I'm a wimp, I turned on the A/C

I let the temperature go up to 85 while I'm at work. But when I am home, I turn it down to 78-80 and then down further to 72-73 at bedtime. These are the temperatures that are most comfortable for me.

However if I have been out working in the garden, or at the gym, I'll turn it down to 75 for an hour or so while I cool off. Then back up to 78.

My last electric bill was $78, which I think is pretty reasonable for a non-leveled bill at this time of the year. I guess we will get hit with the higher energy prices later in the summer.

As an aside, it has been hot in New Orleans lately with oppressive humidity. This is how we know we are living in New Orleans. :rolleyes: Our frequent summer rains that cool things off have not yet begun.
We've been in the mid to high 90s every day since May 18. Except for a couple of days when it cracked 100. We've had about eight record highs in the last three weeks.

Our electric bill is really gonna suck next month.
We've been in the mid to high 90s every day since May 18. Except for a couple of days when it cracked 100. We've had about eight record highs in the last three weeks.

Yep. Equally as depressing are the new records we've set for high 'low' temperatures. A couple of mornings last week the low was 79...:p
Here in the sunny NW the heat still comes on each morning and each evening, as well as all days some days. But it is turning sunny today, maybe spring if not quite summer is on the way.

There almost seems to be a pattern- if the summers elswhere are scorching, it's cold and wet up here.

There almost seems to be a pattern- if the summers elswhere are scorching, it's cold and wet up here.

I'm movin' to Seattle!
I like it warm and I live alone so I don't have to care about other people. Saturday it was mid 80's with 60%+ humidity and I didn't even consider turning on the fan let alone the a/c. Summer should be very cheap for electricity; maybe $60/mo even when it gets mid 90's with high humidity it'll be under $100.
It is 84 degrees in our house right now and it is very humid outside. Our downstairs is cool and that is where my DH remodeled this winter. They built in some walls and I think that maybe the cool air returns are not big enough or are not located where they should be located. I am getting up early tomorrow and calling the AC man first thing. I am going to have him check it out and check the freon. I wonder how long it will be before he is able to get to us though. I am sure that he will be busy. It is supposed to be 95 degrees tomorrow in our part of WV and very humid. It seems that winter is over and we get a very short time of spring and then these hot humid days arrive. I wish that spring lasted longer. Also, at this stage of the game, I don't even care how much the electric bill would be, I just want some air conditioning!
about 74 degrees during the day when i'm home
79ish when i'm not home
68ish at night (hybernation setting)

92 degrees yesterday in NE Ohio. We have our A/C set for 78 during the day and 72 at night. What in God's name did people do before A/C? Don't answer that!
93F outside here, 82F inside.
No AC at my house, electric bills average under $35/month year round.

(Not retired (yet) but working from home).
We are finally getting "dry heat" here. Over 100 degrees, and out mowing the grass this weekend in the middle of the day. I kept thinking how it didn't really feel that hot. Then I noticed the humidity was very low. It felt like mid to high 80's and high humidity. With the dry heat, it doesn't feel half bad sitting outside on the porch in the shade, even with 100 degree weather, as long as there is a breeze blowing.

We usually have highs in the 90's here with 80%+ humidity on bad days. Hot, sticky weather that is uncomfortable. The kind that leaves you soaking w/ sweat after running from air conditioned car to air conditioned house!
86F inside and out, but lower humidity; maybe won't turn it on today.
Forgot to bring a sweater to work this morning, and I'm so cold. I'm drinking hot tea and the hot mug is warming my hands.

After work, going outside will be such a change it will be almost hard to breathe. The air will be hot, heavy, and humid like a rain forest.
Had a fire in the woodstove this morning.
Four o'clock, 89F, breezy, low humidity; no A/C today.
Well, I was not able to have our regular HVAC person come to the house today, since we still have some air. I called another one and they came and said that we need a new air conditioner. Ours is 13 years old. Ours is a 10 seers and from what I am reading the 13 seers will save approximatly 30% in energy. I am going to call around a few places tomorrow for estimates and warranties. He gave me a quote of $3850.00. I have a medical test at 7:30 and my monthly retiree luncheon is at 11:30. How did I ever have time to work:confused:? I remember the days when I would always have a sweater at work, because I was freezing due to the air conditioning. I prefer it hot to extremely cold.
103 F when we left my little sister's house in northern VA yesterday, dropped to 96 by the time we got home. Must be all that pavement in the area near Dulles Airport reflecting heat. She had a large tree branch in the back yard that tore off in a storm, she's FIRE'd, and getting ready to sell her house and move to DE.

Drove the pickup with the chain saw & 5 hp shredder, the work took about an hour (dripping sweat when done) then we went to lunch with DW and the other sister. Found gas at $3.87 on the way back, better than the $4.09 it is locally.

DW was wearing a sweater in the pickup on the way back - that GMC has a great air conditioner!

Supposed to be mid-80's the next few days, I'm going fishing on the river.
If it cools down nice at night, and the humidity is low, we shut the A/C off, open the windows, and turn on our whole house fan. Then if it doesn't get excessively hot & humid the next day(s), we'll close the house up, close the shades, and just use a couple of small fans to circulate the air in the house. And fortunately it looks like we maybe able to do that this week!!! :D

That's what we do, but its never humid in the summer in our central CA home. The 10ft veranda going all the way around except the north side, where the garage is, helps keep us cool also. When we are there (going next week...yippeee!), we rarely turn on the A/C before 4 or 5 pm, and it goes off by 8 or 9, when the whole house fan comes on. That's when it is in the hi 90s low 100s. We turn on the WH fan again early in the morning to bring the cool overnight air in...bring the temp down to about 68-70 and then close up the house when the outside and inside temp are equal. It stays in the low to mid 70s until time to turn on the A/C.

Electric bill? Even with A/C and pool (filter and cleaner run 5-6 hrs daily year-round), we pay only a $4.95 a month interconnection fee...gotta love that solar!:D Neighbors are running between $400 with no pool, to ~700 a month with a pool...their A/Cs are already running in the morning when my whole house fan is bringing in the cool air. The house is a bit too big, but we love it.


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