Justice Dept Goes Snipes Hunting

All I can say is: What the heck was he thinking would happen? :confused:
Glad such a dangerous person is off the streets :rolleyes:
I don't know. Start treating "stars" like real people, maybe people won't be so eager to listen to their crap? If sending him to prison for 3 years means I don't have to listen to 5 minutes of Tom Cruise, seems like good value to me.
Looks like he wants to play both sides:

"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance," Snipes said.
Snipes maintained in a years-long battle with the IRS he did not have to pay taxes, using fringe arguments common to "tax protesters" who say the government has no legal right to collect. After joining Kahn's group, the government said Snipes instructed his employees to stop paying their own taxes and sought $11 million in 1996 and 1997 taxes he legally paid.

I don't understand this complex tax stuff- I'm an artist. But then he can research 'fringe arguments' and try to make a complex legal case out of it.

Geez, even after taxes this guy probably has more than he knows what to do with - idiot.

Looks like he wants to play both sides:
I don't understand this complex tax stuff- I'm an artist. But then he can research 'fringe arguments' and try to make a complex legal case out of it.

Geez, even after taxes this guy probably has more than he knows what to do with - idiot.


Pretty much...seems like a reasonable play by the government to make an example of these folks....
Gee, I wish I had thought of saying that I was a little girl raising a son alone and had nobody in the whole, wide, big world to help me when I talked to the tax man. Good one.
I'm glad this arrogant "artist" and his sense of entitlement lost this round.
I pay my taxes. Send this creep to the can. I'm glad he got the max.
Pay your taxes deadbeat. If I have to pay, you have to pay. Can you be that dumb to think that you can get away with it?

Could you really forget? Hum I haven't filed something the last 8 years? Its April 15th, why does that date ring a bell??
I'm surprised he didn't fall on the old tried and true "why are you picking on the poor little Black boy?" like Supreme Court Justice Thomas did when they were trying to decide if his seduction attempts, to put it politely, of Anita Hill were enough to not give him the position on the Supreme Court. Till the day I die, I will never have any respect whatsoever for Thomas--regardless of how brilliant he may or may not be. (And it, frankly, still irks me at how Anita Hill was disrespected, and she was the victim.)
Kudos to Snipes for, at the very least, not falling to that level.
Would have been nice if he'd stuck to his principles.

He started off with the "By law I dont need to pay taxes" thing and finished with "I was taken advantage of!".

Pretty stupid to be a high profile, high earning individual and not file tax returns. Put him in the category of Martha Stewart. The crime wasnt that horrible, but the stupidity/arrogance needs a just reward.
The government couldn't buy better publicity for a billion dollars.
Yup, the government loves to use these high-profile cases to [-]scare the crap out of the rest of us[/-] remind us to stay honest.

Remember when they put Leona Helmsley in jail on April 15?
What kind of prison will he be sent to? The low-level Hollywood and white collar crime prison or the medium security common criminal prison?
Federal prison, but probably a nice one where he'll live in a mobile home with a bunch of other guys and do lightweight menial labor.

Pretty sure he wont be gluing macaroni to paper plates or anything like that.
Well, considering that he's not a violent criminal, it would be a waste of taxpayer money to send him to a lockdown place. Also, it would be pretty bad press for the Feds if they put him in with violent criminals and some gang banger attacks Snipes just for the notoriety. He's not going to hurt anybody, nor is he going to flee.

Although his crime was stupid, I think the guy is smart enough to quietly do his 2yrs (for good behavior) in return for the chance to come back out and make lots of money making movies in the future. Think Martha Stewart minimum where the inmates can go pick flowers on the grounds and put on plays in their spare time.
Hey, I wouldnt be so sure. I saw him kill a whole bunch of guys on an airplane once, and its been reputed that he's also a vampire killer.
From what I have read, Wesley Snipes rather credulous concerning urban legend type stuff.
Don't forget, there's always the appeal.

When all is said and done, chances are he won't do more than 6 to 12 months, some of that in a half-way house.

The sooner they let him out, the sooner he can start paying taxes again on all the millions he'll be making. Oh, and he will pay taxes this time.
Don't forget, there's always the appeal.

When all is said and done, chances are he won't do more than 6 to 12 months, some of that in a half-way house.

The sooner they let him out, the sooner he can start paying taxes again on all the millions he'll be making. Oh, and he will pay taxes this time.

You think they got his attention?
This sentence does more than get his attention. It gets the attention of all the wacky tax protesters too.

Remember the "this time it's different" wacky team of Ed and Elaine Brown from NH? You can read about them here... Edward and Elaine Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What are these people thinking?

I think this section heading says all we need to know:

Then there's this guy:

Kent Hovind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since January 2007 Hovind has been serving a ten-year term in Federal Correctional Institution, Edgefield in Edgefield, South Carolina, for 58 tax offenses, obstructing federal agents and related charges.[4]

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