Help navigating Fidelity website, please!

Nah, look at it again. You can buy or sell. You just have to click on the dropdown menus.

Sorry, not when I hit the green "Trade" button after clicking on the fund name. All the choices involve selling shares from that fund, not buying new ones. I don't know what you are looking at.
On the Fido site I can click the ticker in the Account/positions screen and choose trade for funds or buy/sell for stocks. I cannot choose anything for my core fund on the website but the Mobil app has the same options even for my core fund.

What do you mean by your "core" fund?
Sorry, not when I hit the green "Trade" button after clicking on the fund name. All the choices involve selling shares from that fund, not buying new ones. I don't know what you are looking at.

I wish I could post a screen shot, but I can't. I click on the asset, I click the green trade button. The box opens up and in the lower third is a drop down that says "action". I click on that and it gives me 8 different choices from buy to sell specific shares. Not sure what you're looking at.
Are you talking about a traditional IRA? I can open the "Positions" tab then click on a position (individual stock or index fund). For individual stocks there are "buy/sell" buttons right at the top of the window and for index funds there is a "trade" button. In the "trade" window you have a drop down menu under "action" to select 5 or 6 different options to buy or sell.

I am not talking about an IRA, just a mutual fund account. However, and this may be what COcheesehead is talking about, in the IRA I do have a "Buy" option as well as all the various sell/exchange options. This will be handy when I rebalance in my IRA, but not when I buy new shares in the taxable account using outside money.

I was told by a Fido rep a few years ago that my (ancient) MF account is not a strict brokerage account. It, unlike the IRA, lacks any "cash account." Any cash which enters or leaves the account goes to or comes from my outside bank account. Perhaps this is why I lack the "Buy" option there, even though it doesn't really make any sense?
I am not talking about an IRA, just a mutual fund account. However, and this may be what COcheesehead is talking about, in the IRA I do have a "Buy" option as well as all the various sell/exchange options. This will be handy when I rebalance in my IRA, but not when I buy new shares in the taxable account using outside money.

I was told by a Fido rep a few years ago that my (ancient) MF account is not a strict brokerage account. It, unlike the IRA, lacks any "cash account." Any cash which enters or leaves the account goes to or comes from my outside bank account. Perhaps this is why I lack the "Buy" option there, even though it doesn't really make any sense?

Ok, that explains a lot. You can't buy because you have no cash in the account.
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