hearing aid warranty


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2010
my dw has a hearing aid and has had it for about 3 years. the place that sold it to her said the warranty is about to run out and she should sign up for an extended warranty, because fixing or repairing them without warranty is very expensive. I am not really a fan of extended warranties and was wondering about your thoughts on the matter. I think when she bought the hearing aid she paid too much for it. 3500. but what do I know. but now I am trying to figure out if the warranty is the way to go. do any of you get your hearing aids repaired and is it very expensive? or do you go with the extended warranty.
this is from someone who knows nothing about hearing aids. thanks

I know nothing about hearing aids, but I do know that many credit cards offer extended warranty by default on purchases. Usually at least a year (or they did - some cards have recently dialed back the benefit, but it should still apply if you bought it 3 years ago). Check into whether or not you have the extended coverage that before deciding your options.
My mom had hearing aids and it seemed that I was taking hers in for repairs every other month - but Mom was hard on those aids. She would drop them, yank them out of her ears by pulling on the aid instead of taking out the earpiece (which caused the wires to break).. we ALWAYS made sure there was warranty coverage. Her aids were very expensive.
I've had hearing aids from Costco (~$2500) for about 2 years. One of the speakers broke off a few months back. I took it in and they replaced it on the spot at no charge. Said they would do this for as long as I have them. I don't recall that they even asked my name though the aids are clearly a Costco-only model. Batteries are cheap at Costco. Wax guards and cleanings are free.

(I don't wear them as much as I might. What I really like is using them as Bluetooth headphones.)
Costco. Pair of hearing aids, $1700. Great service. Unlimited adjustments. Seems average life is around 7 years. Consumer Reports ranks Costco tops.

Might be cheaper to just plan on buying Costco hearing aids every 7 years, and skip the cost of a warranty.

Also, the hearing aids are always improving. Battery life was 3/4 days. New aids,
battery life around 13 days. Not sure if warranty allows you to "upgrade", instead of
just repair.
DH is getting his hearing aids in 2 weeks. When we ordered them, they told us the life on them is 3-5 years- might want to check that for your pair as part of your consideration
I noticed aarp united healthcare part c has hearing coverage. does anyone use aarp united healthcare for their medicare insurance needs?
Extended warranty=insurance. On average, insurance is only worth it if you can't afford to pay for the disastrous event. IOW, insurance isn't for saving money.
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