Little by little sliding into mild depression.

End to self-pity. I´ll follow some of your advice, but most of all, I´ll tough it out, as Moe, more or less, hints at:).
Thank you all;);).
Here's one for the ladies. >:D. Vicente, you say your wife is a darling. How about taking one workday/week and making her your hobby/obsession. Figure out something to have ready when she arrives home that would make her very happy. Could be something different every week.

I really like that one too!

My DH is being treated for depression. He is on medication and see his doctor periodically. I encourage him to eat healthy, excercise and try to lose some weight. He has lost over 20 pounds and I know that he feels better about himself for losing what he has so far. I also encourage him to go enjoy activities, especially with his male friends. I think that most women are good at having female friends, but some guys don't have that many. I think that it is good to have a social network.

I started working a simple part-time job in 03/10. I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I really enjoy having Tuesday, Thursday, Sat and Sun off. I really don't mind going to work on the other 3 days. I like the people that I work with and the patients that I interact with, earn a few bucks and I am working toward the goal of getting the rest of my Social Security credits. I like having goals and it felt pretty weird for a time when I did not have any.

I hope that one of the suggestions that I or someone else has written, will help you. I would be interested in reading about any places near you or any places that you have traveled to in your lifetime. Good luck!
I like your idea of taking photos of my surrounding. Knowing how to post them successfully is another matter:LOL:!

If your photo are on your computer, the easy way to post them is this:

1.) When typing a post, click on the icon above that looks like a paper clip. A new window will pop up that is called "Manage Attachments".

2.) Click on "Browse" in that new window, and find the photo on your computer

3.) Click on "Upload". Then finish writing your post as usual.

The photo will show up at the bottom of your post.
Plan a weekend (or longer) travel event with your wife every 2 months. Spend the time researching and planning the trip.

Be a guide and translater for your area. Check out the website couch surfing. You don't have to provide a bed, be the guide. Answer their questions on-line.

Become an expert in something you have always been curious about. Do the research. Join the forums.

Take any part time job and go with the flow.

I often travel alone and the spontaneous events and people I meet are the most pleasing memories I have. Returning home after a 2 week roadtrip is very satisfying when I can proclaim, I DID IT. Then I lay low for 2 months while I plan the next one.
How about an online job? Writing articles, building a blog, selling photos for money at places like shutterstock, becoming a social media expert, web designer, start you own forum, etc. You could research a topic and make a web site about what interests you.
My son had a mild bout of depression 4+- years ago. He struggled with it on and off for about 2 years. He did agree to see a therapist and today he will admit it was the best thing he did. He also started taking an SSDI (which he is still on). All that helped him get back on his feet (or at least he is close to being back on his feet) - but the thing that helped him get through the days during that time were the friends he had made on a particular forum where he played some games. It provided him with the mental stimulation and people interaction he desperately needed and wasnt getting anywhere else - because he wouldn't/couldn't bring himself to make the effort to go out much.

I think this is my long-winded way of saying that you have made friends and can always find someone to talk to here. It will help you during this time. But posting here will not change anything. To get past this - you may need medical help. But no one can force you to do that - you have to want to do it. My guess is your wife would want to know and would want you to do it too.
From a wife's perspective:

I would WANT to know if my DH feels that he slides into depression.
I could understand some of his behavior and moods much better. Do not believe that your DW did not notice some of your changes. I bet she did but just is reluctant to talk before you open up.
I know I cannot not talk DH out of depression or provide help in a medical way. But I can reassure him that it is OK to look for professional help and that it does not reduce my love or change our relationship if he admits that there is a problem.
IMO husband and wife are a team. This can only work if both are open about team issues.
My DH had some medical problems on and off during the last 3 years. At some points he was close to depression IMO. We had a excellent relationship before, but being very open about all of this has connected us even more.

Please reconsider.
All the best to you and DW.
Arriving late into this thread

Vicente, Latin and US cultures view early retirement much differently. It’s possible you are not enjoying enough support from neighbors, friends, or even family. Latin culture (my experience in South America, but directly derived from Spain) views ER by a man as something unusual and not generally positive. At the same time, volunteering is not well established and opportunities are not common. I can see how it would be challenging for you in Spain.

Do you know how to build a website? If not, would you like to learn? Does your town have a website? Learning how to build a website, then building one, is quite an undertaking. Doing one related to your town or region can be of social value as well as personally interesting and rewarding. If your town already has a website, surely it could use some help. Perhaps even photographs.

Would you like to study? The opencourseware initiative lets you access all the lecture notes for classes from universities like MIT from your home office. OCW Consortium

Have you ever thought about creative writing? You don’t have to share, but it is something you can do in a structured, disciplined way and also might helps deal with your own thoughts.

You really need to get medical attention for your eyes – you can’t let that hold you down.

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