Here we go again, it’s Daylight Saving Time


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Jan 31, 2008
It feels like we just got through this not too long ago, yet once again, this weekend one hour of our lives is merciless torn from us without compensation. Daylight Saving Time is back.

For y’all with analog clocks, don’t forget to turn them ahead tonight. For everyone with digital clocks, remember when you wake up tomorrow morning you didn’t get as much sleep as the clock would indicate, at that explains why you’ll be so groggy and grouchy all day.
Well, ya know some years back they shortened the calendar time for Standard Time and lengthened it for Daylight Saving Time. So, instead of 6 months - 6 months it's more like 4 months - 8 months. So, yes this time of year it really is "That time..AGAIN?!"
After a decade of retirement, I find i go more by sun time than clock time.
Seldom do I need to be somewhere at a particular time.
Okay, time for my midmorning nap...
one hour of our lives is merciless torn from us without compensation.

I gladly give up this one hour to return to the light! I am a DST fan, and would rather stay there. It's the gaining an hour in the fall that is the false reward, because that brings only the darkness!
I gladly give up this one hour to return to the light! I am a DST fan, and would rather stay there. It's the gaining an hour in the fall that is the false reward, because that brings only the darkness!

I wish they would just leave it on DST all the time. My DW gripes all winter about the cold and the early darkness,bring on the sunshine!!:dance:
I'm gonna love it! :dance:
Is it just me? Or does it feel like the clock changes are happening sooner and sooner each year?
I have never noticed any issue from the time change. It seems a lot of people have physical issues due to a one hour change in sleep. Seems odd to me. I just have 2 clocks I need to change and that is the only impact that the time change has on me.
After a decade of retirement, I find i go more by sun time than clock time.
Seldom do I need to be somewhere at a particular time.
Okay, time for my midmorning nap...

Yep - the sun rules morning wake up times. Couldn’t care less about the clock.

In fact it will help me get to bed earlier!
Who’s willing to admit they have a clock they never changed back in the falll? So now it will be right again.
Does anybody else remember them at least one year--back in the early 70s maybe--turning the clock ahead TWO hours to extend the daylight, possibly because of something to do with oil that year? Maybe I made all that up?
Who’s willing to admit they have a clock they never changed back in the falll? So now it will be right again.

DW never resets her watch for exactly that reason.
I gladly give up this one hour to return to the light! I am a DST fan, and would rather stay there. It's the gaining an hour in the fall that is the false reward, because that brings only the darkness!
Yes. I have really liked DST over my career, but this will be my first full year retired and not under any schedule, so it won't be as big of a deal, but I still prefer daylight later in the day per the clock.

Permanent DST would be fine for me as well, but I would dislike permanent standard time, albeit less of a big deal now being retired.

Individual states can choose to stay on standard time year around but can't choose to stay on DST year around, but more people prefer daylight later in the day which you get with DST.
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I'm probably in the minority but I would prefer standard time all year round. I walk at 6:30 every morning and much of the year it's dark. It's just starting to be light now and we will change clocks and I'll be walking in the dark again. Oh well, I'm use to it.
when w*rking I used to like DST, but now I make my own schedule so it doesn't matter to me what the big hand and little hand are pointing to
Does anybody else remember them at least one year--back in the early 70s maybe--turning the clock ahead TWO hours to extend the daylight, possibly because of something to do with oil that year? Maybe I made all that up?

To answer my own question, I did some research--apparently back in '73 they started year around daylight savings time but it only lasted about a year, then reverted. There apparently was never a two hour extension. There have been multiple changes from the original 6 months to the current process.
I don't care whether it is Standard or Daylight time, I just wish it would be year round, and stop the silly change up!
DST during winter means the sun doesn't rise until almost 9 am in the western parts of US time zones, so in January 1973 lots of kids were waiting for the school bus in total darkness
DST during winter means the sun doesn't rise until almost 9 am in the western parts of US time zones, so in January 1973 lots of kids were waiting for the school bus in total darkness

Yep, I remember that, but we had the whole neighborhood of kids to wait with us!
. Today, around here, most kids either get driven to school, or the older ones have their parents cars to drive (or maybe they are given a car by their folks). Crazy to see the nearly empty school buses anymore. I remember having every seat filled when I was younger!
I have no actual complaints with it. It's only and hour. The problem I ever had with it was when I was working. Always seemed to be on a night shift the night they changed the clocks BACK in the Fall, thus causing me to have to work the extra hour.

As far as diddling with clocks... the one in the bedroom actually has a button on it marked "DST". No need to reset. Just push the button till next November.
Who’s willing to admit they have a clock they never changed back in the falll? So now it will be right again.
(raises hand, sheepishly) But it's the one in the car. I can never remember the unintuitive set of button presses required, and don't feel like pulling out the manual. And doing it takes longer than the longest stoplight.
I'm fine with keeping it one way or the other all the time.

What bugs me is all the whining in the media and politicos about how this upsets everyone's rhythm as if that "upset" is a permanent thing until we go back again. Get over it! It's one hour and in a day or two you'll be back to normal.

I was terminally jet-lagged for 25 years bouncing back and forth to Asia every few weeks. One hour every six months? So sad.

End of old-man rant.
I used to be firmly against the time change. Now I'm firmly on the fence about it.

If we got rid of it, most openings and closings could remain unchanged, but there will be some openings and closings that probably would need to change twice a year. Then, they all would no longer happen in lock-step and instead happen at less predictable times.

Of course, this has zero effect on me because I rarely leave the house, LOL!

If I was being purely selfish, I'd say get rid of it, because I'm often traveling during these times, and it complicates my itinerary spreadsheet (C7 is the date and this gives me the current offset to GMT, which changes twice a year).


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It's the indecision that gripes me. Just PICK one, and stick with it! I don't care if we are forever on daylight savings time or forever not. The government needs to just be a grown-up for once and decide, and then stop messing with it for pete's sake. :mad::mad::mad:

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