Need your prayers tonight

As another pet lover, please accept my sympathy.
I'm very sorry Citrine, no words can make it easier to deal with the loss.

You have my heartfelt sympathy during this very sad time. I hope that your other kitty stays well.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

So's not easy to do. I have had three pets now that I had to put to sleep. They are so precious.
citrine - as the fellow owner of two cat "kids", my heart is with you at this difficult time.

Thank you so much everyone....I held him through the sedative, but I couldn't hold him when they did the injection. I lost is completely at the vet's and I had to come home last night and clean/disinfect everything. Casanova is doing well so far and I hope it stays that way. I just feel as if there is a big heavy stone on my heart....and I am so drained. But I know that I gave Romeo a great life and spoiled him immensely and I know if I were to get so sick that my quality of life was null....I'd want to have the same thing done for me.
I'm so sorry Sarah in thoughts and prayers are with you and Anna.
I've gone thru this several times over the years with beloved pets, most recently a year ago with my 14 year old Lab, Tyler. It's never easy and your heart just aches with sadness, but I do believe that your furry friend knows that they were loved and cared for to the end. You have my sincerest sympathy for your loss.
I promise that as the days go by, you'll remember less and less of the sadness and more of the good stuff. His time with you was golden, and you were good to him. Cuddle with Casanova and grieve in your own time. Peace.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about your loss. We know that they were well cared for.
So sorry for your loss. Those little furballs sure do get into our hearts, and it is so hard to let them go.
My deepest sympathies on your loss.

We had to put our Lab down last February (very sudden as well) and there's not a day that goes by where I don't think about him. Time will help...
I'm crying while reading through these posts because I've also been through this. It's so sad to lose them but I believe that it's the kind thing to help them die when they are so sick.

Our animals give us so much joy and it hurts so bad to lose them.

{{{HUGS }}} to you and Casanova.
My deepest sympathies as well. This is certainly the worst part of having a pet. But the good out weighs the bad. You will be remembering the good times very soon. Best of luck.
Thank God for Casanova....I am so glad that I have him and it does make it easier to deal with the grief because I still have to take care of him. I will be changing my schedule around a bit in the evenings so I can come home and spend time with him to help him adjust. I bought him new toys last night because I had to throw everything away....he just loves to play.
It's interesting to see the dynamics change with him and I since Romeo is no longer there. It would usually take both of them jumping and meowing to wake me up in the morning so I could feed them. Casanova bit my cheek yesterday since the meowing was not working fast enough for him!
Citrine, I wish I had seen this post sooner. I had a kitty die at a year old of FIP. His name was Bo Jackson after the baseball player, and he was the cutest fluffy tailed gray/brown striped tabby.
He had all the symptoms, so I took him to the Vet having no idea what it was. The Vet tested him and just put him to sleep. No phone call or anything. Then I called them at the time they said for me to, and they told me they had put him down.
I started asking them what FIP was and--and this I have never done before or since in my life--in midsentence broke into heaving sobs! I couldn't stop, which was embarrassing with the Dr.'s assistant holding onto the phone talking to me. My heart was broken, and I sobbed on and off for 3 days. I couldn't help myself. I felt so sorry for this little thing that didn't even get to live his life out. Life is not fair!
So, I have been thru the FIP thing. I don't want to go thru that ever again, although it won't stop me from getting another kitty as I enjoy them so.
My sincerest sympathy for you on your loss as I know it is hard to go thru. Time heals the heart..but you won't forget this, I'm sure.
For goodness sakes, I wouldn't see that vet again. They should have had you come in, speak to you personally, and allow you your goodbyes.
Orchidflower.....thank you.
And I agree with Martha....what a sucky vet.....they should have called you to let you know and then helped you make the decision. Thank god I have two really great vets in different practices....I lucked out with that.

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