OK, How Many 5 Year Olds Could You Take In A Fight

"You could take on 30 five year old kids in a fight."

Look out ya little brats! I'll kick yer @ss! :bat:

Q: "....would you resort to biting and/or eye-gouging?"
A: Heck yeah! I didn't watch the 3 Stooges for nothing! :D

Q: "How would you feel about the fact that you're fighting a bunch of kids?"
A: "To hell with morality, I'd be too busy pile-driving, crane-kicking, and bare-knuckle bashing them all the way back to kintergarten." (See above answer)

Q: "....would you feel morally comfortable picking up a child and using him/her as a weapon to throw at other children?"
A: I think the last 2 answers give a clue! It's a bird. It's plane. No, it's a 5 year old!

BTW....Stay off my d*mn lawn!!!


I know the test severely overestimated my fighting abilities. I am a Mom, and I know from experience that getting just ONE active five-year-old to bed is enough to wear me out for the evening!
I'm ashamed to say 33. Ashamed because one three year old pretty much finishes me off but it takes about 14 hours to do it.
25 according to the score, but my sister is a Kindergarten teacher, so I bet she could take on at least 50!
You could take on 25 five year old kids in a fight.

I was hoping for more.
This can't be right. I can take on 33 of them, maybe with fighting dirty. 33 is a fricking army! I'm not superman.
I volunteer for playground duty at my kid's preschool once in a while. Believe me, 3-4 is the max you could take. They can climb on you pretty quickly.
I'm disappointed. I thought this was going to be an action game, like tossing penguins.
I'm ashamed to say 33. Ashamed because one three year old pretty much finishes me off but it takes about 14 hours to do it.

Kids can wear you out ! We have four soon to be five grandchildren under age five .They are so much fun but after a day with just one or two of them I need a nap !
34. I suspect that it is because they are not armed with bazookas.
I suspect that it is because they are not armed with bazookas.

My son does more unintentional damage to me in 2 hours with a 2lb metal truck than any soldier has ever done in a full days work with a bazooka.
stomped 22 of the little boogers (though i fudged one answer knowing it would up my score); sneeky grup.

1.grup A grown-up in the minority, finding themselves among younger people. Coined by Adrian Spies, writer of the Star Trek episode featuring a post-apocalyptic world where only teenagers survived.
23 which I highly doubt in real life. I am with Al this could have be a very fun little flash game not a stupid quiz.
28........I am a wimp...........:(
15 - thought I would get a higher score. In reality, ONE five year old would wear me out in about an hour! I was quite a tired and grumpy mom!
Well one five year old and one three year old did me in last night .I thought I'd let them open one present and then we'd eat and then we'd open the rest of the presents .What a joke ! We ended up with all the presents open and paper everwhere before we even hit the appetizers .So I have to revise my answer to zero they can take me anytime.
Only 12. Thanks, Martha, I figured I would be the wimp of the group.

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