chamomile.
Way back in 1971 in Grad school I was in touch with Dr Peter Witt for information regarding his research on the effects of various drugs on the nervous system of web building spiders (Araneus diadematus). The effects of caffeine on their ability to perform their normal function of web building were interesting when compared to the effects of other drugs.
Check out these images comparing a normal web to the webs from a few other drugs like LSD, Peyote, Cannabis, etc. and Caffeine.
No wonder you get headaches when stopping caffeine. :D

You guys are a buncha lightweights (except for maybe one of you). LOL

We used to go through minimum of three pots of coffee per day. I'd have one cup (I mean *MUG*) at home, then one for the commute to work. At work I had a coffee pot at my desk and would drink at least one pot there, maybe a 2nd some times. Then back at home more coffee on the couch while watching TV. When it was hotter weather I often substituted Diet Coke for coffee. But always multiple cups of coffee and 1 or 2 cokes PER DAY. For decades.

Oddly enough, I could never detect any issues with it disturbing my sleep.

As I got older I did beginn to experience some anxiety and eventually stopped using aspartame-based sweeteners. It seemed to help.

Until THIS YEAR - I had a lot of anxiety at the dentist and a lot of visits to get several things fixed so I did something unprecedented: I stopped consuming caffeine! I weaned myself off over 7-10 days. Minimal headaches, surprisingly.

Decaf coffee *does* have some caffeine in it, so I get trace amounts to help keep my brain cells happy, but the anxiety is gone and the dentist trips went so well that they no longer needed to jab me with double-doses of novacaine. It was incredible! I even relaxed in the chair instead of stretching out like a plank.

I do, on some mornings, mix in 1/2 cup of regular coffee w/ the decaf, but that's it. It's plenty of mental boost without an energy crash or any anxiousness. I feel better being 98% caffeine-free.
green tea for hormone-induced headaches

I've never gotten into coffee and rarely drink tea, but I've found caffeine to be a safer alternative for treating headaches than Advil. Whenever I get hormone-induced headaches (from perimenopause), I drink one cup of green tea and that will stop a headache in its tracks.
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