Old habits die hard


Moderator Emeritus
Dec 11, 2002
I (*gasp*) drank a can of diet Pepsi yesterday.

To put that in perspective, it's the first soda I've had in at least two years-- probably longer. These days I usually drink water or iced tea and we rarely even buy soda for kids & guests, let alone for personal consumption. I stopped drinking soda five years ago when I retired and I don't have any cravings or longings for it. Now it just tastes too sweet, it's too fizzy, and it's not something I can chug all day (like water) when I'm surfing or sweating.

But I was doing errands down on Subase and I ran into an old shipmate. We were sitting on a shaded lanai surrounded by the smells & noises-- hot concrete/asphalt, salt water slapping the pilings, rubber fenders scraping the piers, diesel fuel & engines, clanging metal & tools, uniforms bustling around everywhere. It was literally stinkin' hot around us, my eyes were squinting from the glare, and we were talking about how the Navy's gone to hell in a handbasket much things have changed since we retired. (He's a contractor at my last command and things aren't going well so the conversation was punctuated by tears of laughter.) In short it pretty much replicated my typical sea-duty inport workdays when I'd be topside bitching about a problem getting ready to head home. In those days I drove a car without A/C so I occasionally bought a cold soda can from the machine to drink on the way. I can't tell you why I didn't keep a cooler or a frozen bottle in the car-- the occasional guilty pleasure of a cold can from the machine was just the default back then.

I said aloha to Wilson, walked toward the car, and found myself putting a dollar bill into the soda machine (hey, where's my change?!?). It felt just right, cold & biting, and half the can's contents were gone by the time I hit the gate outbound. We'd chatted for a long time so I was driving home in rush-hour traffic for the first time in months. Of course I didn't have to race to pick up my kid at the after-school program or get home to start dinner, but I could even feel the same sense of pressure to maneuver through the traffic. That weird time-travel experience lasted all the way to the garage and I even felt a bit guilty when I tossed the empty into the recycle bin.

I've been to that same location numerous times since ER and I never had this experience before. It must've been the combination of sitting around the ambiance, enjoying the conversation, and falling into an old groove. This morning it's over-- I don't have any interest in cold diet Pepsi. I think it was all the environment and unsubconscious behavior.

I wonder if this is how smokers start up again or alcoholics fall off the wagon.
Cool it, Nords. Before you know it, you'll be sucking down two diet pepsi's a day. Then it'll be three. These are, of course, gateway drinks that will lead you to REGULAR pepsi by the calorie-laden six pack!!!! :D :D :D
I can sympathize. I used to drink a 12 pack of regular Pepsi a day until the doctor told me to stop it. Now, a few years later, I find it too sweet too.
I was at 2 * 2 liter diet Cokes per day for most of the last 20 years, both at home
and work. About 5 years ago I quit soda cold turkey both home and work,
switching to water. After maybe a year I started drinking at work again, mainly
to help stay awake. For the last 1.5 years, I stopped again, having only the
occasional soda when I am over at a friends house or eating out.

Each time, it was very easy to start and stop again, and no particular motivation
for doing so, except the vague feeling that water was healthier than the diet
soda, and it was a pain lugging all those 2-liter bottles to work on my bike.
Ever since I started running and lifting. IE getting into shape. I rarely drink soda's either. Rather have tea or water.
This thread makes me drool. My caffeine of choice is Mountain Dew and I essentially gave it up for this pregnancy. I think I've had 3 sodas in 4 months.
Nords, you are such a good writer that you can make a story out of drinking a can of Diet Pepsi and make it interesting too. Kudos!
I quit drinking diet cokes a few months ago. No particular reason to do it then. I just kept hearing that the carbonation is not good for you and I drank a lot -- maybe 6 cans a day. It was not difficult and I haven't had any inkling to regress. I now keep a gallon of diet green tea in the ice box. I don't know if that is really any better but I feel touchy-feely righteous :LOL:
When they develop a 12 step program for Coke Zero, please let me be the first to sign up :-[

I can't help myself. It's the least fattening thing I can do to keep my hands busy at work, and my office is right near the kitchen.

