Google Chrome to disable adblockers

I generally use Firefox. It's not perfect but it doesn't seem to have all the commercial adaptions that the MS and Google browsers have. Safari is also a good one for Macs.
I wonder if Chromium (the open source version of Chrome) will have the same deprecation?

Microsoft has been on my do not use list for years and it appears that Google my soon be there also.

We may find ourselves using Microsoft again...they're throwing away all their in-house developed code and doing a Chromium-based browser. This link is no better than any other, necessarily, but just one that I thought might be of interest. Just typed "microsoft chromium based browser" into the search bar:
We use Edge for most things with AdBlock. I use FF for Facebook because FBP blocks out all the crap I do not want. FBP is wonderful.
We use Edge for most things with AdBlock. I use FF for Facebook because FBP blocks out all the crap I do not want. FBP is wonderful.

What acronym does FBP mean? I got FF as Firefox and FBP as Facebook "something".

I use a FF add on called Social Fixer to help filter out the crap on Facebook. Works well for my desktop (can add my own rules --- I have one to not see potty mouth posts).

However, for my smartphone there is no Social Fixer app..
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Posting this from the Brave browser, which I just downloaded and set up. So far so good.

The timing on this is good, as I am on a combination of "cut down on spending" kick and also a "stop giving money to companies who think they have the right to tell people and states what they should do" kick. So kicking Chrome to the curb (as I have already done mostly for google search) fits right in.

I've cancelled Netflix, CBS All access, Direct TV Now, Amazon Prime. I still have Hulu from a 99 cent/month for a year deal (through November). Still also have Sirius XM on an annual plan, will decide on that when the time comes. It is summer, I'd rather spend time outside.
I don't think it will be that final. My Toshiba CB (and others out there) can be converted to run a Linux distro. Once I do that, Firefox or another browser will be compatible. The only thing I use the CB for is internet access and it's been a great tool for the last three years.

Or if people don't care about seeing ads, then the CB's can be used as configured.

I remember the thread from several months ago praising the security, stability, and convenience of chrome books. Interestingly, in open source browser circles, there has been some hand-wringing about Google's use of search data and privacy issues. So maybe lots of folks don't care about this stuff given the convenience. This new ads issues may prove more inconvenient.

Anyway, I returned back to Firefox last year mainly for privacy reasons and in support of open source. No regrets since recent FF now has decent speed. Maybe, for once, I got ahead of the game.
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