Never been pulled over by the police?

just last Thursday i was pulled over on the edge of my neighborhood for going 42 in a 30. NO ONE goes just 30 on this particular 1/3 mile street but alas no excuse. it was a speed trap going into the sun at 5:30pm. the cop was 'nice' and gave me 40 in a 30mph zone.

the surreal / numbing issue was that i was coming home (alone) from the hospital after the birth of our first child 36 hrs before just to take a shower, grab a change of clothes, and head back. the cop never asked anything and i didn't have the energy to argue or ask questions. i knew i was technically busted but that it was a ridiculous waste of both our times and my money.

needless to say i respect the police officers in this town but they won't be getting a dime from us when the annual charity phone calls come in.

WAIT! You thought you could just slide in this little fact about your first baby being born last week?

Congratulations! Go to court and get out of that ticket.
My wife got pulled over once -almost a year ago- for not having the lights on in a short tunnel. Got fined 300 euros. A few months after having paid the fine this traffic violation ceased to be one....:(
WAIT! You thought you could just slide in this little fact about your first baby being born last week?

Congratulations! Go to court and get out of that ticket.
Oh yeah, you can beat this one. Piece of cake. Represent yourself and go before the judge for sure. Bring the birth certificate and some really cute photos as evidence. :LOL:
Congrats on your little one! :D
I must add here that most of my traffic infractions were in my 20s and 30s. The most recent speeding ticket I had was 6 years ago, and I had an excuse for that. We were driving a car rental, a nice sedan that was so smooth, and I did not notice that I was over the limit. For a speeding ticket prior to that, I need to go back 20 years.

Now that I am a mellow pre-geezer with all the time in the world (to even sit around all day looking really really sad :whistle:) , why do I need to rush to get anywhere?
WAIT! You thought you could just slide in this little fact about your first baby being born last week?

Congratulations! Go to court and get out of that ticket.

Maybe - but is that ethical? If you were speeding and know it and get cited......:whistle:
Maybe - but is that ethical? If you were speeding and know it and get cited......:whistle:

True, but a nice judge might consider mitigating circumstances and send him to traffic school or something so points wouldn't go against his license and raise his insurance.
True, but a nice judge might consider mitigating circumstances and send him to traffic school or something so points wouldn't go against his license and raise his insurance.
In my city if you get a speeding ticket and have not taken a driver's safety course in the last 12 months, you can take the course on line and the ticket will not count against you. You will have to pay the fine, but it is lowered. There is no need to see a judge.
I've been driving since 1999 since I was 21 (Yes, yes, I wasn't allowed to drive until I was out of high school since my mom thought it would be less expensive since car insurance for teenagers are more expensive). So far, I've only hear stories of my friends getting pulled over but not getting a ticket or riding with my cousin when I was in my pre-teens and having a cop pull her over yet not give her a ticket. My mom who has driven for almost 30 years and she drives slow (Under the speed limit) recently in the past few years has gotten a speeding ticket twice and she didn't speed at all and obeys the law yet still has some excuse from the cop saying she didn't make a complete stop or was over the speed limit when she was several blocks away where the speed she was going was under 35 yet the cop stopped her and said she was going over 20 OR 25 miles per hour in the school zone in which she had not even approached the 20 or 25 mile per hour school zone sign yet. My mom also recently got a warning when a snapshot of her car was shown going through a yellow/red light around a school intersection where you can only go 20 miles an hour. Who goes that slow? Somehow my mom got stuck behind someone and the light went from yellow to red. My mom is getting bad luck. Give her a break. She's 66 years old.

With me, I do not follow the speed limit. I usually go over 10 miles an hour yet have never once gotten pulled over ever. I've had instances where I see a motorcycle cop around the corner and I slow down. My heart races because he might want to pick me to give a ticket to but when I turn around, he's not there, or when I slow down at the last minute and see a motorcycle cop standing on the side of the road using his radar machine, I fear he'll hop on his bike and follow me or send me a ticket through the mail, but not yet.

We also have may intersections where it is photo enforced and a little camera sits on top of the intersection lights and I've had my days where I was running late for work and went through the yellow/red light. I also keep worrying that I'll receive a ticket in the mail but not yet. I've had dreams of getting pulled over and I literally feel crushed because I though my lucky streak was over. Thank goodness they were just dreams.
Have been pulled over once for a speeding ticket and once for a burned out headlamp. Luckily, the country around here is very flat and you can see several miles in all directions so the constabulary cannot easily hide.
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