I know i should drink water instead, but I'm hooked.
I can drink a 12 pak of diet Pepsi in about a day and a half if I am home on the weekend :eek:

So what are the specific issues doctors have given for quitting the carbonated diet drinks?

Like saluki said, it seems the least fattening 'habit' I can have, and since I don't smoke, or even drink more than a beer or two a month anymore...

I guess I'm looking for some needed 'negative motivation' if I'm going to give 'em up.
The only negative thing I've noticed is that I have heard and noticed with myself that they tend to stimulate appetite. So if you're trying to lose weight, diet soft drinks are not your friend.

Years ago, when I smoked, I would also have pop (soda) to drink while I was smoking all day. Before I drank coffee, I would start the day with a can of Coke. Switched to Pepsi, my DH's drink of choice at the time, after marriage. I stopped smoking 12/31/85 and have steadily cut my consumption of pop. I usually drink pop or have a beer if I am eating pizza, which is not often. I mostly drink water, coffee or milk. I went to my club meeting today and we also eat lunch. I poured 1/2 glass of Diet Coke to drink. I ended up pouring about 1/2 of that down the sink. My DH likes his Diet Pepsi though.
On the rare occasion I have a mixed drink, Jack is my copilot, too. :D

On the soda thing, someone at work talked about leeching calcium from the bones, contributing to osteoporitis, but I don't know .... heck, Google is there, lemmee spin a search.... [leaves and returns]

Well, it is not definitive, but there have been some studies:

Of course, the sugared varieties are bad for reasons of their own:

Heck, and on an Early Retirement Forum, the best reason of all to quit is the cost....

@ $3.50 /12 pack, one per wk, 52 wks/yr = $182.50/yr I could avoid by drinking good old H2O.

I'm not saying I am committed yet, but it is on the short list...
14thMed said:
The ONLY time I drink Soda(Diet Coke) is with Jack.

Same here, except it's regular coke. The diet coke just doesn't taste right w/ the Jack.
Oldbabe said:
Nords, you are such a good writer that you can make a story out of drinking a can of Diet Pepsi and make it interesting too. Kudos!

I rarely drink soda. When I was a kid, my parents only let us have it when we were ill with an upset stomach. To this day, drinking soda makes me feel like I am sick. :LOL:
Gave up all sodas almost 2 years ago. The only thing I miss is a good root beer once and a while.
saluki9 said:
.... Coke Zero, ..... It's the least fattening thing I can do

SecondCor521 said:
The only negative thing I've noticed is that I have heard and noticed with myself that they tend to stimulate appetite. So if you're trying to lose weight, diet soft drinks are not your friend.


I've heard there are more and more studies to back this up. The sweet taste triggers the appetite, but the body isn't getting any calories to appease it. There seems to be a response that says - I want the real stuff!!! And, you end up taking in even more calories from other sources to make up for the ones that you got cheated out of.

It is a bit like smelling that food cooking in the oven for an hour before dinner, there are no calories in the smell - but it makes you hungry!

You can't fool Mother Nature.

Graze all day, drink lots of water. That helps keeps the body from wanting more than it needs, as it isn't trying to make up for being deprived. But it is still tough, millions of years of evolution say get food while it is available, and today, it is always available.

Since I'm allergic to all artifical sweeteners I don't drink any of them. I stopped the regular sodas a long time ago and drink soda water with cranberry juice or those flavored bubbly water.

Going back to the regular soda must be like back to whole milk after getting use to skim or 1%, the whole milk is too thick and heavy to be refreshing.
My favorite stock, Jones Soda (JSDA), has just switched from HFCS to cane sugar as a sweetener. This should make it more appealing than many other sodas.
Diet Coke was my addiction of choice. On a good day I would be chugging down a couple of those 500 ml plastic bottles a day. I only ever drank out of the cans when I was desparate as to me the taste was different. When I was stressed I would head for the Diet Coke. I was an addict.

10 months ago I gave it up cold turkey and have not had any soda since. My reason for doing so was I could feel it burning my insides as it went down so figured it could not be good for me. In the 10 months snce I went clean I have not touched the stuff or any other sodas. This is quite an accomplishment because the company I work at provides free sodas. I don't intend to allow myself even one sip because I know if I do I'll fall off the wagon and be an addict again.

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