Dog to be put down

So sorry you and your beloved dog will have to part soon. I’ve been through this too and think it was my greatest heartbreak ever. Still miss my doggie, even though we have another dog now.

I like the idea of having the vet come to your home. My dog absolutely hates going to the vet, so I think our final act of kindness and love can be putting him to sleep on his favorite rug.

Take care.
My last Rottie would greet me at the front window every day coming home. When her bone cancer started getting the best of her, she stopped doing that for her last month.

After I decided that a certain Friday night after work would be the day the family takes her in and says goodbye, wouldn’t you know it? There she was, greeting me at the front window.

Damn dogs… they’re too lovable.
I’m so sorry Bigfoot. It is such a hard thing to do but it is the right thing when their time has come.
I had to let go of my miniature schnauzer last May at 15 years old.
I miss him every day. He was such a good little boy.
I am so sorry about your baby. Because I have done older dog rescue I have lost 8 dogs in 16 years. I decided I had enough death and got a puppy and his 4 year old half sister. One dog never replaces another but I believe you honor the one that passed when you rescue another. My last 3 dogs I had a vet come to the house and it was much better for all although it was double the cost.
There is nothing harder to do but no greater gift you can give your dog under these circumstances. So many of us have traveled this road before. My heart goes out to you.

+1. I had to do it once. I held her as the pain stopped.
It is one of the worst feelings in the world.'s the worst feeling for the OWNER. For the furry critter, it is almost ALWAYS relief. They don't know they are mortal and when they are euthanized, they don't know it's the end of the road here on earth. I know that doesn't lessen the pain for YOU any more, but often it's the last loving thing you can do for them.

A couple of days ago, I was at the vet and another client had a young dog that looked EXACTLY like a mutt that we had to euthanize 9 months ago at the young age of 12 years because of cancer. The emotions of that dreadful day were overwhelming and I miss that dog more than I would ever imagine, but I know sending him to the "rainbow bridge" was the right thing to do.

Edit: I wanted to add that the "at home service" is really the way to go. Over the years, I have had to put down a number of critters and never thought about doing it at home. With the last one, that dog HATED the vet and was always scared of the experience so I thought I owed it to the dog to make it as painless as possible. Prior to the cancer diagnosis, he had gone to the vet at least 6 times in the last few months because of a CCL surgery. Having the "last act" done at home was more relaxed for the pup and for DW and me. Plus, we didn't have to make the painful march through the vet's waiting area (and the drive home) while crying like a baby.
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It is one of the worst feelings in the world.'s the worst feeling for the OWNER. For the furry critter, it is almost ALWAYS relief. They don't know they are mortal and when they are euthanizedthey don't know it's the end of the road here on earth. I know that doesn't lessen the pain for YOU any more, but often it's the last loving thing you can do for them.

Nicely said.
Sad about this. It is very difficult. We put our 15 year old sheltie foxhound down 3 years ago. We still talk about him most days, including today.

We found it comforting to focus on the fond memories and the love that endures. That cannot be taken away.
Bigfoot, Sorry for your impending loss. Been there, done that. Currently owned by a 14-year old who’s showing signs of aging, so we know the inevitable is not too far off. Worst part is having that empty spot in the house where the pup used to sleep. Last time I had to move a piece of furniture into the spot so it wouldn’t look so empty. Only solution I’ve found is a new pup.
Sad about this. It is very difficult. We put our 15 year old sheltie foxhound down 3 years ago. We still talk about him most days, including today.

We found it comforting to focus on the fond memories and the love that endures. That cannot be taken away.

The memories I have of the twelve years with my beagle are precious! I often go through pictures I have of him and our cat. I don’t dwell on the loss, but on the joy they gave us. I keep a few toys to remember him, and our bedroom door still has a few scratches from him wanting to come in. It’ll be painted over eventually, but haven’t had the heart to do it yet. Memories are precious and will never be lost.
Sorry to hear... I have had to put several down over the years, Got one left, just turned 15.. Still gets around good but has some issues.
My heart goes out to you, bigfoot.
It is truly the most loving thing we can do for our furry family members. You know when the time has come.
Take time to grieve and remember with a smile on your face, but let the tears flow when needed.
Take care.
So sorry that you have to do this. I do not think it is easier when one is younger. At least it was not for me. At age 22 I had to have my dog put down; he was given to me as a puppy when I was 10. That experience is likely a factor why I have not owned a dog since.

I had a very similar experience. My folks bought our family dog, a Boston Terrier, when I was 7 years old. He was truly a family member to me. They had put him down at 14, right before I graduated from college. It tore our hearts out! Never have had a dog since then.
Been there and done that many times... Hurts... Sorry to hear about yours...
Sorry for what you're going through, it's just so hard to let your best friends and companions go.
I had to put my German Shepherd down in 2018 and then my other one Christmas Day of 2019. I was truly lost for a while and a little fearful living alone but I did keep their collars and hang them on the door of my home office. Every time I open the door the tags jingle and even now it's very comforting. I should probably toss them but I just can't bring myself to do it yet.
Sadly I had to take my 17 year old cat to to be put down on New Years Eve. I bawled all the way home even though I knew it had been coming for a long time. She was down to only 4 lbs with thyroid issues but still a ravenous eater until the end. I can't even talk about it yet without being reduced to tears and it's been a week now.

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