Daily WORDLE - 2022

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Wordle 438 4/6

Wordle 438 6/6

Always the last place you look.

Wordle 438 6/6

Wordle 438 4/6

question for those Wordlers who travel internationally. We live in the US and one of the daily rituals with DW is us doing wordle together (take turns guessing). BUT, I have an 8-day trip to Europe in a couple of weeks, and DW will be back in the states - is the timing of the new wordle based on the time where you are, or is it centralized somehow to GMT or whatever? We have a pretty long streak, and I don't want to break it on a technicality!

Sounds like a dangerous addiction. ;)
I think it's GMT, since the night owls (or West Coasters) in the US are the first to post.
A quick (<2 min) elimination drill.

Wordle 438 5/6

Wordle 438 5/6*

Wordle 439 4/6

Wordle 439 3/6


Things were not going well. Had a list of letters I wanted to try next. Struggled to make a word. Got lucky.
Wordle 439 4/6

Wordle 439 3/6


It took me a long time to solve this one.
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