Nothing good to watch on TV

We watched the first two new Dallases (Dalli?) last night when TNT re-ran them. Classic night-time soap drama with contemporary themes--not bad.
For TV we have limited interests:

PBS - Masterpiece Theatre, Masterpiece Mystery (or whatever the new name is), Nova, Nature, sometimes documentaries on Frontline

AMC - Mad Men, am totally hooked. You can see the past years on Netflix.
The Pitch, a reality series that shows 2 ad agencies designing a campaign in 1 week to show the client. The winner gets the client contract. This was 1st season, really fascinating. Our son just got a job with an ad agency.

Seinfeld - occasionally watch reruns and sometimes find one we missed
Judge Judy - watch this if you need to see what stupid things some people get up to. Not to be taken seriously.
I have taken to watching programs that I like on my iPad and am considering ditching cable TV since I hardly ever turn it on any more. I had a great deal for the first year (phone, Internet and cable for $29.99 per month) but now it's back to full price and I don't think it's worth it.

Two of my favourite iPad apps are BBC iPlayer and the Knowledge Network.

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