Please share something in this thread you have never shared in any other thread


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Sep 4, 2010
midwestern city
Starting with me : on top of seeing patients every week, I also work for a consulting firm.

I guess I am a complete workaholic :)
According to the Navy, I was medically repairable. My medical repair consisted of my saying I felt just fine at my weight and height and was willing to go through boot camp and get to sailing the seas.
4 more days from now will be my 2nd anniversary of "retirement". I have never regretted taking the plunge and have been enjoying each and every day. I recommend it for everyone who is thinking about one more year.:LOL:
Please share something in this thread you have never shared in any other thread

Holy cow...after my 8k+ posts, this is gonna take me awhile. I got some figgerin' to do. :blink:
After reading all the James Herriot books I can't pass a cow without an urge to rush over and thrust my arm up its backside.

Well, you did ask....
You moved to Texas after retirement, right? :cool:

Yep, little chance of walking past a cow here. it's those vacations in the Yorkshire Dales that are re-igniting the urges :)
My idea of being organic is taking a dump in the woods.
I made $7600 the year my husband left me (20 years ago). Although I didn't qualify for the full gamut of welfare, I gladly accepted WIC and reduced daycare. Without it I would not be where I am today. It took awhile for me to get back on my feet. I was and still am grateful for the safety net.
I ran with the bulls in Pamplona multiple times. I was young then. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Tin - that is what the safety net is for. Don't feel bad. I personally think being really, really broke at some point in one's life is actually a good thing. It sharpens the focus. Congrats with being able to overcome a sh*tty situation and prospering.
After reading all the James Herriot books I can't pass a cow without an urge to rush over and thrust my arm up its backside.

Well, you did ask....

I'd be more concerned (and ROTFLMAO) if you couldn't resist succombing to that urge. >:D
After reading all the James Herriot books I can't pass a cow without an urge to rush over and thrust my arm up its backside.

Well, you did ask....

I watched my uncle do that one time after a cow birthed and all of the after birth did not come out. That had happened before and he called a vet to do the same thing. I watched that, too. My uncle learned from the vet and did it himself the next time.
I am reading the Maisie Dobbs series books and really enjoying the stories!
Just inside my front door, I have a very large framed copy of a Louis Icart print (below) entitled "Youth", that I picked up at a junk shop for $10. It is supposed to be in color, but my copy is black and white.

For some reason I absolutely adore it, but I am slightly embarrassed to say so. I suspect most people would think it was silly looking because it is so overly romanticized and girly-girl. On the other hand, it is my house so I really don't care - - I like it.


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Is this the confessional?:LOL:

I dream of living in a small log cabin in the Alps. All I want is a quiet life spent tending the garden and raising a few chickens (like my grandparents). I want to live close to nature, with the sound of church and cow bells all around, and fresh air running through the house. I have the land and enough money to make the dream come true, but DW would be bored to death.
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