Man addicted to wife?

Wow, woman complain about the strangest things. My god as long as he isn't demanding sex everytime you take over your clothes what is the problem?
As long as he's not a selfish lover and caters to her 'whims', nope...I don't see a problem.

Ahhhh...I think I'll stop typing now...:p
Wow, woman complain about the strangest things. My god as long as he isn't demanding sex everytime you take over your clothes what is the problem?

And your point is? :cool:
Just kidding.

A high sex drive (either partner) is a magical thing to share, in my book. :D
That's exactly how I feel about my wife, so I don't think that it's unusual. Just after our 25th anniversary, after choir practice and in front of everyone, our choir director at church (a wonderful lady who we've known for many years) asked us the secret of our long marriage as we were obviously very much still in love. I immediately replied, "the sex is fantastic". :whistle:
That's exactly how I feel about my wife, so I don't think that it's unusual. Just after our 25th anniversary, after choir practice and in front of everyone, our choir director at church (a wonderful lady who we've known for many years) asked us the secret of our long marriage as we were obviously very much still in love. I immediately replied, "the sex is fantastic". :whistle:
That's exactly how I feel about my wife, so I don't think that it's unusual. Just after our 25th anniversary, after choir practice and in front of everyone, our choir director at church (a wonderful lady who we've known for many years) asked us the secret of our long marriage as we were obviously very much still in love. I immediately replied, "the sex is fantastic". :whistle:

You didn't!!!! LOL! :eek::eek::eek:
You didn't!!!! LOL! :eek::eek::eek:

I have a tendency to speak before engaging my brain, but fortunately I knew everyone would appreciate the joke - they were well used to my strange sense of humor :cool:
I have a tendency to speak before engaging my brain, but fortunately I knew everyone would appreciate the joke - they were well used to my strange sense of humor :cool:

I can see that. :):):)
The problem may be her. She may have a problem with low libido. Some gals lose the desire post menopause. Kind of a shame in this age of Viagra.
That's exactly how I feel about my wife, so I don't think that it's unusual. Just after our 25th anniversary, after choir practice and in front of everyone, our choir director at church (a wonderful lady who we've known for many years) asked us the secret of our long marriage as we were obviously very much still in love. I immediately replied, "the sex is fantastic". :whistle:

This is a better answer than the one I read about the other day: When someone asked two geriatrics how they had been so lucky as to have such a long marriage, they looked at each other and one of them replied, "Eh...neither one of us died." :LOL:
The problem may be her. She may have a problem with low libido. Some gals lose the desire post menopause. Kind of a shame in this age of Viagra.

Years ago I read of a divorce case in England where the woman wanted a divorce on grounds of the husband being too demanding. She told the judge that he wanted sex every single week!! The judge replied "Madam, just last week I had a woman who used the same argument in her case for divorce on grounds of desertion". :LOL:

On a serious note, if the woman wanted to increase her libido her doctor can prescribe estrogen in various forms including a ring or a weekly cream (or so I'm told ;) )
This is a better answer than the one I read about the other day: When someone asked two geriatrics how they had been so lucky as to have such a long marriage, they looked at each other and one of them replied, "Eh...neither one of us died." :LOL:

Or the like the guy who saw an elderly couple in the mall walking hand in hand so he said to the man, "I think that it is wonderful to see a couple like yourselves still holding hands in public.". The old guy replied, "While I'm holding her hand she isn't spending money".
CB, do you know of any treatment?

Alan is on the right track. A visit to the Doc may be in order.........if motivated. Who knows, hubby could be a horn dog or has let himself go and is a turn off.....happens more often than guys like to admit......or there are serious underlying problems with the relationship and shes lost that loving feeling.

Alan is on the right track. A visit to the Doc may be in order.........if motivated. Who knows, hubby could be a horn dog or has let himself go and is a turn off.....happens more often than guys like to admit......or there are serious underlying problems with the relationship and shes lost that loving feeling.

A highly sexed woman will put up with a lot of crap from her husband or boyfriend when they are young and horny. Later, the guy has to learn to appeal to her or it may become, "I don't think so big guy." This doesn't mean that she might not get very amorous again with a new man. I think this is what the warnings of don't take your mate for granted are about.

A highly sexed woman will put up with a lot of crap from her husband or boyfriend when they are young and horny. Later, the guy has to learn to appeal to her or it may become, "I don't think so big guy." This doesn't mean that she might not get very amorous again with a new man. I think this is what the warnings of don't take your mate for granted are about.Ha

Here I thought you were talking about what happens after a couple years of marriage..........:ROFLMAO:
Who knows, hubby could be a horn dog or has let himself go and is a turn off.....happens more often than guys like to admit....

Yeah, that. Twenty years ago the sight of my hubby padding around the house shirtless in low-slung Levis took my breath away. Twenty years later, it still does. He is exactly the same weight and size, and still treats me like he did on our first date. It's easy to keep the romance going when you both care to.

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