Permanent Portfolio- PRPFX

From "CFB":

"It means that the dollar would be practically worthless, the US economy destabilized, and investors running in wide eyed fear of their lives and property."

I'm buying PRPFX in a fairly big way and I'm doing so in hopes of some protection against the possibility of the above scenerio that CFB so eloquently articulated ....:)
permanent portfolio is my best performing fund ytd. while still down its down the least ,considering every sector except treasuries got beat to death. even my growth and income funds were killed... theres still a place for this in my mix
Well,Afteer Reaching Finanical Retirement, I jumped off that train of Playing with a Dozen Funds, etc.. and I don't Buy AMBF's ( Active Managed Bal. Funds) for what they own or how much of it they own.. I bought them yrs back after seeing how they did vs my portfolio of a dozen funds and if they did as good or better? They got my $.. I just trust they make better decisions than I could and they just let them do it and I don't have to keep playing "Who's On First" With a Dozen other I used to.. And I use this Portfolio to compare to another Account I have with a investment Firm..

I consider AMBF's Just like Hiring a Firm to put together a Port and manage it for me.. and since most firms charge a 1-2% Fee + the funds Fees, it's the same thing to me.. Pay a firm or pay a AMBF..

I used to own VWELX and VWINX , but not since 99'... ( they've ave about 7% since 98-07' ) on a per $10k CB: About $21k for VWELX and $ 19k for VWINX

My AMBF's have ave. about 10.5% per same 10 yrs ( ending 07')
Per $10k CB = $26k

I own 4 AMBF's and Added additional Bond Funds to get a 40/60 Mix.. Similar to VWINX Mix.. for both my Retirement and A Charitable Trust..

I'd love to See VWINX beat these guys consistantly, but that has not been the case.. Maybe with New Mgrs at the Helm for VWINX & VWELX they will...

If they beat VWINX and VWELX most of the time, it's fine with me

I Noticed in 03' comparisons btwn VWINX vs My AMBF's/Port did considerbly better ( Like Over Double ) and +5% more in 04' & 05'..

But, Craveous emptor as they say.. In regards to ANY AMF's.. Active Non Indexed Managed Funds.. Don't plan to buy & hold forever.. When Mgmnt chagnes or they get too big, close, or some other reasons? Time to move on.. That's why I keep 4 invested in and another 3-4 on my Short-watch list..

Most recently a few yrs ago, bailed out of DODBX as an example..

I found as An Alternative to VWINX and other Conservative Index Bal. Funds? GLRBX & BERIX..

Of course, DYOR..Don't take my word for it, nor anyone else's for that matter..& IAD..(ItAllDepends ) on what your goals are for you & your $..vs your abilities..and of course, "Know Thy Limitations" .... I was one of the best in my Profession, but after yrs of trying, had to admit not in other professions like investing and thus the main reason for what I do with my $.. If you found your better than Balanced Funds say for the past 10 yrs? Keep dong what your doing ..& Good 4 U..

And After becomming Financially able to retire and now Getting in my 60's? I'm Not that Interested in making More Millions as much anymore..More Important things to me now.. Like giving back to the Society and individuals that helped me along my way.
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