Poll: Your side of the bed?

Your side of the bed?

  • Always the same side, never ever otherwise

    Votes: 147 65.0%
  • Depends on my spouse/partner; I get whatever side is empty

    Votes: 8 3.5%
  • Mostly the same side, but may be different travelling

    Votes: 71 31.4%
  • Random, we just get into bed and don't think about it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Nov 17, 2015
A recent discussion with a friend has me curious: Do you have a "set" side of the bed with your spouse/partner? Or do you not care?

How about when travelling and staying in hotels etc.?

I'll refrain from adding my thoughts for a bit, as I don't want to "poison" the poll!
Absolutely same side. Whether traveling, camping, etc. Took us about 1 night to figure this out too.
I have me theory on this, but will keep it under wraps until the poll has had a few days to run - so as to also not bias the data.

DW has a set side, always the same no matter where we are, I get the other side. Been that way from day one forty years ago.
Mostly the same side, but may be different travelling.... DW always wants the side that is closest to the bathroom :LOL::facepalm:

Coincidentially, both at home and in Florida, that means she gets the right side (as lying in bed... akin to the passenger side in a car) and I get the left side.

However, if we're traveling and the room layout is such that the bathroom is closer to the left side, then she takes that side.

Strange I know, but I didn't know about that before I married her. :D
You need at least 2 other choices! I sleep on whichever side the door is on, but I know at least one friend that sleeps on whatever side the bathroom is on.
I hardly ever have to get up during the night. DH on the other hand has to get up a few times during the night. So I always get the side away from the bathroom. I think one time after surgery I got the side closer to the bathroom...
Wow..You guys are allowed on the bed?
I hardly ever have to get up during the night. DH on the other hand has to get up a few times during the night. So I always get the side away from the bathroom. I think one time after surgery I got the side closer to the bathroom...

and here I thought that I was the only one that slept on the side away from the bathroom due to spousal preference for the side near the bathroom. :D
You need at least 2 other choices! I sleep on whichever side the door is on, but I know at least one friend that sleeps on whatever side the bathroom is on.

Then that would be the "may differ when travelling thing" because presumably, your bed-to-door position at home doesn't change too often? (I do like to rearrange furniture once in a while, but not enough to impact the poll!)
What kind of a monster just sleeps on a "random" side of the bed ?

Have these people no bedside tables ?!
+1 the 4th/random choice was odd... who does that?

The second choice was also odd, but could describe us as well... she always takes the side near the bathroom and I get the leftovers (again)
We are close to bathroom for her. Since the onset of prostate, it makes little sense but I can manoevre in the dark now.
I would say the middle but I think this is the wrong poll for that comment. :cool: So I'll say mostly one side (right side).
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The bathroom thing makes sense! But that doesn't matter with us. DW cannot sleep on any other side but her designated side (left, when looking from the foot of the bed). Bathrooms be damned. :LOL:
At home, DW always has the side by the bathroom. And she takes the bathroom side in hotels. But at our former snowbird condo, I had the bathroom side. I suppose DW will always have the bathroom side in the future.
Set sides for 40+ years. We had to change for a couple weeks after my detached retnia surgery to keep me from laying on my back. Not fun.
I'm single and thought that the poll would not apply, but my lab sleeps in the bed with me so I'll take him into consideration. I try to sleep on the same side, but sometimes he settles in and takes my regular position. Also with a dog as many of you know, they think their half is actually in the middle. Who knew a king size bed would be so small? lol :LOL:
This is one of DW's idiosyncrasies. She always prefers that I sleep on the side closest to the door, at home or when traveling, to "protect" her from anyone or thing that might come through it. She knows it is irrational but she cannot help it. I am fine to go along with it.
Generally, we always sleep on the same sides of the bed. When traveling, we would switch sides only if my "normal" side cannot accommodate my CPAP machine.
Actually, my "side" is the 4 inch strip against the left edge that is not occupied by the young wife and cats.
Always the same side at home but occasionally when traveling we switch sides because DW does not like the A/C vent or unit blowing cold air on her.
Same side at home because we place our books, chargers, meds, etc on the night table/storage space on our respective sides of the bed.

When travelling, we usually flip sides just to change things up, unless one side has better access to an electrical outlet which I'll grab since I'll manage the nightly charging of our gear.
Actually, my "side" is the 4 inch strip against the left edge that is not occupied by the young wife and cats.
Good thing you stay slim and enjoy side sleeping. :LOL:
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