
Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 24, 2005
My husband e-mailed me at workyesterday stating his office was having another pot luck luncheon and the ladies sent around their usual sign-up sheet. It seems every two to three weeks they have 'pot lucks.' I refuse to bake, cook, assemble, etc., for any more of the luncheons. So last night we went to the store to buy 'something.' We both giggled as we left the store and said "this is the last time we probably have to do this!

Don't sell your cookbook when you retire Ginger, MIL lived in one of those retirement communities and I believe most of their meals were down at the ol potluck :D
Ginger said:
My husband e-mailed me at workyesterday stating his office was having another pot luck luncheon and the ladies sent around their usual sign-up sheet. It seems every two to three weeks they have 'pot lucks.' I refuse to bake, cook, assemble, etc., for any more of the luncheons. So last night we went to the store to buy 'something.' We both giggled as we left the store and said "this is the last time we probably have to do this!
Hoping for the folks at the office that "that something" isn't anything less than a stouffer lasagna... :eek:
As a single guy, it was hard to ask a girlfriend to cook for people she did not know. I used to get 3 cans of Hormel Chili and put it in a crock add cheese and onions on top. It always go eaten.

As the English say: Easy Peasy
As a single guy, it was hard to ask a girlfriend to cook for people she did not know. I used to get 3 cans of Hormel Chili and put it in a crock add cheese and onions on top. It always go eaten.

As the English say: Easy Peasy

The folks at my office cant cook worth a damn. That would probably be better than what I end up eating at these functions.

The cooking within my immediate family, like at thanksgiving gettogethers, is so much better.
I got pretty sick of the pot lucks, too. If I didn't feel up to bringing anything then I would not eat any of the food and went out for lunch.

I don't work, but there are still lots of potlucks. Since mostly the dishes are provided by women, and at least half of them are desserts which I don't eat anyway, I usually make some good meat like barbecue or carnitas. Then I at least have something to eat, as will any other carnivores who show up.

our potlocks at our office are always great but our office is about 10 people. They actually helped a lot during a bad period of low moral (to get people together to talk about something other than work) and eat.
I got sick of them when someone decreed that they would be on Friday's and everyone should wear a Hawaiian shirt or sport shirt or such. Like you I would go have my lunch elsewhere.

The secretaries and I would foot the bill (and prepare) for a spontaneous, cheese, olives, pate, ham, salami, smoked salmon, crackers, french bread, etc. They were great moral builders. Seemed more of a real event versus a forced one.

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