Internet anxiety

...I log in and find nothing amiss, credit report has nothing new or unusual...

I get the same thing from another "free" service I was signed up for after the DOD security breach. If ANYthing they track changes, you get an e-mail enticing you to log on. They won't tell you that it's only because a registered sex offender has moved in to the opposite side of town, or your credit score went up one point. They're like Facebook - they want you to continually log on so they can collect more data about you and spam you even more.

If something is free, YOU are the product!

...What steps are you all taking to protect your electronically vulnerable stuff?

Nothing really out of the norm. Good passwords. No cookies saved between sessions. Open e-mail in "text only" mode. Never click e-mail links, but go directly to known sites. Ignore BS scam artists.

Certainly no need to change a password just because someone sent you a phishing scam e-mail. The fact that they sent it proves they don't have any other way to get into your account.

Yes, I am beginning to realize that Facebook is not friendly website. They siphon off all your information and sell it.

Beginning? I just can't bring myself to publicize my entire life so these sleaze balls can sell more advertising.

Me either. I refused to perpetuate the chain letters, and I refuse now to respond to anybody trying to force me to participate on FB. :nonono:

And I thought *I* was the only one left in the world who didn't join.

PS, I'm no Luddite. 37 years in IT. I know how these things work!
CaptTom, I have no interest in Facebook, either. Remember what Betty White said about it in her hilarious monologue at the start of her 2010 Saturday Night Live appearance?

"...I didn’t know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is I have to say it sounds like a huge waste of time."
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