Cheap pre-paid cell phone


Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 8, 2005
I am wondering if there are any good pre-paid cell phone companies that cover both East and West Coasts, as I am back and forth between Florida, Arizona and California. I currently have AT&T, because it has coverage in all these area. However, I find I don't use the phone all that much, and at $69.99 a month, it is an expense I'd like to cut. I know there's a number of new offerings out there now with pre-paids.

Has anyone found a good deal on one?
modhatter said:
I am wondering if there are any good pre-paid cell phone companies that cover both East and West Coasts, as I am back and forth between Florida, Arizona and California. I currently have AT&T, because it has coverage in all these area. However, I find I don't use the phone all that much, and at $69.99 a month, it is an expense I'd like to cut. I know there's a number of new offerings out there now with pre-paids.

Has anyone found a good deal on one?

Check out tracfone
I will be travelling to AZ fairly soon and needed a cell (my 1st) so based on their popularity, broad coverage, no roaming charges (the plan I selected) and cost, I went with them.
I purchased their 19.99 special free phone with 20 minutes and 60 minutes. I got a referral and i'm getting 120 minutes more. If you are interested and want to purchase their service, I can refer you as well, we both can get 120 minutes each. PM me if you are interested.
I second tracfone. Nationwide coverage for roaming and long distance. Good call quality and reception even for the el cheapo free phone (in my area at least).
tracfone is quite good, but coverage might be spotty in some places.
Another cheap alternative is virgin mobile (but also somewhat spotty in the boonies GSM only coverage) - good for emergency or low usage phones.

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