Cell Phone Revolution



On the Washington University in St. Louis campus last week I was blown away by the number of people talking on cell phones. About one in four students walking around on campus had a cell phone glued to his/her ear. At one point I looked around and every person I saw, including someone driving by, was on a cell phone.

I'd guess that many of these people rarely have a few minutes during their waking hours in which they aren't talking with someone. I don't know how this will change society, but it sure is a big difference from a few years ago.
Yep, sure is different. I can't believe so many people today feel like they have to be talking to someone on the phone all the time. Does it make them feel important? Seems like everytime I'm in a check out line I'm always behind someone on the frigging phone.  :cell:   :rant:
I would guess that the number is higher on my campus. Cell phones ring in classes and during my individual appointments with my students. When I'm trying to help a student make a decision, they will pause and ask if they can call their mom for her input. If you're talking on the phone, you don't need to look both ways when you're crossing the street (HA!).

My friend is the Cingul@r salesman on campus, and he had the #1 sales in the country in August as the semester began.
Boggles my imagination too.   I also wonder about (dread) the possibility that protocols and manners will change so much that 1 in 4 people in a restaurant will be on cellphones.  IF that happens, I'll be avoiding restaurants completely.

I saw the beginning of that issue during an oil conference in Venezula in the late 1990's.  Most of the Latin American participants didn't think twice about phones ringing during conference sessions.  I could not believe it at the time.  Good thing this ol' phart is about to check out from that rat race.
We attended one of my daughter's classes, and I counted five cell phone interruptions.
TromboneAl said:
We attended one of my daughter's classes, and I counted five cell phone interruptions.

None of my profs would put up with that crap... if your phone rang, you were out of the class for the day. Good policy IMO.
I was in a restaurant for lunch a few years ago when 4 teenage boys walked in. All the available tables in the restaurant were small with only two seats. They had a discussion with the waitress who then helped them move two tables together and push 4 seats together. The 4 guys sat down and each of them promptly pulled out a cell phone and proceded to carry on 4 separate phone conversations. I had to wonder why they needed to sit together. :)
Everyone - - BUY a cell phone for every pocket!!

(Gotta sell those chips, ya know...)

I read an article by some telecom guru who predicts that each family member will have there own cell phone number (or distinctive ring on the family phone) at a very young age. Wired phones will become a thing of the past.
I know profs who charge $10 for every cell phone ring in class. The sad things is students gladly hand over the money!
yelnad said:
I know profs who charge $10 for every cell phone ring in class. The sad things is students gladly hand over the money!

Darned good plan. Maybe I'll take up tempting after retirement and make money collecting fines.

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